What is she?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What is she?

    I don't think I ever asked here for what people thought my dog might be.  Every time we're out somewhere or I post pictures of her someplace people take guesses as to her breed mix and have come up with a rather huge list of possibilities.  So I'm curious what people here think she might be a mix of?  It's mostly just for fun, so have at it if you want to!

    Dahlia is 52 lbs, somewhere between 3 and 4 years old, so she's fully grown.








    (Yes the tail really IS that large).

    • Gold Top Dog

    Dahlia is beautiful!  I'm going to guess Flatcoat and Golden Retriever.  Maybe with a little Rough or Border Collie.  To be honest, my first guess was Lab/Newf, but I think she's too small for that mix.  Gad, that last pic so reminds me of a Newf! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    A lot of people have guessed Newfie from looking at her pictures, but she definitely seems way too tiny to have such a large dog in her mix (unless it's WAY back).  One person saw her and thought she was a Newfie puppy. LOL

    This is always my hilarious "size difference" picture.  There's Dahlia in the front and right behind her a gorgeous big black Newfie (you can just barely see it, but there's also a Landseer Newfie behind the black one).  Dahlia has a bit less hair there than she does in some of these pics since it was at the end of the summer and she had finally shed out her undercoat.


    • Gold Top Dog


    Dahlia is 52 lbs...



    Geez, I think 10 lbs of that is in her tail alone! LOL

    No guesses, but she's a pretty girl!

    • Gold Top Dog

    My Rocky, was guessed to be Newfy X by his foster home.  He at 2 years is only about 55 lbs and not quite as fluffy as your girl.  Everyone says he is a Lab but those that have had Labs...says he is way too laid back to be just a Lab.  He has a little white spot on his chest, webbed paws, and some white undercoat.  He loves the water and dries very quickly when wet (I was told that was a Newfy thing too).  He also loves to hunt up and capture varmits (I was told this was a lab thing)  I dont know what he is either but he is a very smart, very calm, very loving and his face and Dahlia's look the same.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I dont know how I missed it but seeing the pics of her tail...and her smile... she might have some Bernese Mtn dog in her.   Her tail is as long and bushy as Hot Shot's and she has a beautiful smile also like his.

    • Gold Top Dog

    The funny thing about her tail is that the tail bone itself is not very thick.  She definitely doesn't have the lab otter tail or anything along that line.  But the hair on it is just HUGE.  It seems to get bigger all the time.  I don't know what it'll look like next year.  I'd trim it down but it's so pretty!

    shadowsgin -- that's interesting about the 55lb Newfie.  Maybe it's possible.  The description of the personality describes Dahlia to a T.  She doesn't have the webbed feet and it takes quite some time for her to dry, but the personality matches.

    She sometimes seems to show some Border collie traits too, though she's WAY more laidback.  She does herd us, has nipped at our heels if we don't go in the direction she wants (a little redirection and she seems to have given that part up), and I've seen her do the crouch and eye when we get to the pond and she sees the ducks.  So maybe both of those are floating around in there somewhere.

    They were calling her a lab mix at one point, but she doesn't have many lab traits (retrieve? what is this?) and it seems like most of the lab mixes I see and meet are short-haired.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Lab, BC, and perhaps a smattering of Chow. 3 or more almost for certain because she is right at that median weight multi mixes get to...40-50lbs. I always start common...Smile

    • Gold Top Dog


    My Rocky, was guessed to be Newfy X by his foster home.  He at 2 years is only about 55 lbs and not quite as fluffy as your girl.  Everyone says he is a Lab but those that have had Labs...says he is way too laid back to be just a Lab.  He has a little white spot on his chest, webbed paws, and some white undercoat.  He loves the water and dries very quickly when wet (I was told that was a Newfy thing too).  He also loves to hunt up and capture varmits (I was told this was a lab thing)  I dont know what he is either but he is a very smart, very calm, very loving and his face and Dahlia's look the same.

    Heck, I've always thought Rocky is a Lab.  All those traits you mentioned are Labby, too, even the laid back part.  Yes, there are laid back, mellow Labs, even at 2 years!  LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    Heck, I've always thought Rocky is a Lab.  All those traits you mentioned are Labby, too, even the laid back part.  Yes, there are laid back, mellow Labs, even at 2 years!  LOL


     Really?  We were told Dahlia was probably a border collie/lab mix, which made sense to me for how she looks and her general size.  But she's so laid back and I've never met a laidback lab (or border collie) that wasn't old, so I thought she must be something else.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Heck, I've always thought Rocky is a Lab.  All those traits you mentioned are Labby, too, even the laid back part.  Yes, there are laid back, mellow Labs, even at 2 years!  LOL


     Really?  We were told Dahlia was probably a border collie/lab mix, which made sense to me for how she looks and her general size.  But she's so laid back and I've never met a laidback lab (or border collie) that wasn't old, so I thought she must be something else.


    Yep, there are some laid back young Labs out there.  Wink   I've always gotten comments on how mellow Caleb is (he just turned 3 last week).  Don't get me wrong- he can be a butt tucking lunatic, when the time is right.  That's the key, tho- when the time is right.  His "on/off switch" is very easy to control.  Smile  His Mom & Dad are like that, too.  Our old guy, Mick (Lab/English Setter) was mellow, too.  Mick just seemed to know when it was OK to be a "nut case" and when it wasn't.  Caleb is still learning that.  But, he'll chill when he's told to, so it's no big deal.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Dahlia's NEVER a nutcase.  She's the calmest dog I've met.  She won't even bark if someone knocks on the door.  She just trots over and stands there with her tail wagging.  I don't know how much of her personality was what she was born with and how much came from her early life, though.  She didn't understand toys or fetch or playing when we first got her.  And even over a year later she's just starting to get that stuff.  She also didn't understand chewing on various things, like rawhide "bones" and the like.  It almost seemed like she'd never been shown how to just be a dog.  I often wonder what her early life must have been like.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I don't see any flatcoat in her.  Definitely lab, maybe a smattering of chow or golden.  Believe it or not, retrieving is sometimes something you have to train in a retriever!  My own flatcoat is a retrieving flunkie (then again, we didn't do a good job training it). 

    Whatever she is, she is beautiful.  I'm in LOVE with that tail.  I looove big poofy fluffy tails though.  

    • Gold Top Dog

     Lab, something, and chow - chow would give the thick coat (and that wonderful tail) and the calm, calm demeanor.

    • Puppy
    I think either german shepherd border collie or chow border collie