Help end the torture and massacre of Spanish Greyhounds (disturbing images)

Every year, in Spain, thousands of galgos -- Spanish Greyhounds -- are hanged from trees after the racing season, and those that race poorly are strung up in such a way that they die a long, horrible death. Some are set on fire. Still others are left in dreadful living situations.

The Spanish government has turned a blind eye towards this practice. These dogs are treated like objects to be disposed of rather than the companion animals. The local government is guilty of enabling - or at least harboring - thousands of Michael Vicks. The ONLY hope for these dogs is that they end up in the hands of a rescue like Scooby Medina and SOS Galgos.

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We're hoping to raise $500,000 for the various galgo rescue foundations. There's currently a "Cutest Dog" competition online, with a huge cash prize, and we've entered our Italian Greyhound, Pixel, on behalf of her Spanish friends. Pixel is in fact the world's cutest dog -- but, more importantly, this is one of the world's more worthy causes. If you could vote, and urge your friends to vote for Pixel, it would be greatly appreciated. You can vote once a day, and if Pixel wins one of the weekly segments, she makes it to the finals. Here is the link.

And here is a link to a youtube video, further demonstrating Pixel's worldhistorical cuteness. (A silly business, I know, but the cause could not be more serious.

Any help would be hugely appreciated. Please consider donating to a group that focuses on rehabilitating and rehoming these lovely dogs.