Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
HELP!!! identify the breed of my dog please!?!? xx
He's 10 months old now and goes by the name Akira, We think he's a siberian husky possibly cross... but were not experts!!! We think he is big for his age, he's really friendly and playful but hates being left alone! any help would be awesome. I'm not sure how to attach a picture to this...
Bull Terrier Owners???
Any more of you out there???
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what breed is my dog?
hey everyone, could you please help me identify what my dog is? I only got her a few days ago and i'm not too sure how to care for her the best that i can because i do not know what type she is. Hopefully with everyones help, i will be able to! Thank you so much
Miniature Pinschers
This week we have been minding Alex the Min Pin for my partner's parents. Alex traditionally drives me crazy. He is tiny and he shivers and whines and it seems like he is always anxious. In the car he does whiney yelps and jumps up and down. He can keep it up for about an hour, we have discovered...
Question about my Beagle
I am worried that my Beagle might be a "pocket beagle" because people keep telling me that they think she is petite for her age. How would I go about finding out whether or not she is? She just turned 7 months old, so she is still a puppy, but I am a little concerned. Thanks, Trevor
"--doodle" question - just curious
everyone here of course is aware of the burgeoning number of "new breeds" often ending in "oodle" for example, goldendoodle, schnoodle, puggle, what have you. Well i was just thinking about this the other day-out of sheer curiousity, do "oodle" breeders cross two "oodle"...
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Slick Websites and Modern Puppy Buying
I'm pleased to see that the old brick and mortar puppy store seems to be fading away, with the possible exception of the megastores. However, there's a newish phenomenon plaguing the purebred puppy "market" - the mega web store. These are specialist breeders who breed on a massive scale...
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Guarding Breeds for Israel's weather
I know of only a few guarding breeds but I would like to get more breeds so that my boss can get the one that will fitt right in. I know the weather will play a big factor but he says he wants a good guard dog no matter what kind of weather it was made for as he will acclimate the dog. He said if the...
Please help ID.
Hi! I would appreciate some help identifying the sweet little mutt that has wandered into my life. Thanks so much for your help!
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What would a yorkie/dachshund mix look like?
Anyone have any idea? My sister in law is getting one and I haven't ever seen that kind of mix before. The breeds look like they wouldn't be well suited together though.
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Where Working Dog = Show Dog
This is more just a historical thing, and I made it originally for somewhere else, but because it is a part of my philosophy on dog breeding, I thought others might enjoy seeing it so figured I'd post it here. From here on out everything is a copy/paste: Okay, there seems to be a bit of a contraversy...
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Treeing walker coonhounds
I was visiting my neighbor the other day and he had a stray puppy come up 5 days ago. She is totally adorable! She is only about 3.5 months old and none of the other neighbors know where she came from and no one has been looking for her. I told my neighbor that if he still hasn't found her owner...
australian terrier
Hello! Im looking a australian terrier shipping nationwide.
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Talk me out of Dobes and GSDs :)
Ok, I've always been a "retriever" person. I like their personality, outlook on life, and well Ari's got plenty of spunk! However, with recent Dobe encounters and having some familiarity already with GSDs (both in the wrong hands and in the right hands) - I have to admit, they're...
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Schnoodle anyone?
Any other Schnoodle Mama's or Papa's out there??????
new member... needs advise
Hello, I'm a new member and I'm looking for some advise. First let me give you some background on myself. I'll be a senior at Purdue University this fall but will be doing a super senior year too. My major is Animal Science. My future plans are to apply to Purdue's vet school and...
Help identify!
So, I rescue what they called a Amstaff, but bringing him I really looked at him and now I am confused. Dont Amstaffs run short? But hopefully the pics will help.
Great Pyr info please.
That I cant learn off the net. I called the rescue twice but no one has called back and I have been home all day waiting for a phone call. I'll try again tomorrow. I looked in the paper and I saw where a 2 year old GP female was free to good home so I called them to see if possibly they had found...
  • 14 REPLIES
I found this dog on the side of the road and need help
Im trying to find out who the owner is, was going to make a post about it online, would be helpful to know what kind of dog it is... the picture isnt very good quality but i hope its good enough...
Sprocker spaniels!
hey anyone got a sprocker spaniel? recently got a cross springer/cocker spaniel ? any1 got 1 and wants 2 exchange details n pics xx[ ] this is mine hes called louie would love 2 see other ppls sprockers or spaniels in general