Forum Threads
Marley & Me - did you see it?
Posted to: News & Entertainment
Hi all! I've been super busy lately and therefore not much time to post but I saw Marley & Me on Christmas and am curious if anyone else saw it. What did you think? Notice - I'm writing something below that hints at something that occurs if the movie so if you haven't read the book...
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What Factors Influence the Cost of Network Cabling Services?
Posted to: Community Help Center
The cost of Network cabling services can vary based on several factors, including the size and complexity of the project, the type of cabling used, and the provider's expertise. Larger spaces or more intricate setups will naturally require more resources, leading to higher costs. Furthermore...
This is Crazy! Honor Student Banned For Buying Skittles!
Posted to: News & Entertainment """""Conn. Student Suspended For Buying Candy In School NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) ― An eighth-grade honors student at a New Haven school has been suspended for buying a bag of candy at school. Michael Sheridan...
I lost my job yesterday...but Roamer made my day.
Posted to: News & Entertainment
This sucks . I got laid-off yesterday afternoon, but in spite of that my day was a great one. Roamer the stray dog, has been coming around every day since last Friday, actually spends the night and leaves in the morning. Up until now, he has let me come close to him for belly rubs, as I was getting...
  • 21 REPLIES
Our turn now? glenmar
Posted to: Life Stages
If bad things come in threes, how about good things? DH really, REALLY needs a job and soon. My niece is in Guatamala to pick up her new daughter...the whole family is there. My Mom sold her house, and the man who bought her condo when she built the house looked at it this weekend and is a back...
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A great app
Posted to: Life Stages
I am a long time dog lover and I like games that both me and my dog can enjoy. I found a fun iPhone app called Speak Dog. This app allows you to enter a phrase and it translates the phrase to dog. It always makes me laugh and my dog enjoys hearing the barks coming from my phone.
  • 10 REPLIES
Dog Becoming Very Nervous/Excited
Posted to: Life Stages
Hi everyone, our girl Wheaten Terrier, Roxie, is 6 & 1/2. In the past couple months, she goes through stages where she acts very nervous and on edge. We can't make sudden moves around her or loud noises because she becomes very anxious. Sometimes if she is upstairs with us , all it takes is someone...
  • 12 REPLIES
UPDATE! Need help! What to wear?
Posted to: News & Entertainment
I applied for a job as an evening kennel manager...and I got a call back for an interview. What should I wear? The interview is Monday, and it's supposed to be very warm, plus I have to walk dogs all afternoon (they know this), and I'm going to go right from walking dogs to the interview (they...
  • 18 REPLIES
​What is Handicap Betting? The Quickest Way to Calculate Handicap...
Posted to: Choosing A Dog
What is Handicap Betting? The Quickest Way to Calculate Handicap Odds in 2023 Handicap betting is no longer unfamiliar to professional sports bettors. However, for those new to the game, this term can still be quite confusing. In this article, Wintips will answer your questions about what...
​Instructions on how to play Handicap odds
Posted to: Choosing A Dog
Instructions on how to play Handicap odds Handicap odds, often referred to as Asian Handicap (AH), are a type of sports betting that originated in Asia. It is designed to eliminate the possibility of a draw in sports events and provide more balanced odds, especially in situations where there...
Feeling discouraged
Posted to: News & Entertainment
I've always known I've wanted to work with dogs. I love them...I can't describe how much I love them. Today, I guess for the first time, I was talking to my dad about it. He said, "Yeah that would probably be a good part time job for you during university." I pursued him on that...
just checkin in (with some good news!!) (jm)
Posted to: News & Entertainment
hi guys. just checking in. i havent been on in a while... sorry about that. the last 2 months or so, i was kinda depressed. freelance work was slowing WAY down and i had nothing to do all day. couldnt find a job and was basically going out of my mind. well i GOT A JOB!! it's not interior design at...
  • 11 REPLIES
Bugsy and 'his' kids - pics added
Posted to: News & Entertainment
Just time for one pic -this one seems to express how the game went
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financial investment / emergency funds
Posted to: News & Entertainment
We used to have our liquid money in CDs but with interest being sub 1% that means we technically are losing money as inflation is more than interest. Ugh. So where do you keep your emergency fund / liquid money? I don't want anything high risk but was hoping to at least keep pace with inflation...
  • 20 REPLIES
What U Need To Know About Occult Gems - Diablo 4 Season 7
Posted to: Choosing A Dog
Diablo 4 season 7 is coming, and it also brings a lot of new mechanisms. Among them, witchcraft power is the most distinctive mechanism of this season, and many new gameplays will be derived for players to explore. In order to maximize these powers, Occult Gems are necessary. As a new gem that appears...
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