Please tell me I'm wrong...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Please tell me I'm wrong...

     I've heard talks that there is now a Teacup Doberman.. Not a min pin but an actual pocket sized doberman...

    Please tell me I'm wrong...*shudder*

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm sure it is just a small Minpin, most "pet people" consider Minpins to be mini Dobes.

    • Gold Top Dog

    yup - probably mixed with some teeny tiny chihuahua...

    • Gold Top Dog

     Everybody around here calls MinPins Mini Dobes. It's disgusting. There is also the German Pinscher, that people might confuse.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Gawd I hope it's just that! Alex was actually the one who brought it up. And he knows the difference between a Min Pin and a Dobie. Wink Not that I had anything to do with his knowledge. Lol

    • Gold Top Dog

    It seems to be a common thing for people to call Min Pins Mini Dobermans.  Sad  I wouldn't call a German Pinscher pocket sized, but the thought crossed my mind that people might be calling them Mini Dobermans, especially since they look more like a Dobe then a Min Pin.

    • Puppy

     I hope its not a designer dog breeder on the loose! lol

    • Puppy

     I've never heard anything about them. But I've also never heard anyone call a min pin a mini doberman either.