Bull Terrier Owners???

    • Gold Top Dog

    Bull Terrier Owners???

    Any more of you out there???

    • Gold Top Dog

    no but i own bulldogs lol  i know a lot of BT owners in the UK though. their dogs are workers, however, not really pets. but they treat them like royalty!!! and here is a guy that treats his BT the same. i am impressed to see them still being worked and able to work. kinda rare these days, at least for American dogs.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=dUUwLR_-hTA  -dont watch if you're opposed to hunting. its not too graphic, but depends on your personality i guess.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't, but they're one of the only smaller dogs I'd ever have.  And yes, I know, they're not THAT small.  ;)  I think they're awesome little dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I dont have one, my neighbor does, his name is Baron and before we got our second dog Primo, he used to be our girl Rory's best friend. We dog sat him a bit and fell in love with his personality. As he got older he became awfully sassy but got better once she got him fixed. He is extremely smart and very entertaining, lol!

    If Rory gets to rough with him he hides in the bushes...

    Rory says "Ok girly man, I'll be nice, please come out and play"

    He quickly learned to run with his feet tucked in to keep Rory from biting them.....look at his feet, LOL

    OOh score for Baron!

    A quick moment to smell the flowers!



    This pic just creeps me out, Rory looks like some kinda shark pit bull hybrid

    • Gold Top Dog

    Please continue to post ANY pics you have of not only your dogs, but your neighbors BT... I can't get enough pics of any BT :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    These arnt my BT's...they are from a dog show I went to back in February. I've posted them before i think.

    and my favorite...

    • Gold Top Dog

    OH MAN!!!! BT overload! I love it!!! I seriously love the breed...

    That last pics needs a caption... he looks so dang sweet, like he is saying "please -- just pick me up"

    • Gold Top Dog




    Oh you've got to be kidding me? That has got to be one of the most precious sweet pictures ever.

    "HELP, there must be some mistake I dont belong in this cage"!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Gosh Frankie is growing bigger each day. Hes turning into a monsta! :D

    Im surprised at how easy he is to train. He knows how to fetch something as small as a pencil or as big as a stuffed animal, plus some basic commands like sit and stay. Hehe He will do anything for cheese. This is him attacking a helpless artic fox.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    This is the Bull Terrier I used to dog-sit back in NH.  http://www.westminsterkennelclub.org/2008/photos/breed/RN06807302.html

    Actually, I dog-sat his mother more often when they were out showing Bugsy.  Once his father, http://www.corsairebullterriers.com/gryff.htm I like this face shot of him - (the woman is some breeder in Australia)  http://www.trahernbt.com/images/gryffnevie.jpg 

    Here, this link of BT Rescue of New England's adoption success stories has some fun at-home shots of other BTs:



    • Silver


    OH MAN!!!! BT overload! I love it!!! I seriously love the breed...

    That last pics needs a caption... he looks so dang sweet, like he is saying "please -- just pick me up"

    I love BT overload...!  They are such sweet natured dogs, with catchy personalities.  Before we decided on a Dobe, we were very seriously thinking of getting a Bullie.  Someday I know we'll get one... until then I love to see pics.

    That Bullie pic is so adorable.. "Will you wuv me"?

    • Puppy
    Hello People!!! This is Martin! my Mini Bully I finally find a place where there's many Bullies, i Love this Martin
    • Gold Top Dog

    Martin, you are adorable.  Look at that black heart on your nose, just MADE for smoochin'!Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    That is one cute pup!!!

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    Welcome Martin!!  I could kiss that little face and squish that pudgy belly right now and be pleased as punch all day!! aaww, can't wait to watch him grow up - and hear the inevitable crazy bully stories he gives his owners!!  :D  More Bullies, please!