Treeing walker coonhounds

    • Gold Top Dog

    Treeing walker coonhounds

     I was visiting my neighbor the other day and he had a stray puppy come up 5 days ago.  She is totally adorable!  She is only about 3.5 months old and none of the other neighbors know where she came from and no one has been looking for her.  I told my neighbor that if he still hasn't found her owner by next week, I will take her and at least foster her until *when and if* a forever home comes about.  At first glance, I thought she was a beagle but her legs are a little too long.  I got home and looked online to find that she is actually a Treeing Walker Coonhound!!  Anyone know about this breed?  I have never been around this type of dog before and I am trying to learn all I can before she becomes a part of the family.  Dipstick wants to play with her and Brownie could care less!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    well - my expierences have been - ACTIVE and LOUD.

    but really fun dogs!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I know one that does Rally. He has hip dysplasia, is a noisy buggar, and has the softest ears I've ever touched. He's really a fabulous dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

     They are very popular around here. I don't really know a whole lot about them, except that they are real sweeties.

    • Gold Top Dog

     just out of curiousity i looked on petfinder to see how many there were near my zipcode (tons) but look how cute this precious angel is!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Well, I decided to take her a few days early!  I have named her Dixie and she is a total sweet heart!!  I just wish she was potty trained!!  I'll post some pics of her when she has settled in!

    • Gold Top Dog

    My uncle (in Kentucky) bred fantastic hunting treeing walkers. I myself once owned a dog half blue heeler half treeing walker. He was a FANTASTIC DOG. Full blooded treeing walkers can be hard to "break" in as family pets, they will follow their nose and let you hear it! I have found all treeing walkers to be sociable (well, the coon hunting dogs my uncle owned) but very vocal. They are extremely snuggly, loving dogs who want to please. At the same time... the nose leads.... I would not let one off leash in an unfenced area, etc. regardless of recall but I personally know them to be very tolerant of children, other dogs, etc. and would not hesitate to bring one into the family. Give her lots of runs, lots of activities, and she'll fit right in. Great breed of dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

    P.S, housebreaking can be tough in this breed. Their sense of smell is so good even when cleaned thoroughly they can pick up a trace of where urine was. Work hard at it, she'll learn! Truly, they are almost "bomb proof" dogs (in my experience) aruond other dogs, kids and strangers. Maybe it iwas because my uncles dogs were trained, but, when they got a scent of a coon.... they will stay at the tree baying for hours until the hunter comes and finds them! Imagne the possibility of channeling that drive to something else... bless you for taking care of this little girl.

    • Gold Top Dog

    We had several different coon hound breeds when I was a kid.  I found walkers to be the best when it came to socializing with humans.  They all had a gentle nature about them and were very affectionate.  My favorite was named Sam and when he stood on his hind legs he could put his front paws on any adult shoulders.  But I agree that even with the best training they shouldn't be trusted off lead.