Pom or S pitz

    • Bronze

    Pom or S pitz

     Hey...I just got a sweet puppy the store was calling a Pomeranian.  She sure looks like the pics I've seen of German Klein Spitz?  Can anyone tell from this pic what she is?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't see a pic. However, German Spitz are not overly common in the states. (there is a poster here who has one, though). Oversized or not to standard Poms (longer muzzles, leggier, etc) are common in pet stores, as they come from breeders not breeding to the standard. Doesn't make them; any less splendid as pets though


    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't see a pic.


    It's on the profile page.  Looks like Pirate but hard to tell from the small photo.  Very cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Aren't a Pom and a German Spitz very closely related?

    • Bronze

     Thanks for all the repsonse.....it just bugs me that the breeder called her a pom because she looks nothing like the standard....but as you say, it doesn't affect how adoreable and precious she is to me and my family.


    I haven't had a dog in years.  What is the recommended age to have her neutered?  She is 5 months now.  Any advice would be appreciated.



    • Gold Top Dog

    My pom, Benny (in my sig), was originally bought from a pet store (I adopted him from the woman giving him up) and he is no where near the standerd.  They are supposed to be quite small (5-7 lbs, I think) and Benny is a little over 10 pounds, very leggy, and has a pretty severe underbite which has caused numerous teeth problems.  The woman who bougt him spent $1000 on a dog who was obviously from a puppy mill or byb.  However, he is a great pet.  So yours is probably a pom, just not to the standard.  As for spaying, 6 months is when many vets will do the spay.  However, my puppy, Finn, was neutered when I got him at just under 4 months.  He had already been neutered for a while, I'm guessing they did it at around 2-3 months.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Your pup is definitely a Pom - she doesn't look any more like the GS standard than she does the Pom breed standard, with the exception of a coarser head.She's just a spitzy, old-fashioned style pom. (I have a friend who calls them Cave Poms, which makes me giggle. :P)

    In Germany, Poms are the smallest variety (zwerg) of German Spitz. They're not generally interbred. In some countries (France, I believe), they are occasionally interbred. In the UK and Australia, where all our American GS come from, they're not interbred, and we have no kleins in the US at all at present. (I want to import some in the future.) Now, the UK German Spitz DO have Pomeranian in them. In the 80s, when the breed was first imported to the UK from Germany, they wanted to just add a larger variety to the Pomeranian breed standard ("Victorian";) but there was much gnashing of teeth and drama and they decided to split them totally. But there were some Pom x GS litters bred and registered as GS at that point. 


    (PS: She'll look more Pom-ish once she gets some coat- she's at the 'uglies' age when they ALL look scraggly.)