Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Anyone out there have a Collie? I love Collies so much, best doggies in the world!
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Help new pups
hey all,I'm trying to find out what kind of dogs these are. Found them on side the highway Look to be a month old or so
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URGENT: Border Collie people....
Is anyone on your lists missing a dog?! I have a BC in my yard this moment, unfortunately not in the fenced in part. It is a large BC (thought it was an Aussie at first but it has a full tail and "stalks" like a BC), black but white on the chest and tip of the tail. My husband and I have seen...
Pap Eye Problems?
I was just wondering - I believe I read that Papillons sometimes have I problems? IF this is true -- what sort of eye problems? (I lost the page) ALSO - So I don't need a new topic - has anyone gotten a Pap from Patuxent Papillons/ Kennels? pups
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What kind of dog is this? How big will she be?
Okay this dog is actually an adult now. I just want to see how accurate the guesses are on this dog. (Though to this day we really don't know what she is) Here is a bit about her personality: She is very sweet, loves to give kisses. Very lazy. Loves to watch tv, often glued to it. When she runs...
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Parson Russell Terrier ?'s
So............pretty random but I've been looking into Parson Russell Terriers lately. We're not getting another dog anytime soon (3 is enough for DH, lol). But, while just poking around, looking into different breeds I came upon the PRT. Energetic, smart, tenacious, real firecrackers. I'm...
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Pomeranian Uglies
I wasn't sure where to post this, so if its in the wrong spot I do appologize. I just had a question about the "Uglies". I think Aisha might be starting in this stage. Looking at the pictures from when I got her till now, she definitely isn't as fluffy (both of her parents were VERY...
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German Shepherd Research
So I'm thinking my next dog will be a german shepherd as a husky and a GSD are my 2 favorite breeds. I won't be adding another dog until I finish my undergrad degree, find my own place, and have a stable job (which will be in about 3 years ... so this is really early research lol). I'm still...
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Pom or S pitz
Hey...I just got a sweet puppy the store was calling a Pomeranian. She sure looks like the pics I've seen of German Klein Spitz? Can anyone tell from this pic what she is?
Hello! Can you help me ID my puppy?
Hey everyone. I got my puppy about a month ago now from someone on craigslist. She has a great personality and is very smart. Hopefully you guys can help me figure out what she is!!! She was 8lbs 5 oz when I got her weighed on july 13th (8 1/2 weeks old) 9lbs 12 oz @ 10 1/2 weeks old 10lbs 15oz @ 12...
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Anybody looking for a GSD?
Check out Jessie von Amaranth. You don't see dogs like that in rescues often. Sorry I can never get the links to link!!!!!
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Just for fun
Some relatives recently got a new dog - I wonder if anyone would like to take a guess at his mix of breeds? The rescue thought they knew what breeds he was, but I won't throw that out till a few folks have had a turn... [IMG][/IMG] [IMG...
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Help end the torture and massacre of Spanish Greyhounds (disturbing...
Every year, in Spain, thousands of galgos -- Spanish Greyhounds -- are hanged from trees after the racing season, and those that race poorly are strung up in such a way that they die a long, horrible death. Some are set on fire. Still others are left in dreadful living situations. The Spanish government...
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Please tell me I'm wrong...
I've heard talks that there is now a Teacup Doberman.. Not a min pin but an actual pocket sized doberman... Please tell me I'm wrong...*shudder*
what do you think she is?
Hey hey, My wife and I brought Bubbles home from the pound about 4 months ago. We think she's about 7 or 8 weeks old. we were told she is a Black lab at the pound and she looked the part when she was younger. Early on her ears started to stick up and even more recently her tail began to curl...
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Akita AND Border Collie Breeders?
Anyone know of any good, , reputable BC or Akita breeders in NC, VA, SC, TN, or GA? I know, BC's and Akita's are like polar oppisites, but those are my heart breeds LOL. I can't pick just one! But, I'd like to find a great breeder that I can go visit and decide that way, once I'm...
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What breed?
Hi all, I was hoping for some opinions as to what breed my dog could be. He is about 9 months old and 22 lbs. This is Toby: The white on his face tends to get a bit shaggier and I've clipped it, but otherwise his coat is in it's natural state. In the belly shot, note the undershot jaw...
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purebred or not??
So I adopted this gorgeous man from a woman who was moving. He is a year old and (as you can see) pretty emaciated. I was told he was purebred Siberian husky and I was just wondering what some peoples opinions were about his breed. I have also had a blue heeler [mix?] for over a year (she is almost 2...
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What is she?
I don't think I ever asked here for what people thought my dog might be. Every time we're out somewhere or I post pictures of her someplace people take guesses as to her breed mix and have come up with a rather huge list of possibilities. So I'm curious what people here think she might be...
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Shih Tzu for Sale?
Hello! I want to buy my first dog, that is why i looking for shih tzu for sale. I'm likely to get pupply form . What do you think of this way of this? Or maybe one of us have a shih tzu for sale...