Pomeranian Uglies

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pomeranian Uglies

     I wasn't sure where to post this, so if its in the wrong spot I do appologize.

    I just had a question about the "Uglies". I think Aisha might be starting in this stage. Looking at the pictures from when I got her till now, she definitely isn't as fluffy (both of her parents were VERY fluffy Pomeranian's). Around her neck has alot of stray long hairs (like a partial mane), and her back half looks short with a few long strands. She is also shedding a bit more now, and her coat doesn't look as full. She is almost 3 months old now, I thought uglies started at 5-6 months old. Is it just my imagination or is this about the time they start their uglies?  

    Also how long until I see what her actual coat will look like? It's been so long since I had a Pomeranian puppy I don't remember Missi even going through an ugly stage or when her coat became very long and fluffy.

    Thanks Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not exactly sure to be honest, but I seem to recall it starting at 14-16 weeks for some reason.  Do you have any pictures of your other pom where you are sure of the dates that you could use to figure out a timeline for the uglies? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Your dog has a puppy coat, give her a break, she's a baby.  Her coat is gonna go through stages, what the time line is I'm not sure for a pom. But i know of other coated breeds that have a puppy coat, blow it, adolescent coat, blow it, then finally an adult coat. So you're looking at years, potentially.

    The "Uglies" is, usually, referred to a show quality puppy growing unevenly.  They usually go through it between 6-12 months. Referring to their front legs being long or shorter, too long, too narrow, etc.

    • Gold Top Dog



    Your dog has a puppy coat, give her a break, she's a baby.  Her coat is gonna go through stages, what the time line is I'm not sure for a pom. But i know of other coated breeds that have a puppy coat, blow it, adolescent coat, blow it, then finally an adult coat. So you're looking at years, potentially.

    The "Uglies" is, usually, referred to a show quality puppy growing unevenly.  They usually go through it between 6-12 months. Referring to their front legs being long or shorter, too long, too narrow, etc.

    Actually, the Pom Uglies here refers to a stage all Poms go through where they lose puppy coat and get adult coat.  All breeds will do this, but it is very apparent in the Pom.  Many people come into work with Poms about 4 months old and ask why it looks so funny and has no hair...I calmly tell them that their puppy is going through what is called by most Pom owners "the puppy uglies." 

    • Gold Top Dog

    My comment about the uglies was NOT ment as I think my dog is ugly. It is a stage all Pomeranian's go through when they are young- and very easy to notice. I was merely trying to get an idea of when it usually starts, and when it ends. I know Pomeranian's coats always continue to grow their whole life, but I was looking for an idea of when I would start to see a definite idea as to what her adult coat might look like. I have owned a Pomeranian before so I knew kinda what to expect,

    Aisha is still cute to me. It was just a question.

    I'm not saying she is all out going through it, I just think she might be starting it. 

    Here is one picture of her, its a side shot, about a week before I picked her up:


    And here she is now, I'm just starting to notice more changes in her coat:


    • Gold Top Dog

    Awww!  She is so cute! 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Thanks, I love her alot she's such a goof.

    Well I did a search online and I answered my own question. She kinda looks like the dog int he first set of pictures in this link. He's not quite in the ugly stage, but looks like he has less fur. And they show him from 7 weeks to one year, and it seems very close to what Aisha is going through.So it seems like it would be about a year before she's got her adult coat, does that sound right?



    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi,  I was wondering the same thing.  I have heard it happens around 1yr of age, but my Pippin started around 5 mos.  He is just now six months old and he is working hard on his "big boy pants".  His coat is changing color and lenght and texture.  He has this long silky hair all over his back and a BIG bushy butt.  LOL!   His hair has changed from the creamy orange he has in his picture to a deep, burnt, brassy orange/red. 

    He is at the vet's right now.  He was neutered today.  My little boy is growing up.

    Your baby has the cutest case of the uglies :)  I wish you the best with her.


    • Gold Top Dog
    Poms stay in their "ugly" phase until 9 - 12 months old. Pom uglies means their puppy fur.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Hey!  Thanks.  I was just going back to look at some breed posts.  9-12 months, huh?  I have the freaky feeling that Pippin's bushy butt ain't goin NOWHERE!  LOL!!  

    Pippin is one of "those" Poms that really has that "Spitz" look.  Do you think he will keep a combination of Fuzz and that silky hair or does it usually change over?   The classic show Pom's always have total Fuzz.  Pip has lost a lot of his.  Quite frankly, I would like to see the Fuzz go.  I struggle with the grooming of that type of hair.  His back is SO MUCH more managable now.

    • Gold Top Dog

     With my old Pom her fuzzy butt stayed lol. Here's a picture of her:



    She had silky hair on her back and such, but her butt had the frizziest hair on it. Grooming and conditioner's did nothing lol. Missi was 3 years old in this picture.

    As I have recently learned online Pomeranian's do not get there full coats until they are two years old. Even though they start to look fluffy around 1 years old. 


    Oh, I also found out why Aisha was itchy so much, I thought it was her old food. But I'm pretty sure now the culprit was the shampoo I used on her when I first got her. Because the first day she was fine, then the next day I bathed her and thats when it started. Now the poor girl has dandruff. I'm trying at the moment to find a good dog shampoo to help her.  Poor girl I feel so bad lol.

    • Gold Top Dog

    lol fuzzy butts are Pom specialties! Kayla has a very fluffy butt! hehe

    My next little one will be very very fuzzy... :o)

    Kayla also gets dandruff easily. Poms have very sensative skin but there is never any one right answer when it comes to shampoos. Try some more high-end show quality shampoos. Sometimes we just have to spoil our little babies! :o)

    • Gold Top Dog

    hi, poms have different shedding period in puppy monkey stages... it could start as early as 3 months and as late as 8 monthsSmile

    its really different for each dog, sometimes at 9 months dogs are still recovering from the puppy uglies while some have lush coats:-)

     here's my dog mickey starting his puppy uglies at 5 months..he regain coat about when he was 10 months.

    while bradley here already has gorgeous lush coat at 9 months;-)

    my heart dog, chico(already passed) became a champion when he was 7 months, his breeder said he had terrible ugly stage at around 3-4 months, they said he matured early :-)

    chico at full coat 7 months

    • Gold Top Dog

     show breeders here use chris christensen :-) maybe that could help.. i will try to use it but currently i am using #1 all systems with well satisfactory results.

    i am using halo dreamcoat supplement. :-) a supplement for their coat, erhm it could also help out on dandruff, itching,skin problem..etc  

    • Gold Top Dog

     Your dogs are gorgeous!

    And thanks for the suggestion. I went and bought Aisha some Tropiclean Oatmeal and Tea Tree Shampoo tonight, and I hope it helps her. As for the supplement it sounds really great. I'm very very unfamiliar with supplementing and nervous about screwing it up. So far I have been told Salmon Oil with vitamin E and Flaxseed oil. I'm going to bring this up with my vet I'm honestly just not sure what to use, and I'm afraid of making her sick Confused  I worry too much lol.

    Sounds dumb, but I was hoping switching to Orijen which already had oils in it would be enough. But that just shows my lack of knowledge with foods and what not. I just want to use something uncomplicated and idiot proof to use hehe. Ugh I can't wait for my book to get in! This would be SO much easier figuring out her needs lol.