Life Stages

Life Stages
For those who have asked about Maureen (mrstjohnson)
For those who were asking about my co-worker Maureen. This blog has a lovely picture of her and her youngest son. It's a donation site, but it is the only "public" site that I felt comportable posting without permission of the family. For moderator's sake - I am not asking for donations...
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Good vibes and prayers
My stupid self let babycat out yesterday around 6pm she stays in the gate but I had fell asleep and forgot all about her until this morning when it hit me I let her out last night. Well she's no where to be found I've been looking all day today :( Good vibes on Babycats return please. I need...
This time good thots & prayers for me pretty please?
I'm home again today -- I've been MIA a lot because I'm going thru the worst bout of sciatica *ever*. I've been to all doctors multiple times (chiro, therapist/homeopath, regular doctor) and at this point I'm on the strongest muscle relaxer out there but the nerve just plain won't...
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Mom's still not doing well (Callie)
She is home -- but she's still in a ton of pain. My mother is the original "take charge" person and this has her scared enough that she's in a dangerous place mentally. Dad's 88, Mom's 87 and neither are in good health. Aging parents is no fun for any of us -- and mine are fiercely...
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Vibes for Bugsy Take Two 3/26/12
Bugsy and I head to Charlottesville, VA tomorrow morning between 4:30 and 5 am! He is to see the vet at 9am and then toddle off to surgery. They keep him overnight and I pick him up some time on Wednesday. The weather isn't going to be very good, apparently the snow isn't too bad but it will...
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Vibes for Bugsy's surgery and my nerves LOL
After a few days of not being too gimpy he's really, really gimpy again and I am getting stressed out/anxious. I am literally counting the days and hours until we leave for the surgery (Tuesday March 5) My asking for vibes is that this guy goes in, the tendon is clearly the issue and all goes well...
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Need some vibes for my grandson - kpwlee
My 7 yr old grandson has been hospitalized due to a serious complication from chicken pox - blood poisoning. That is all I know right now. They are all in the UK so I hope to keep updated All vibes appreciated!
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No "C" vibes for a friend please (janobonano)
Can I please get some BENIGN vibes for a friend who found a lump on her breast? She had a biopsy and is supposed to get the results today. I can't give out much info because she wants to keep it confidential. She is way too young to be dealing with this. Thanks.
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Prayers for George -- boxer/pit mix
Man, my heart is really really burdened for this one -- it's a guy I met on the FB IMHA thread ... George has been fighting a while, money has become a huge object and they just lost another "buddy" in the fall. I just can't help but feel prayer and good thots could turn this around...
Miss Tango
She's dying, I'm sure of it now... She took a turn for the worst this past weekend and its time to let her go. This will be the first cat in years that I've had to help cross the bridge and I pray I'm strong enough..
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Prayers for a co-workers Mom please
I received an early morning email from a co-worker. Janel and her sis are on their way to FL where her mother is in critical care. Janel asked for prayers that her mom doesn't suffer and isn't too uncomfortable. I'd add to that prayers for strength for Janel and her sister, dad and the entire...
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Thoughts and prayers for my daughter please - shadowsgin
I dont know how much I have shared or not. My daughter, Heather will have hip replacement surgery tomorrow. I am leaving early, wee hours, in the morning to be there for the 9:30 surgery in Tulsa. I know how strong the prayers and vibes from you are so I will ask that you send some her way. I will be...
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Update on Max's family
I've got Max for the next week while his family is out of town. They finished chemo this past week and decided to take a trip to Vegas. She sounds a lot better then the last time I spoke to her. Now we just wait and see if the treatment helped at all.. Alex and I have been talking and he's agreed...
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Share some interesting dog toys here.
Hi, there, you bought some interesting dog toys for your puppy? Or you see some interesting toys' pics to share, share here, please 1.Eco-friendly Non-toxic Chicken Shape Rubber Squeaker Dog Toy 2.Squeaky Football Shape Plastic Ball Dog Toy 3.Cartoon Style Non-toxic Squeaky...
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For a friend - Shadowsgin -UPDATE
My supervisor's Son-in-law, who went to school with my kids, has battled lukemia since his pre-teen years. He has been cancer free for the last several years. Once he was cancer free he asked his long time sweetheart to marry him. They are really good kids. Both work very hard she's a nurse he...
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My Dad ( Update & Picture )
Thursday my dad had a mini stroke. He was fine that morning he went to the doctors got a flu shot he came home and he looked tired so we told him go to bed of course he doesn't listen but he said he was hungry so my mom made him eggs. My younger sister came over with the kids and my dad sat at the...
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Prayers and Thoughts for my cousin
My cousin O.D once again she just O.D in june I can't even count how many times she has O.D she's 33 years old has 3 kids. I just found out today went and seen her she's out of it she couldn't focus on me or even talk she just mumbled if she did try to answer me. I would ask her who am...
Thoughts for Max's family
Max, a dog I watch, is staying with me for a while. His owners are in the city, in the hospital right now. His mom was diagnosed with aggressive lung cancer and it had spread to her spleen. She started chemo this past week and seems to responding well. So if I could get some thoughts for them and...
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wishes for high pcv number on next blood test
Honey is my 9-yr-old pit bull and has been fighting with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) since May - she just had her 4th transfusion and we've increased her meds to help her keep the red blood cells. Resources are running out so I'm looking for anything that will help....good thoughts...
Tennis Ball Product Alert!
I saw this on the website for my Agility facility, thought I'd share. Product alert! There are tennis balls made by Tretorn called "Tretorn X" that contain an inert substance which presumably helps with the bounce. However, when the dog pops open the tennis ball while chewing, the ...