I want another Lapphund!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I want another Lapphund!

     Oh my goodness, I've been having vague (and not so vague) thoughts about abandoning all challenging breeds and just getting another Finnish Lapphund. And then my friend goes and takes a squillion photos of the so-called "Rainbow Litter" currently at 3 1/2 weeks old. It's the Rainbow Litter because they have black and tans, browns, creams, and a domino!


    Squidge monkeys! 


    Kivi has been such a pleasure lately and he has just slid so effortlessly into our lives. There's a lot to be said for stunning good looks, ease of training, and sweet cuddlebears. 

    OH is determined that Kivi Tarro is the only Lapphund for him and won't hear of getting another one. Our boy is just a bit special.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Aw, those are some of the cutest puppies!

    • Gold Top Dog

    you need one of those pups...definitely...forget the other breeds and just get the most testy, dominant one in this litter instead Wink...never think there cannot be challenges...even in a "biddable" breed.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Ha! Gina, you a genius. I shall henceforth call you Ginius.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I humbly accept that most excellent nickname...I stop short of tattooing it on me anywhere tho. LOL.


    • Gold Top Dog

     I can almost smell the puppy breath.

    • Gold Top Dog
    OMG SO CUTE. I really would like a Lapphund someday - kind of like a giant kinder gentler Lizzie. :P Mail me the brown one, please. :P
    • Gold Top Dog

    Holy moley those are cute puppies! They look like living stuffed animals (if THAT makes ANY sense at all, but you know what I mean!).

    • Gold Top Dog

     LOL, Kivi Tarro looks like a soft toy now and he's fully grown! There was a point when he was 9 weeks old and his ears had just come up that he really did look like something that couldn't be real. OH has a photo of him at that age on his noticeboard at work and people are always saying "That's not real, right?". Considering he works in visual effects, that's saying something!

    Here's the photo I'm talking about:


    • Gold Top Dog


    you need one of those pups...definitely...forget the other breeds and just get the most testy, dominant one in this litter instead Wink...never think there cannot be challenges...even in a "biddable" breed.



    This is actually very true.  Jack is far more social and less prey driven than Sally but the ease of training ends there.  He can be very stubborn (better now, but in his adolescent days--look out!), be very single minded, and as discussed in the other thread is way too food motivated. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!  <------(this noise literally came out of my mouth)

    I WANT.  Those are some of the cutest puppies I have ever seen!  I'm absolutely obsessed with the Mr. Brown Squishy near the bottom. 

    I would LOVE a Lappie.  All of your pictures and stories of KT only reinforce for me that someday (hopefully soon) I'll have one of my own.

    And yes, you should definitely get another one. Smile

    OT, I didn't know you were friends with TerraNik.  I love her videos on YouTube, and her dogs are wonderful.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I agree. Your stories make me want a Lapphund. He sounds really similar to Ena (sweet, laid back, biddable, squishable), but bigger and fluffier. He sounds really wonderful.

    • Gold Top Dog

    OT, I didn't know you were friends with TerraNik.  I love her videos on YouTube, and her dogs are wonderful.


    Haw, small world. Jedi is about a week older than Kivi. We had a play date when they were both still quite small, but although Kivi and Jedi get on famously, we live on opposite sides of the city, so we don't get together very often. Nik has some photos of Kivi and Penny hanging out with her two dogs and the other Sydney spitz fanatics and their dogs on her flikr account somewhere. Her Lappie, Ahsoka, is quite different to Kivi in some ways. She's much drivier and more active, but I think a lot of that is because Nik has been doing drive training with her from an early age. She still loves her cuddles and gets on very well with pretty much every dog she meets.

    Kivi has so far been everything that makes a good all-round companion dog. He's super mellow and laid back, he's charming, cuddly, affectionate, dead easy to train, gets by on very little exercise but will take as much as you give him, he doesn't bark much, and he wants to be everyone's friend. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body and has never once growled or showed his teeth or stared threateningly at anything. You couldn't fault his temperament if you tried. He's just so sweet and easy-going. Everyone falls in love with him and it doesn't matter if a zillion kids crowd around him and pat and hug him because he doesn't mind. It's nice to have a dog that you just don't have to worry much about. I know he'll take the vast majority of potentially worrying situations in his stride and shrug it off, and I know he won't start anything with other dogs or give them a reason to start anything with him. Plus, he's drop-dead gorgeous so he tends to attact a lot of attention and give me ample opportunity to tell people about Lapphunds. Smile I think that if more families went for a Lappie or a similar breed, there would be less dogs in the pound. They are just so freaking easy to live with. Except the hair. That's a bit of a deal-breaker for some.

    Anyway, with Kivi being suddenly so well-behaved at just a little over a year old, it's easy to just sigh and think, maybe this is all I need from dogs. OH still won't hear of getting another Lapphund, though. He says he doesn't want anything to compete with Kivi Tarro. KT is the perfect dog for my partner. Everything he could have wanted.