German Shepherd Research

    • Gold Top Dog

    German Shepherd Research

     So I'm thinking my next dog will be a german shepherd as a husky and a GSD are my 2 favorite breeds. I won't be adding another dog until I finish my undergrad degree, find my own place, and have a stable job (which will be in about 3 years ... so this is really early research lol). I'm still deciding whether or not to adopt or buy from a breeder but luckily I have about 3 years to decide. I feel that adoptions are fairly normal, ie: petfinder, see a dog, fill out application, meet the dog, pay adoption fees, etc.

    Now on the breeder I've been just doing google searches as I don't know any breeders in particular to start with. I don't want a show line GSD because of their heavily sloped rear ends and I started looking at working lines. I came across this kennel:
    They have dogs for sale as well as puppies but their dogs are priced at least $1800 and there is no price listed for puppies. Now Tyson is my first dog and I will admit, I didn't know any better and bought him from a BYB for $500. What's a reasonable price for a well-bred puppy/ dog? This kennel does hip certifications, etc.

    • Gold Top Dog

    You can do better, and you can certainly do a lot worse than Kreative.  Personally I find them overpriced (though not at all compared to show lines where $2500 can be a steal).  You can get just as good and better dogs from smaller breeders for less, but price should not be the main concern.

    Some good working line kennels I know if closer to you would be Eichenluft, Rokanhaus, Wildhaus, vom Triton, Geistwasser, Wolfstraum, and vom Silbersee (in MD), off the top of my head.

    What would you like to do with the dog?  Any preference as far as drive? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    She (looking for a female) would mostly be family companion although I probably want to do agility with her and maybe Schutzhund (haven't looked into that too much yet) but it will also  depend on how much time I have outside of work. I'll be double majoring in accounting and something else I haven't figured out yet.

    As for drive, I'm not too sure yet. Tyson's stil in his puppy phase (13 months old) so he's still kind of energetic, drivey and all over the place. I'm not sure if I'd prefer a dog like Tyson's puppy stage with a lot of drive or one that's more laidback. 

    edit: ooh! i love how rokanhaus shepherds look. thanks for the references 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think if you go with a good breeder they will be able to match you with the right dog.  The breeders I listed are ones I would not hesistate to look into but I'm sure there are more.  There are a good deal of decent working line breeders in this country, they are just less likely to have a flashy web page and be the first listed on a Google search.  So you are on the right track!  It really boils down to the breeder knowing their dogs, there can be such a huge range of temperament and drive even in a single litter.

    Another one I thought of is von Hena-C.

    • Gold Top Dog

    No advice on specific breeders, but good for you on doing your research early. I have a BYB GSD with lots of issues.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Avoid Kreative Kennels like the plague.

    Also, have you settled on working lines, or are you looking at German Showlines too?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Could you tell me more about Kreative? I mean affter getting some breeder recommendations I don't think I'll go with Kreative because they seem to be overpricing their dogs and are in California. I think I'd prefer somewhere a little closer where its actually possible for me to drive up there and take a look at their dogs.

      I'm not sure about German show lines. I've looked up some information but various sources contradict one another. Some say German show lines are just as bad as American lines or not much better and some say that German show lines are much more straight backed and look more like the old shepherds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Just keep doing your research. I have no recommendations for you. Both american and german lines are littered with illness now, some breeders are doing a better job of keeping the harsher ones out but it seems to be a losing battle. These days when you get a pup, from any breed your tossing a coin on health issues.

    I will say the german lines still tend to be my favorite.


    • Gold Top Dog


      I'm not sure about German show lines. I've looked up some information but various sources contradict one another. Some say German show lines are just as bad as American lines or not much better and some say that German show lines are much more straight backed and look more like the old shepherds.


    What exactly are you looking for in a shepherd?  The closest thing to an "old shepherd" is probably a west German/western European working line.  If that's what you want, then the American vs. German arguments are pretty moot.

    For example, here is my Kenya (all working lines, west German and a little east German too)

    Here is an "old shepherd", the 1925 Sieger


    • Gold Top Dog
    I'll just say the Kreative temperaments are not want you want in a GSD.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Congrats on considering the GSD, I have had GSD for 30 years and they are truly the best for me. Although I would hesitate to recommend them for a first time owner, you already have a GSD mixed with husky so you have a good idea of size and temperament already. Take your time to meet lots of GSDs in parks etc. do visit breeders to get a feel of the various temperaments, even if you a not ready to buy yet. you'll see that temperament are quite varied. One can sort of guess the likelyhood of temperament from family lines (german show, working dogs, parents with lost of Schutzhund tiltes etc). The variance in each litter is nevertheless even more widespread than that. Just one example: in my good Hans's litter there were 3 males, all very different, one we called Mr Zen, the other was a little firecracker and the middle guy (Hans) was exactly that, in the middle. Do take pupy temperament ''exams" with a grain of salt tho as this changes a lot with age. I have seen other litters which were closer in temperament, others even more disparate. So take into account that you should choose the parent(s) more than the line. Breeders tend to price according to general lineage (i.e. a dog that has many champions in his line may be more expensive but that is no garantee that your little tyke will have the goods once grown.) and expected market. First consider good breeders, not necessarily the one with the flashiest internet site or adds, but do read their sites to see their point of view and priorities in breeding and what use the aim their dogs for.

