Question about my Beagle

    • Bronze

    Question about my Beagle

    I am worried that my Beagle might be a "pocket beagle" because people keep telling me that they think she is petite for her age.

    How would I go about finding out whether or not she is? She just turned 7 months old, so she is still a puppy, but I am a little concerned.




    • Gold Top Dog

    how much does she weigh? how tall is she?

    I don't think there is such a thing as 'pocket beagles'....

    • Bronze

    "Pocket beagles" first originated (supposedly) back during the time of Queen Elizabeth.  They were bred to be only eight or nine inches tall, small enough to fit into a pocket or saddlebag.  Hence the name.  Nowadays they're bred by puppymillers.  If you do a search on "pocket beagles" you'll get all sorts of puppymill sites.

    So my first question (besides how tall is she and how much does she weigh) would be where did you get her?  Keep in mind that even the normal under 13-inch variety of beagles can be quiet small.  Other than her size, is she healthy?

    • Bronze

    I got Athena from a pet store. She was an impulse, and uneducated purchase. I didn't know of puppymills, and the dangers of purchasing from a pet store rather than a reputable breeder. She is absolutely healthy, and from all of the research I have done is a textbook Beagle in means of mannerism and such. I just read about the Pocket/Glove Beagle, and thought she might be a puppymill mishap because of her size, and size alone. I should let you know that this is my first Beagle and the first time I have ever been around Beagles, so I have no idea what size they should be at this age, so perhaps I am worrying for nothing. I just wanted to be sure.


    She weighed roughly 12lbs at her last weigh in and that was at the age of 6 months. I don't have a way to measure her at the moment, so I don't know how tall she is or even at what points to measure her in the first place.


    Thanks for all of the help and information,


    • Gold Top Dog
    Hi Trevor! My crew is just a liiiittle north of you :) There are tons of us in the state, actually!

    I have no idea about beagles - but if you're measuring for height, you measure from the shoulder blades. I use a piece of string and then measure the string, but I don't think this is an exact method.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Sometimes a dog will be smaller than the standard and it is not because they were intentionally bred that way.Our aussie is a mere 31 pounds and people are always asking if she's a mini,which she's not.If your beagle ends up being a bit small you should look on the bright side....she will cost you less over her lifetime in food,flea treatments and medicationsWink


    • Gold Top Dog

    When measuring you'd measure from the toes to the shoulder (like on a horse). 12# doesn't seem too small to me for a 6 month old. Usually, the dogs will double their weight at 4-5 months, so she'll probably end up around 20# - which is on the smaller side for a beagle, but certainly not tiny. I've fostered a few beagles - and they've been a variety of different sizes. Females also tend to be on the smaller side of the breed standard.

    • Gold Top Dog

     My Beagle was about 25 pounds full grown, and exactly 13", and although I don't remember what she weighed at your dog's age, I can't really say that yours sounds as though she will mature to much less than that.  The good news is that, as a newbie, you at least bought a generally non-aggressive breed that gets along with everyone, so long as it's been properly socialized.  Beagles are, as a rule, a relatively healthy breed, too, although devotees will tell you that when she gets very old (and they tend to have long lifespans) she may get some lumps and bumps and a very gray muzzle:-))