is this a border collie?

    • Bronze

    is this a border collie?

    the gentleman a couple of farms over passed recently and the grandkids asked if we woulld consider 'adopting' his dog. she's got an excellent temprament (sic), sweet and quiet. she's 24lbs., 17 inches tall, 2 years old+/-..... his grandaughter said she thought Dixie was a miniature collie, but we have no idea. please see picture.  your guys opinions would be greatly appreciated. P S .... i could not figure out how to attach picture so her picture is my avatar and in my photos section .......... thank you, tammywhat am i

    • Gold Top Dog

    She's very cute, but no, she's not a BC.  At least not pure.  There might be some in there, but I see a lot of Golden Retriever.

    • Gold Top Dog

    is this a border collie?



    • Gold Top Dog

     I also see a lot of golden retriever and maybe some NSDTR.

    • Bronze

    aren't golden retrievers a lot bigger than 17" & 24 lbs?

    • Gold Top Dog

    PURE Golden yes...once you mix in a smaller breed, like a BC or Spaniel? Not always...or even, often. In fact the more breeds in a mix....many times the SMALLER it gets. Dogs tend to the median when left to randomly breed. Standard street dogs in just about any country are about 20-40lbs sandy colored with wht markings, etc.

    There could be BC in the dog...but my guess is your typical country dog mix...some BC some Gundog, maybe even a little hound for good measure!

    Does the dog herd at all? stalk? exhibit any of the usual behavior of a BC?

    • Bronze

    thank you rwbeagles for inserting the photo. thanks to those who have replied. i never heard of a nove scotia duck tolling breed but after a google search it sure looks close! are these dogs often  found in midwest, usa? we've always had blue heelers and australian shepherds here on the farm but she sure fits right in. hanks again, tammy

    • Gold Top Dog


    aren't golden retrievers a lot bigger than 17" & 24 lbs?

    Purebred ones, yes.  Someone mentioned NSCTR (Nova Scotia Duck Tollling Retriever).  She's actually the right size for a Toller.  They aren't all that common in all areas, tho.  Because of that, I'd guess she's a Golden Retriever mix.  She may have some Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog) in her, too.  She's a pretty girl! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    aren't golden retrievers a lot bigger than 17" & 24 lbs?


    Yes, a purebred Golden would be larger than the dog you describe but it looks like a mixed breed and part of the mix could be a Golden.  Very pretty dog and she sounds like a very nice one too.  I'm not seeing Border Collie but anything's possible when you are talking mixed breeds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    She is a cute dog but doesn't look like a BC, probably a mix of several common breeds, I actually see mixes that look like her fairly often. It is extremely unlikely she is mixed with Toller, as they are not a common breed at all.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    My thot was golden retriever and sheltie -- that would give the coloring on the muzzle with the golden's ears. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     That was my thought too, sheltie mix....could have a few things mixed in there, definitely not a border collie, but a cute little dog....sounds like she'd be a nice addition.

    • Gold Top Dog

     She looks a lot like my BC/Golden/Shepherd mix except there's no shepherdy features in her like there are in Lynn (black points and larger size).

    Most Border Collie mixes just size down the mix, add some white if the parent had white, and this dog has ticking too. Lots of BCs have ticking. That's why I favor BC over Aussie.

    I don't really see any Sheltie. There is no red in that breed, and this dog is liver colored. Goldens can be bb red and many BCs also carry b red alleles.

    • Gold Top Dog

    There is no red in that breed, and this dog is liver colored

    You see liver? I see sandy/Golden colored with snow/dudley nose. The eyerims look black to me? I don't see liver like a Sussex or even a "chocolate" Beagle type liver.

    • Gold Top Dog

     BC liver tends to be very dark. But now that you mention it I think there's a black paw pad showing, plus a touch of black under the nose. My bad. But I still don't see sheltie as much as BC. She just looks so much like a million retriever/BCs I've seen. Including the one in my house masquerading as a mini-Leonberger. Smile