    My breeder was a very small scale breeder in Quebec, but I liked what I read on her site and what she had to say when met, her care and dedication, the fact that she bred for temperament and not coat color, the thoroughness of hips and elbow checks, etc. her aims in choosing which bitch to mate which which sire etc.

    Take a look on a few good books on the breed and talk to lost of owners, The GSD has its advantages and caveats (health issues,etc) There is a way to find a good fit within both german lines (show or work) or American lines but get a good grip on the general plus and minuses of each line. Take a look if your life style fits the dog and if the dogs life style fits you. They are quite a few internet forums with lots of very knowledgeable people with lots of experience with the GSD.

    Remember that in photos taken when stacked (posed for show) the owner often exagerate the position of the extended back leg, this tend toi exagerate the slopping back look, thus the importance of meeting the parents, seing them walk and run, to check for glaring structural faults. I have seen beautiful dogs in picture but in real life they barely we able to walk straight. Good structure is most important for proper work ability so extreme show conformation type may no have the right structure for prolonged work. On the other hand very work oriented lines ( Est German for ex.) may be great looking, to you but may be tooo much of a handfull, the are Very hyper and driven. Try to stay away from breeder who brred only for color, as it is difficult to maintain temperament also. I f you do have preference for a particular look, dark face or sable coart for example , find a good sete of sire and Dam for a good breeder and get in line for when these 2 will be bred. Bear in mind also that in each litter the breeder may charge different for each pup, show potential dogs, when not already reserved by the breeder, will easily reach 2000 and more. Pet quality will range from 600 to 1700 depending on the parents and grand parents etc. Hans is a pet level dog but he is beautiful to me, he has minor faults, but no faults that affect my use , for example his front paws are a bit out, his pigmentation is not as strong as it could be, but i couldn't give a hoot, his hips, shoulders and elbows are super good and all parent 3 generations back had good joints. That is way more important than a perfect show apearance. Always look for reasonable good structure and health, with a good temperament that fits you.

    Good books : PM me if you want suggestions. other good board besides this one : (among others)

    If you want to dwelve into schutzhund there are also quite few good books and sites (I read a bit on it but haven't realy looked into it but this will depend on the temperament of your dog, not all are interested or suited for it

    Hans would be more of a tracking dog anyway, him being so nose oriented (there is a tracking component in Schutzhund)

    • Gold Top Dog


    Remember that in photos taken when stacked (posed for show) the owner often exaggerate the position of the extended back leg, this tend to exaggerate the slopping back look, thus the importance of meeting the parents, seeing them walk and run, to check for glaring structural faults. I have seen beautiful dogs in picture but in real life they barely we able to walk straight. Good structure is most important for proper work ability so extreme show conformation type may no have the right structure for prolonged work.



    This x10!!!

    Once I showed someone a pic of my dog stacked *my* way and she said he was one of the nicest show line (German) dogs she'd ever seen.  Then I showed a pic of someone else stacking him and she said he looked terrible (he did, though the stack was way more trendy and exaggerated).  Same dog, different stacks, totally different looks.

    • Gold Top Dog

    This x10!!!

    Once I showed someone a pic of my dog stacked *my* way and she said he was one of the nicest show line (German) dogs she'd ever seen.  Then I showed a pic of someone else stacking him and she said he looked terrible (he did, though the stack was way more trendy and exaggerated).  Same dog, different stacks, totally different looks.


     This is to an extent but dogs without extreme angulation can not be made to look as though they have it. There are tricks to making dogs look like they have more angulation but you can't make a GSD like Kenya for example, look like an AKC "speciality style" GSD. Personally I feel the working line GSDs are the closest to the original GSDs in looks and temperament. That said, my German show line girl has IMO a perfect GSD temperament. My Amline girl has a good pet type temperament. She is sound and not fearful of stuff but doen't have what I would consider an ideal GSD temperament - she isn't as biddable as she should be, has a high prey drive but only with "real" prey and just doesn't act much like a GSD LOL. Very clever dog though, she opens the pantry door, which has a regular doorknob ;)

    • Silver

    Have you tried German Shepherd Rescues, they usually have their dogs in foster homes so they have an idea of what the dogs temperments like /dislike ect... since you have time you can fill out the adoption forms and they match you with a dog that fits your requirements... you can occasionally find a puppy or younger dog there too....  Just an option....