Just for fun

    • Gold Top Dog

    Just for fun

     Some relatives recently got a new dog - I wonder if anyone would like to take a guess at his mix of breeds?  The rescue thought they knew what breeds he was, but I won't throw that out till a few folks have had a turn...



    At the moment, he is quite people orientated, a good house dog, loves playing ball.... Can't really say anything about his characteristics as he is still quite new and I've not seen much of him, so he is still in the honeymoon period.  But feel free to take a shot based on his looks and colouring.  He's about 2-3 yrs old.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am not very good at this, but I do see some beagle.  The ears, face, and the tail stance.

    • Bronze

    Beagle and some kind of terrier?

    • Gold Top Dog

     ooOO keep guessing!  Getting warmer on the terrier front, if the rescue are correct Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

     Is there some Welsh in there? The coloring, tail, ears, and general "attitude" in the pics make me think of a Welsh, or maybe a Lakeland.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Smooth fox/beagle?  Only cause of the snout length...otherwise I'd just guess a Jack/beagle.  Legs don't look long enough for a Fox Terrier x, but then beagle could stunt them down a bit.  Does the rescue actually know or are they just guessing too?  I love his little tail!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I love his tail too - it looks like it has been docked, but I don't know why anyone would dock a mixed breed?

    I don't know if the rescue knew his breeds or are guessing, but to me, their guess looks probable... except for the snout, which also say "fox terrier" or similar to me Smile

    Here's a clue - know what breed this is?

    • Gold Top Dog


    • Gold Top Dog

    Yep, they reckon he is a patterdale cross with a Staffy (English).  Anyone agree?  Both breeds have a much shorter, broader snout..... 

    This dog is very, very sweet!  He has some gorgeous wrinkling on his forehead, which makes his face really expressive.  So far, he has settled in well. Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yep, they reckon he is a patterdale cross with a Staffy (English).  Anyone agree?...

    I don't know about the Staffy.  I was going to just Patterdale.

    • Gold Top Dog

     His head and muzzle are a lot more narrow, which is what made me think of the other terriers. Whatever he is, he's SUPER cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Original dog up there?    Luna's cousin???  *grin*   We call her a "hound mix".  I've had "beagle crossed with" everything suggestions from walker coon hound, to doxie, to basset to whatever.

    But on both dogs they forgot to give them long enough legs -- so trust me, I can promise you this dog, too, likely counter-surfs on an Olympic level!!