Miniature Pinschers

    • Gold Top Dog

    Miniature Pinschers

     This week we have been minding Alex the Min Pin for my partner's parents. Alex traditionally drives me crazy. He is tiny and he shivers and whines and it seems like he is always anxious. In the car he does whiney yelps and jumps up and down. He can keep it up for about an hour, we have discovered. At home, he stands around on the back of lounge chairs and peers out the windows whining. I take it he is looking for his mum and dad, who left him here 4 days ago, now. Sometimes he just stands around whining and shivering. Eventually, he will curl up underneath a blanket and sleep for a while.

    Is this intense anxiety and incessant whining a breed thing, or is Alex just screwed up?

    • Gold Top Dog

    lol. The whiney yelps and jumping in the car sounds about normal. Shivering, crawling under blankets, barks a lot... sounds about normal. He's probably anxious. Our min pins have a ton of prey drive, have you tried playing with him by tossing a squeaky toy or small ball around? Get him moving and wear him out a bit... maybe?

    I really need to get video, around here the most frequent exclamation anyone makes is, "Leaping Min Pins!" They bounce, a lot, for any and every reason. They're really vocal. Standing around patheticly doesn't sound normal, any self respecting min pin that felt bad would find a nice warm lap. Sounds like he needs something to do.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Our min pin, who went to a better suited home, was exactly like this. He drove me nuts!

    • Gold Top Dog

    pretty typical for the breed. He probably could use an exercise increase - both physical and mental. Terriers are... fun... dogs. haha