URGENT: Border Collie people....

    • Gold Top Dog

    URGENT: Border Collie people....

    Is anyone on your lists missing a dog?!  I have a BC in my yard this moment, unfortunately not in the fenced in part.  It is a large BC (thought it was an Aussie at first but it has a full tail and "stalks" like a BC), black but white on the chest and tip of the tail.  My husband and I have seen the dog many times over the past week, now it's in my yard.  It came out of the wooded part to watch me and my dogs.  I can't catch it b/c it acts kind of feral (not totally freaked, but keeps its distance from me).  I put food all over my yard while it was hiding in some brush, and then it came out to eat it while I went inside (comes right up to my fence), but then it goes back when I try to approach (however it will let me sit and watch it eat).  It acts almost as though it has been lost for some time? but maybe that's just twitchy, aloof BC-ness, I dunno.  I'm not going to press the issue of catching it b/c I live 1/4 mile from one of the busiest streets in the state.  The back end of my yard is fenced b/c on the other side is a very busy mall, this fence runs both directions down my street.  I guess there is one place a dog could slip under, but I don't want to risk chasing the dog out into the busy street.  

    I live on Ridgemoor behind Woodland Mall, technically in Kentwood, MI but I'm about 3 houses over the Grand Rapids city line.

    I know it's a longshot but it's a purebred dog so you never know...

    • Silver

     Wish I could give you tips to catch it Sad  BCs can be a little shy with strangers (especially when stressed), so it may or may not been lost long.  I found my second BC after she nearly got smooshed on the highway in front of me.  I went back to get her and found her under the overpass.  I opened my truck door and called her and she jumped right in.  When I went to the gas station nearby to see if anyone was missing her, they said she had been hanging around over two weeks and no one could get a hand on her!  They were tossing her food, but she wouldn't let them near.  I guess she liked to go for rides!

     Is there any way you could put your dogs inside and lure it into the fenced yard?  Might not work, but could be worth a try.  Or is the yard not totally fenced?  If not, I'm not really sure what you can do aside from continuing to toss it food (and I'm sure you thought of that).

     Oh, and this is a total long shot but...have you tried telling it to "DOWN"?  I only ask because if it has been in herding it might respond.  Very long shot.

    • Gold Top Dog

    It started raining last night and was so dark I don't know where it went, it was still dark and raining this morning.  I hope it's just hiding back there.

     If I see it again I will tell it to down.  I did say "come" to see if it would, but it didn't (I also have a "twitchy" dog that would probably act the same toward strangers if she ever got lost, but if she hears a clear command she knows, she just does it on autopilot).

    A section of my yard is fully fenced but it's 4' agricultural fencing with various gates made of 3' expen panels.  My only "escape artist" is thankfully not a jumper (my other two can clear it no problem but they don't run away).  If the dog was spooked, it could probably clear the gates instantly.

    • Silver

     Well, I hope it's ok where ever it is Sad  It's good of you to try regardless!  Bummer about the fence...I figured you would have already tried it you had the means, but it was worth asking.

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's back.  My neighbor's dog was barking the bark that means there's another animal in our territory, sure enough the BC was sniffing along my fence.  I think b/c I did a long track with Nikon earlier and used some yummy smelling stuff (my yard is very large so there's the fenced portion near the house, then the rest I use for tracking).  I went out with more food and shook the bowl but it only scared the dog.  I threw all the food over the fence anyway.  I was going to open the back gate and lure it in, but changed my mind.  For one, my dogs would escape if I let them out to potty, and two if the BC came in, I'd somehow have to get back there going through the yard to close the gate without it running back out.

    • Silver

     I'm glad it's not a highway victim!  Well, I guess the only hope would be to keep feeding it and hope it eventually trusts you, as long as it is smart enough to stay out of the road.  I'm so glad it found your yard instead of some scary person's yard!  Please keep us posted!

    • Gold Top Dog


    You might want to consider "here" with your eyes averted. (I would even stand so the dog could approach me from behind.  Many working BCs are trained not to move ahead of people unless given specific permission)  This behavior is very typical of the BCs I have encountered prior to their getting to know me.  Come could easily result in a clockwise movement (if there has been herding training as many folks will use "come" as a command for a short (verses long distance) movement. 

    Keep your eyes averted and high.  The dog may be more inclined to move closer if you do that.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Why don't you PM Becca and see if she has any ideas?  The fact is that if the dog sucked at working sheep, it might have been dumped.  So, if you can't catch it after a while, maybe call Border Collie rescue to see if they will pull from your local shelter if animal control can trap the dog.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I do the web almost exclusively on my phone now so this forum is REALLY hard to use. So if anyone needs to get me urgently use p or facebook or irenafarm at gmail Did you make any progress with this dog? If she is out of place she may be simply lost rather than dumped. It's pretty rare for someone to invest training in a dog and then literally dump them, these days. That'll do is the recall for the working border collie and many wannabes. Turn to the side and pat your leg, the one farther from her. Also try "puppy!" and kissing noises.