What kind of dog is this? How big will she be?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What kind of dog is this? How big will she be?

    Okay this dog is actually an adult now. I just want to see how accurate the guesses are on this dog.   (Though to this day we really don't know what she is)

    Here is a bit about her personality:

    She is very sweet, loves to give kisses.   Very lazy.  Loves to watch tv, often glued to it.   When she runs she is the fastest most agile dog I've ever seen.    She is a bit timid until she gets to know you and then she will be the first to greet you.   Her tail is always wagging and their is always a grin on her face.   She does have a lot of energy but she understands that when we are active is time to be active and when we relax its time to relax.   She was easy to train, very food motivated.  She loves to eat.    She has the urge to want to chase squirrels and rabbits, so we don't think we can ever trust her offleash.   She has a deep bark, bays a bit like a beagle.    She gets along great with other dogs but she is very submissive.   She loves to cuddle, a true lap dog.



    In these photos the dog is between 12 weeks old and 10 months old. (it varies from photo to photo)











    Here she is at about 10 months old








    • Gold Top Dog

    OMG, except for her tail, she could be our grand-dog, Maggie's twin!  The kids were told she's Lab/Siberian mix.  Her personality sounds a lot like Maggie, too, although Maggie it doesn't take a squirrel for Maggie to run- she'll just take off if you blink.


    • Gold Top Dog

    They do look a lot alike. How big is she?


    Also how do i post an actual image in the post.  I tried from flickr and photo bucket and the image wouldn't come up.

    • Gold Top Dog

    She's about as tall as Caleb, so maybe 22 inches.  She probably weighs about 50-55 pounds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ah, my girl is much smaller than that.   She is around 21lbs.


    Here are some adult pictures of her.


    I can't figure out how to post an image.  Again I tried so I'll just put the link











    • Gold Top Dog

    No guesses on the breed thing (I'm bad at guessing breeds), but I can help you with this:

    I can't figure out how to post an image.

    You need to copy and paste the code that starts with [IMG] from the photosharing site into your post.  I use Photobucket, it's always the last code listed under the photo in the main album page.

    ETA: I've also found that resizing the photos in Photobucket to "Large" makes them pretty much the perfect size for posting here.

    • Gold Top Dog

    ...I can't figure out how to post an image.  Again I tried so I'll just put the link...

    Oh gosh, I'm sorry- I wasn't ignoring you. I'm having trouble concentration and staying on track today.  I totally missed where you asked for help posting pictures.  I have my pictures on Shutterfly, but I think you can do the same thing I do to post them here.  Open the picture you want to post. right click on it, click "properties", and, in the properties box that pops up, high light the address/URL.  Then here, click on the box in the grey box above that looks like a picture of a tree (Insert/edit image) ,paste the URL of your picture where it says  Image URL, then click Insert.  Sounds more complicated than it is!  Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    She looks like Finn!  We have no clue what he is, probably a mix of a mix of a mix.  But we were told lab/gsd although at 6 months he is only about 36 pounds...6 pounds more than when we got him at the end of May.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Thanks I think i figured it out.


    By the way I think Finn is mixed with Basenji, I see a lot of that in him

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Lab/JRT. I don't see any basenji in there.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Lab/JRT. I don't see any basenji in there.

    I don't see Basenji, either.  And, considering her size, I think your guess of Lab/JRT is a good one. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm pretty sure Sasha is Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua mixed with Corgi and/or beagle  (She acts a lot like a beagle)  Or maybe she is just Jack/chi or just a good old heinz 57


    All we know for sure is mom was a JRT


    Her weight tends to flux between 18 and 21lbs.


    I'm pretty sure there are no large breeds in her





    • Gold Top Dog

    Here are some of my favorite photos of her


    (pictures aren't fitting right though.....its cutting off a portion of the image