purebred or not??

    • Bronze

    purebred or not??

     So I adopted this gorgeous man from a woman who was moving. He is a year old and (as you can see) pretty emaciated. I was told he was purebred Siberian husky and I was just wondering what some peoples opinions were about his breed. I have also had a blue heeler [mix?] for over a year (she is almost 2 yrs old now) and wanted some opinions on her as well. Thanks in advance!






    • Gold Top Dog

    the husky looks pure to me - but there are a few others on here that would know etter than I.

    The cattle dog - looks mixed, probably with another herding breed - I would think border collie more than likely

    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks like a piebald husky (white with irregular patches of any other color).

    • Gold Top Dog

    Although not preferrerd, that color pattern can occur in ACDs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Red Devil*

    He looks like a piebald husky (white with irregular patches of any other color).

    Yep, exactly what I was going to say.  He's gorgeous.  As for the ACD, her coat looks a little longer than the ACDs I've seen.  Other than that, she looks pure bred.

    BTW- both of your dogs are gorgeous.

    • Bronze

     Thank you very much :D. My ACD has always seemed to fit all the purebred standards to me (I am by far no expert though, just a nerd) but her coat never filled out with the color patterns I had always seen within them. I really don't mind if either of them aren't purebred but I have always been curious about the ACD. Again thank you all.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'd say both are purebred.

     This is an interesting site that shows all the different colors Sibes can come in (your's is piebald): http://www.huskycolors.com/

      ACDs can come in a range of ticking patterns from so light with a lot of white showing to such heavy ticking they nearly look solid. This website shows some of the variations in color of the breed, the color of your's appears to be mottled blue: http://www.kombinalong.com/study/colour.htm


    • Gold Top Dog
    I've seen lots of farmy bred heelers that looked like your dog. No problem with that! I bet she's a fun dog! I'm not a husky expert but the poor guy does look purebred. Has he been ill or did his owner just not feed him? :( Good luck with him!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Your heeler looks like Only. His father is a purebred ACD (his a farm ACD) and his mom was a beagle.

    This is the best picture I have of him he is really shy/aggressive with strangers so I can't really get close to him.

    I don't know anything about huskys but his is cute! Why is he emaciated?

    • Bronze
    I've been around a lot of ACDs/Heelers, and yours definitely looks purebred. Don't know anything about huskies, so can't comment on that!
    • Bronze

     Thanks! Sowilu, the husky (his name is Deegan) is emaciated because he was abandoned at a shelter by his previous owners who apparently had no clue on how to care for huskys. Then a woman rescued him because he was about to be euthanized. She bonded with him but has since been forced to move and was looking for someone to take him who had room and time to care for him so I have had him for a whopping 2 days now but he is just the cooles & sweetest guy ever :D. He seemed to fit the bill for purebred but I wanted to get some more advice & as for my ACD (Kiah), she is a shelter rescue as well. Her brother was up for adoption & he seemed to be all white with a very little red on his legs and some on his back. She does look a lot like the ACD/beagle cross. Her ears are always straight up though. When I searched the website AgileGSD gave me for ACD information, I found that she looks just like an ACD with the "creeping tan".

    • Gold Top Dog

    Kia and siblings must have come from farm ACDs. The only heelers I have been around are Tucker and Abby and they are blue heelers.

    I am also taking care of an emaciated dog.  

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    no ideas on the husky, but your ACD looks an awful lot like my ex's dad's farm bred ACD.  They believed her to be a mix btwn a blue heeler and a red heeler.  No idea.  But, welcome to the forum!! :D

    • Gold Top Dog
    Blue heelers and red heelers are slang for the same breed, just different colors. I agree both your dogs look purebred to me. My uncle used to work cattle with heelers (and rotties) and your dog very much reminds me of his heelers.