Help new pups

    • Bronze

    Help new pups

    hey all,I'm trying  to find out what kind of dogs these are.

    Found them on side the highway

     Look to be a month old or so

    • Gold Top Dog

     Terrier of some sort?

    I dont know but that red one can come live with me! He is adorable! They both are but I like red dogs.Big Smile

    • Bronze

    We are keeping them,the  Red one is a boy(Rusty) the other is a girl (Jazziy).

    they where in bad shape just two days ago.We cleaned them and brought them to the vet to get check out.

    worms,fleas and some ticks.

    • Gold Top Dog

     They look like JRTs, to me. Maybe a JRT/Lakeland cross?  They're VERY cute! Have you owned littermates, before? Good luck! LOL That's a lot of work, and those are some lucky puppies to have found you!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm not much of a judge, but they look older than 4 weeks to me.... 

    In any case, who knows how long they have been away from their mum..... they were probably taken from her WAY too early.  Early socialisation is a MUST with these puppers, to avoid lifelong behavioural issues from being seperated from the dam too early.

    Both are ridiculously adorable, and more pictures are compulsory!

    • Bronze

    not this young,We got our frist dog a year and a half ago(Sophie) she was 3 months old.This is her know

    She is JRT/Blue tick beagle mix.I hope she will be a good replacement mother.


    • Bronze

    vet is calling them 6 weeks

     We have them in quarantine for two weeks

    • Gold Top Dog

    Gosh they're cute!  My guess is going ot be JRT/Daschund.  At least for  Rusty.  Something about his chest and front legs reminds me of a Daschund.

    • Bronze

    he is short and long.  another said the samething

     I assume they are brother and sister

    • Gold Top Dog

    She has the look of a wire haired terrier.  And  yeah, brother and sister can have different dads and thus not look a thing alike.

    • Bronze

    different dads same litter?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I say JRT/Dachshund as well (with perhaps a third breed thrown in for good measure)

    • Gold Top Dog


    different dads same litter?

    Yep.  Believe it or not, it's possible for every pup in a litter could have a different father.  Doesn't happen very often, but it's possible!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh yeah, a bitch in heat is not terribly discriminating, and the boys don't seem to have any issue with "sloppy seconds".  I had two brothers, neither of whom looked like momma in any was clearly shepherd mix and the other more pittie.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Oh yeah, a bitch in heat is not terribly discriminating, and the boys don't seem to have any issue with "sloppy seconds".


    That is all.!!