Parson Russell Terrier ?'s

    • Gold Top Dog

    Parson Russell Terrier ?'s

    So............pretty random but I've been looking into Parson Russell Terriers lately. We're not getting another dog anytime soon (3 is enough for DH, lol). But, while just poking around, looking into different breeds I came upon the PRT. Energetic, smart, tenacious, real firecrackers. I'm starting the like 'em!

    My next dog I would like:

    • a dog that can keep up w/ me ALL day (3-4 mile run in the morning 5x per week, 2+ hours in the park off leash 7x per week, camping, boating, walks, travel, etc)
    • a dog for flyball, agility, obedience (not necessarily all 3, but 2/3)
    • owner dependable (not independent like a bulldog)
    • enjoys learning/training
    • social

    For those who own them or have owned them, what are you experiences? Do they fit the bill?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I grew up with them. Ours were always very sweet with people, but not so good with other dogs. My mom has 2 right now- ages 11 and 7. Every now and then they get into a vicious fight that leaves blood everywhere and is hard to break up. The older one (Ginger) also will, without being provoked, attack my mom's 15 year old beagle. Most of the time she stays seperated from the other dogs or wears a basket muzzle. Other than the dog aggression, they were always nice dogs who loved to run and play, but Ginger also gets obsessive. She tore up my moms new carpet because her ball rolled under the couch. In our ER, it seems the most dog bites are from PRTs. I definitely have a soft spot in my heart for them,but they aren't the dog for me. VERY intelligent though!!!

    • Gold Top Dog


    My next dog I would like:

    • a dog that can keep up w/ me ALL day (3-4 mile run in the morning 5x per week, 2+ hours in the park off leash 7x per week, camping, boating, walks, travel, etc)
    • a dog for flyball, agility, obedience (not necessarily all 3, but 2/3)
    • owner dependable (not independent like a bulldog)
    • enjoys learning/training
    • social



    Ya know, actually all my dogs fit this criteria ( i basically like the same exact things in a dog with therapy work thrown in). I don't know if you are interested in any of their breeds though. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    have you checked out this site?

    Not a breed I would recommend to most people.  Not a dog for off lead except in areas where they can't get into trouble.  Lots and lots of training required on recall and Twister didn't earn off lead priveleges for YEARS and now only under certain circumstances.  I love the breed but they can be very challenging.  Highly recommend spending time with some of these dogs before making a decision.  Talk to some rescue groups too because they can give you tons of info about why so many end up in rescue.   The JRT and the PRT may have differences that I am not aware of due to breeders breeding more to conform to the AKC standard for appearance rather than for the true terrier traits of the JRT.  I personally was heartbroken that they were accepted into the AKC because I feel they will go the way of many Border Collies. 

    I would be interested to hear of anyone with experience with the AKC accepted PRT lines as I don't have any experience or know anyone with these lines.  I'm hoping there are breeders trying to conform to AKC and still retain the working terrier traits that should define these dogs.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Not a dog for off lead except in areas where they can't get into trouble.

    That right there turned me off to the breed very quickly! I need a dog that can be leash (of course after training).

    • Gold Top Dog



    My next dog I would like:

    • a dog that can keep up w/ me ALL day (3-4 mile run in the morning 5x per week, 2+ hours in the park off leash 7x per week, camping, boating, walks, travel, etc)
    • a dog for flyball, agility, obedience (not necessarily all 3, but 2/3)
    • owner dependable (not independent like a bulldog)
    • enjoys learning/training
    • social



    Ya know, actually all my dogs fit this criteria ( i basically like the same exact things in a dog with therapy work thrown in). I don't know if you are interested in any of their breeds though. 

    I've been drawn in more and more to the GSD! After my 3, that very well could be our next dog. The *only* thing I really don't like about GSD's...and it has nothing to do really w/ the the breeders/politics. IDK anything about Western lines, Eastern lines, show lines, working lines, etc, etc, etc. All I want is a HEALTHY, pet quality, even tempered dog. I mean, when the time is right I'll look better in all of it, but just glancing over some GSD stuff- WOW!

