Great Pyr info please.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Great Pyr info please.

     That I cant learn off the net.

    I called the rescue twice but no one has called back and I have been home all day waiting for a phone call. I'll try again tomorrow. I looked in the paper and I saw where a 2 year old GP female was free to good home so I called them to see if possibly they had found her a home and the people just decided to dump her instead but no answer. 

    I do not know how old this girl is. She let me look at her teeth but I dont know how to tell how old she is. She looks like she has had pups before. Or just come out of heat. Gosh dont be pregnant! 

    She makes me so sad. I tried to get her to come out of the dog pen but she just stood at the door and refused to take another step. Samantha loves her and is calling her Mandy. Dont know where she got that but it's better than "huge fluffy white dog." 

    So any info that will help me help her until I can get something situated for her would be great. Thanks!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Kim, I follow this blog. Maybe you can contact them to see if they can help get the word out or find someone to take her in? I follow it because in the end we did lose Babe to cancer and I love what he is doing.

    • Silver

    Kim .....


    i read some on this site about great pyr's .........

    here is the link .......        

    • Gold Top Dog

    Have you EMAILED the REGIONAL contact on this page, Terry S.? She may have a more sure fire way of contacting the listed contact for your state. Just a thought.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I responded to your other post, but I'll copy it here too - since it still kinda applies:

    While stressing the urgancy of placing the dog is important - looking at this from a rescue point of view: repeat phone calls are annoying. And frustrating. If there's nothing I can do today - there's nothing I'll be able to do tomorrow. Most of your breed rescue groups are ALL may take them a day or two to call back. They may be reconfiguring their foster homes to see if they can fit her in...I'd give them a chance to call back, honestly. Email is great too - most of my rescue to rescue contact is through email - it's much easier to keep track of and follow than numerous phone calls.

    I would try several different rescue groups - even try out of your state. Many rescue groups have foster homes out of state (I worked with a rescue in Texas, that had a foster home right in Tampa). I know there's a great GP rescue in FL somewhere, maybe GA. I could try and find their info for you too - you may be able to do a transport train to place her if no owner shows up.

    Until you place her, I'd keep her outside where she is more comfortable. She may adjust to a crate too - most dogs like the close feel of the 'den' when they are nervous like she is.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Gina I emailed her. Just waiting for a response.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Until you place her, I'd keep her outside where she is more comfortable. She may adjust to a crate too - most dogs like the close feel of the 'den' when they are nervous like she is.


    Ok but I hate that she's out there alone and so scared/nervous. I dont have another crate big enough for her to fit in. So I will leave her back there. She has 2 dog houses she can sleep in and she has picked one of them over the other I have noticed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have posted requesting ideas and assistance on a Giant breed specific board I am on as well. I will let you know if I hear anything.

    • Gold Top Dog

    She'd probably be a lot more nervous in your house - with all the commotion and dogs running around.

    If you can get some rescue remedy - you may want to add some to her food to help take off the edge a bit.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Thanks Gina and Erica.


    • Gold Top Dog

     How much should I feed her and what kind of food should she be eating?

    • Gold Top Dog

    another contact for you in Rescue...Barbara Mattson, Director of Nat'l Pyr rescue

    She apparently is very helpful.

    • Gold Top Dog

    did you hear from the rescue contacts yet? I expect now that the holiday is over they might be more accessible?

    • Gold Top Dog

     It depends on whether she's pet or working bred. Working bred LGDs do best on high protein/high fat formulas. I like Eagle Pack Power (you can get it with free shipping from K9 Cuisine).

    Pet bred Pyrenees do just fine on the usual fare. They need plenty of omega-3s to keep their coat and skin in good condition and shedding to a dull roar. Wink  The key is not trying to stop the shedding, but to keep them from shedding in globs that get matted up. Healthy skin drops dead hair at a steady, manageable rate, and healthy hair releases it with normal combing/brushing.

    You'll want, minimally, a large rake or comb like you'd use on a horse's tail.

    • Puppy

    Great Pyreneeses have the tendency to be shy. Especially if they think they are in trouble. We have a great pyrenees and he is very shy.