Is This Boy a Min Pin???

    • Gold Top Dog

    Is This Boy a Min Pin???

    Long story short here.  Some friends have posession of a friend's dog that they were going to euth.  My friends were going to help their friend euth this little guy but when they met him they said that they'd take him home instead.  He's 8, not on his deathbed like his previous owners were saying.  He seems like a wonderful boy but it's still early.  Our thoughts is that he hasn't had any real training.  Anyway, I need your input on whether you think he's a pure Min Pin, a poorly bred Min Pin or a mix.  I think he's about 20 pounds & roughly 18 inches @ the whithers.  So here are some pictures I took today of Morrison:





    We're going to try & find a new home for this little guy.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Kind of looks like a Chihuahua or Chi/mix.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks more chihuahua than anything...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Maybe a chi or a rat terrier?

    On a side note...that arm in the pic is a nurse's dream! i could get an IV in that with my eyes closed!!

    • Gold Top Dog

     His head really looks chihuahua to me. 


    On a side note...that arm in the pic is a nurse's dream! i could get an IV in that with my eyes closed!!


    • Gold Top Dog

     Looks like a Chi to me also.

    • Gold Top Dog

     At that height and weight, I'd be more inclined to say that he is a rat terrier (possibly mix). Min Pins aren't supposed to be more than 12 1/2 inches at the shoulders, and for him to be 18 - he would have to be a mix if there is any Min Pin. The coat is wrong for a Miniature Pinscher as well. My parents have a rat terrier, and their heads are almost identical.

    Hope you can find the little guy a home! He's a cutie.


    • Gold Top Dog

    here's our elderly min pin for comparison.

    rattie is a good guess to - but I thought they usually had cropped tails. maybe rattie/chi?

    • Gold Top Dog

    ~LOL~  I'll tell the arm owner you said that. ~LOL~

    From what I was told Morrison's former owners said that he was a Min Pin/Rat Terrier mix.  I'm hoping to get his vet records & we'll see what they say.

    Thanks for your responses.  He seems like a real sweetie.  If he does turn out to be a Chi mix I have a friend who runs a Chi rescue.  I might be able to get him on her PetFinder site at least. 

    I was thinking that since I live in an area where puppy mills & BYB are abundant I thought that he might have been a very poorly bred MinPin.

    Erica, your Sr MinPin is a cutie!  I hope he finds a home soon.

    • Gold Top Dog

    What a cutie! How weird... he likes an EXACT cross between my dogs! Haha. I now know what Penny and Daisy's love child would look like.

    Anyway, he seems too big to be a Min Pin. 20 lbs is pushing it, but like you said, could be a poorly bred Min Pin. However, 20lbs even BIGGER for a Chihuahua. It's a tough one, but I'm inclined to say Rat Terrier or Chihuahua mix as well. If it weren't for the markings, I don't think he'd really resemble a Min Pin at all.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Erica, your Sr MinPin is a cutie!  I hope he finds a home soon.

    Thanks, sadly she's about 12 years old... she's been with us for quite a few months now, but at least she's in a foster home. I think she'll probably live her life out in her foster home, no one is knocking down the doors for her *sigh*

    Chi rescue might take your guy anyways - it can never hurt to ask!

    • Gold Top Dog


    On a side note...that arm in the pic is a nurse's dream! i could get an IV in that with my eyes closed!!

    Megan, I told him what you said.  He laughed & said that they love him when he donates blood. :o)

    Erica, I'm sad for your Sr Min Pin.  She's a doll but then I loves me some senior dogs.

    Sarah, thanks for chiming in.  I was hoping you would.  He really is a sweetheart.

    I met with him again today & I'll be watching him for a few days while his"foster" family is on vacation so I'll get a better chance to see his personality.  While I was at his foster family's house for instructions he sat very nicely on my lap & let me cover his face with kisses.  So while they're gone we'll have lunch dates & go visiting dog friendly people I know.

    I also found out the REAL reason why he's being re-homed.  GAH!  I hate people.  They just had a baby soooooooo out the dog goes.  *grumble*