Please help ID.

    • Bronze

    Please help ID.

     Hi!  I would appreciate some help identifying the sweet little mutt that has wandered into my life.



    Thanks so much for your help!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Kinda looks like a Jack Russell/Beagle to me. Very cute!!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I was thinkin' Doxie/JRT/Aussie! :o) She's adorable! 

    • Bronze

     Thanks, y'all.  She is absolutely the sweetest thing I have ever seen.  Already in love with my son, and so good with him!

    • Gold Top Dog

    She is so cute!  I see some Doxie too and JRT maybe but I am not good at breed guessing.  lol  What's her name?

    • Gold Top Dog

     Daschie and Jack Russell. I was gonna say all JRT, but then I saw the closeup of the floppy ears and the "dapple" coloring. Big Smile

    • Bronze

    Her name is Olive (short for Olivia).  I've known this dog for only a few days and love her so much.  She's just the sweetest thing I've ever seen! 

    • Bronze

     Yeah, I've been looking at some doxie pics, and she definitely has some of that. Look at these ears:


    I know you can't really see it in these pictures, but she has the longest most beautiful neck, too.  LOVE!

    • Gold Top Dog


    I'd guess Jack Russell and catahoula leopard hound, maybe?
    • Gold Top Dog


     Daschie and Jack Russell. I was gonna say all JRT, but then I saw the closeup of the floppy ears and the "dapple" coloring. Big Smile

    Me, too.  She's cute, that's for sure!

    • Puppy

    I would say a jack russel/ fox terrier mix. I once had a toy fox terrier and she looked similar to this dog.