    • Gold Top Dog

     What about a working bred Border Collie? Rescues are over-run with them right now, and the northeast has a really fun herding organization with lots of events and VERY friendly to newcomers. Both of my youngsters came from NEBCA breeders. If you wanted to go meet some breeders at a local trial I could easily give you a reference.

    I'm not usually gung-ho to point people to Border Collies but it does sound like you'd be particularly happy with one.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Apologies - I meant to post the NEBCA web address. I forget where I'm posting and assume we all just naturally know that NEBCA is North East BC Association! *headsmack*

    Anyway, this is a terrific web site - North East Border Collie Association -

    • Gold Top Dog

    A BC??? I've always been intimidated by them! I think just because of all the rumors I've heard about them (how scarey smart they are at picking up their owner's cues- intentional or not).

    • Gold Top Dog


    Not a dog for off lead except in areas where they can't get into trouble.

    That right there turned me off to the breed very quickly! I need a dog that can be leash (of course after training).


    That depends on the training and the drive in the dog. Sandy can be let off leash..Well actually she's dragging a long line since we're still training but she's trust worthy to a point right now.  My trainer has a Parson's that she rarely has on leash unless it's required of him. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Emma has been off leash in any situation you can think of, and she's totally fine. Of course, lots and lots of training came before that. I have called her off of a running rabbit (after she's killed several rabbits), a running cat, and a dog fight where there was blood flying through the air.


    She's possibly more independant than what you'd want. She bores, very easily, and starts looking for things to do. That has been... trying to leave the rally ring to perform the broad jump in the open ring, eating a wicker furniture set, tearing a hole in the wall THROUGH her crate. 


    But, in the end, she's a great dog. If she were healthier, I think she'd be a lot less reactive, but she has chronic pain. She's great off leash, and is teaching the puppy to behave off leash. She does NOT automatically embrace new dogs, and doesn't like many dogs. She has doggy friends that she plays with, and she adores Ena, but she's quick to "correct" another dog. She'll also "correct" a human. She's possessive, of me, food, toys, "her" dogs, her space. She is a great, big pain, and I adore her. She's not well suited to me, but sometimes, that's life. We're too much alike, honestly, and we'd get along better if one of us was friendlier and less snappy, LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Have you considered a vizsla? Rupert would love getting that much exercise. Vizslas are bred to hunt close, plus with training, he sticks around. When we take him mountain biking, he follows right behind us, unleashed. Actually, he's behind DH and in front of me. I always know DH is stopped and waiting for me because Rupert will come zooming at me, then turn back, like, she's still coming dad! Stick out tongue

    I have done obedience, agility and tracking/SAR training with him.

    He gets along great with every dog he meets, leashed or not. We've taken him camping (he slept IN my sleeping bag with me), boating, and on two cross-country vacations (once to the east coast and once to the west coast.) He loves swimming.

    Plus, he's super low-maintenance grooming wise. He lets me brush him with a rubber glove thing, clean his ears, wipe his eye boogers, and dremel his nails. He gets a bath a couple times a year.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I hate to say this because it's like I'm admitting Apollo is getting older (and I don't want him to!!) but I've been out running him lately....It's not that he can't keep up w/ me, it's that he can't keep up w/ my ALL day, and, later on at night he's really beat. He's usually sound asleep at 6:30-7pm, lol, like a an old man! I really enjoy having a dog w/ me all day doing everything w/ me; running, walking, hiking, biking, etc. Our dogs are literally only alone 4-6 hours per week. We love taking them everywhere, doing stuff w/ them.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Ahem. Still think, BC would be fine for you. Perfect in fact. Never mind the scary smart. The poor dog will spend a year of brain power getting into your routine. I advise an adult rescue though (18 months at least), and pay to have the hips checked.

    Wait, what about a Jack Russell/Border Collie mix? I've got one, you know - about 18 months, looking desperately for a home. Best of both worlds?

    REady for action!


    Ready to cuddle!


    • Gold Top Dog

     And also, who can resist those SPOTS? She is so ridiculously CUTE, Becca. I know, I say it every time you post her picture, but she kills me with the ears and the spots.