what mixed breed do you think she is?

    • Bronze

    what mixed breed do you think she is?

    hi we adopted sarah? they were not sure what breed she was can some one give me there opion


    • Bronze

     any one have any opion i know shes part lab  i tried adding a photo to post but cant fiqure it out  so i do have her on my profile pic


    • Gold Top Dog

    I see the Lab, of course but have no clue what else she might have mixed in there.  She sure is a cutie! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    stats help...size? height weight...that sort of thing...what's she like temperament wise?

    That slickness and sheen on her coat as well as her expression are Bully like to me...Pit Bull/Amstaff something like that.

    • Bronze

    i sure hope not pit bull,  she is 30 pounds right now and has a very good temperment on her she is very freindly and listens well  the people i got her from said they think she might be part boxer, i had people ask if she is part pit bull and i relly hope not because i have small children and herd to many bad storys about pit bulls.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I have had Pits and other bull breeds for over 25 years.  They are wonderful family dogs. It doesn't matter what she is--you love her and that's enough!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I see bully in her muzzle.

    • Gold Top Dog

    What a pretty girl!  I'll go out on a limb and say German Shorthaired Pointer.  The ears remind me of a GSP.  There's something else, too, that looks GSP to me, I just can't put my finger on it.

    • Gold Top Dog

     She has the deep searching eyes of the Pit Bull and the muzzle of the Pit Bull.  Just love her to pieces and if you see anything that is not okay, deal with it right away...as you would any dog.  Study the Lab and study the American Pit Bull.  Labs have their own particular circumstances.  Contrary to bad publicity, Pit Bulls are not dogs who snap at the drop of a hat or turn into bad dogs in a split second.  Responsible dog owners of ANY breed watch every sign their dog gives off at all times.  Further....every parent and/or dog owner should watch every dog with every child at all times. My one caution would be that you watch for over-stimulation.  Pit Bulls are large terriers....terriers are high energy and you need to know how to control that high energy.   Having said that, my boy is completely calm indoors.  It's when he's outside that he likes to play and be crazy. 

    Just in case you are not familiar with dog training tips for abused or potentially aggressive dogs....gently rub your fingers over your dogs eyes during quiet moments. The more she trusts you, the more she will close her eyes and let you love her. Touch her feet, rub her back inner thighs and pet the length of her tail a lot; always pet her gently.  This teaches her to expect kindness from humans...always be gentle and loving and use a gentle tone of voice unless you have concerns.  Dogs who have relationship with their owners respond to tone of voice.    

    An area that I watch closely with my Pit Bull (and all previous dogs) is that sometimes because they are hardy dogs, some folks tend to think it is okay to give them hard pets like a mega smack on the butt that they would not do to a human or to a smaller dog....just my personal opinion....but there is no reason for this. 

    Stay in touch as she matures and ask for help any time you need it.  I just joined this site today and it seems to me that there are endless folks available to give you endless support.  

    • Bronze

     i dont see pit bull in her but  i do see boxer in her i was told that the father they thought was a boxer she defianly has no traites of a pit bull she dose have a lot of a lab in her and she is a very calm dog she and very mild personality,   .

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm going with "boxador" also. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see lab/pit. The traits you are describing match that of a pit. Labs in themselves are very hyper dogs, as are boxers. Boxers tend to be very independent. Both pits and labs are people pleasers - and very smart dogs. Not saying boxers aren't smart - but they can be more stubborn. Pits are generally very easy going dogs - and are NOT bred for people aggression

    I'm currently sharing my house with a pit mix pup, an adult boxer, my mutt and another small breed mutt. The pit pups only 'bad' side is constant stealing of my shoes... he loves people.