Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Finn - What do you think I am?
I know he's young, but I'm curious what you all think. He'll be five months later this month. He is 29 pounds right now. He's also not really white like the pictures make him look. He's more of a yellow color, like a lab. Also, he came from Georgia, if that is any help. ...
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what do you think I am?
I've got my guesses - but let's hear yours! Girl is about 8 years old - and was abandoned at a school in Tampa... they held her for her stray time, and we've taken her from there. She's a sweet girl - loves to walk, and is a bit tubby. Not too thrilled with other dogs - so it seems...
Breed decisions are imminent! (corvus)
Getting our next dog has become more than just idle musings this week. Kivi has been with my parents to give Penny a break and he is just wallowing in supreme happiness at the live-in dog park that is my parents' house. He is keeping himself constantly worn out as every time he finds some energy...
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Boerboels and Bullmastiffs
We had set on getting another rottweiler a while back and I had been searching for a breeder. I stopped at a vet's office the other day to pick up an article on something he does there and met a dog called a boerboel, the breed from S Africa originally, owned by the vet. I researched them some and...
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What breeds are they?
We want to know if anyone has any idea what breeds our dogs are. (: When we got both of them we weren't too sure if they were pure bred or not so now we just want to get other people's opinions. Here's the first one. [URL=][IMG]http...
Is This Boy a Min Pin???
Long story short here. Some friends have posession of a friend's dog that they were going to euth. My friends were going to help their friend euth this little guy but when they met him they said that they'd take him home instead. He's 8, not on his deathbed like his previous owners were saying...
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Breeder question
How did you get started as a breeder? I've chosen my breed, found a mentor and have researched the possible health problems. I plan on starting with a male and getting as many titles on him as possible, in both conformation and sports as well as breed specific titles. I won't be getting my prospective...
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What could Lillian be?
Found this sweet girl on petfinder....what are your best guesses? Hope the link works, if not her # is 13984232 (labrador mix named Lillian). Thanks for the guesses!!
Working pit bulls?
Anyone have experience working a pit bull? Like Schutzhund, ring sport, higher levels of obedience, etc? How does one go about finding a breeder that breeds dogs with drive and working ability, but not ones breeding those pit bulls that look like they've been on hormones since birth? Or, is the Am...
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is this a border collie?
the gentleman a couple of farms over passed recently and the grandkids asked if we woulld consider 'adopting' his dog. she's got an excellent temprament (sic), sweet and quiet. she's 24lbs., 17 inches tall, 2 years old+/-..... his grandaughter said she thought Dixie was a miniature collie...
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Scottish Deerhound
Dh and I have been discussing adding another dog to our family in a few years. We both are wanting to research for a while. We have really narrowed it down to an Airedale pr a Scottish deerhound - leaning more towards the deerhound. I have been to the brred website and looked at a few breeder websites...
I want another Lapphund!
Oh my goodness, I've been having vague (and not so vague) thoughts about abandoning all challenging breeds and just getting another Finnish Lapphund. And then my friend goes and takes a squillion photos of the so-called "Rainbow Litter" currently at 3 1/2 weeks old. It's the Rainbow...
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Luna, what is she?
Any clue as to what she could be mixed with? She is around 12 weeks old and was found wanderring the park. Her ears are fluffly but her body is not. [IMG][/IMG] [IMG]
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Question for herding experts (shadowsgin)
I got an email from another forum about a Newf needing a home, he was rescued by Big Dogs Huge Paws. When I went to look at him I saw a beautiful 6 yr old girl that I have never heard of...... AKBASH. I did a yahoo search for that name and turns out its a herding breed. I have really learned alot here...
What kind of dog is my puppy made out of?!
Here's the story! I adopted this puppy two weeks ago today, May 28th. It's really your typical story... I work at a veterinary clinic and I received a call from someone who wanted to get this puppy vaccinated but it wasn't her puppy. Being curious I asked her how she came about this puppy...
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Warm climate breeds??
Just curious....What breed of dog does well in a warm climate? I *think* Chi's and Greyhound's, Whippets, Italian Greyhound's do...but that's all I can think of. I'm not saying which breed after vigorously exercising in hot weather will be OK or anything. Just breeds that *don't...
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Cocker Spaniels
[blockquote]The day before Mother's Day this year I adopted a Cocker Spaniel from the local SPCA. According to the vet, he is about 10 years old (judging by his teeth), and his overall health is good, barring a slight allergy whcih he is dealing with very well, thank you. He is the sweetest and best...
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My parents said I can get my own dog, and I've been in love with the pbgv for a couple years now and its my dream dog. I've met a few at dog shows I've gone to and they are such little clowns and seem like they would fit into our life style perfectly. The only problem is I cant find a breeder...
yellow labs and viszlas - need help with breeders!
My sister in law is looking to get a puppy. She has a large house with a fenced yard, and 2 children - a 3 year old boy and 6 year old girl. She wants either a yellow lab or a viszla and is asking for my help. My experience is with small breeds so I don't know much about large, working type breeds...
Dobe Breeder suggestions
Hi all! : ) For quite some time now I've known what I'd like my next dog to be...a doberman pinscher to do conformation with, as well as obedience. I don't plan on getting one (IF I get one) until the beginning of 2010, at the earliest. I've considered adoption, as I there is a local...
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