I found this dog on the side of the road and need help

    • Puppy

    I found this dog on the side of the road and need help

     Im trying to find out who the owner is, was going to make a post about it online, would be helpful to know what kind of dog it is... the picture isnt very good quality but i hope its good enough...

    • Gold Top Dog

    maybe some sort of husky/shepherd mix? I think that'd be best if you're posting on craigslist or something. don't want to get TOO specific with breeds and such

    • Gold Top Dog

    Maybe a husky or malamute or mix thereof?

    Have you checked local shelters to see if anyone has a lost report on a dog matching the description?  You'll also want to get him scanned for a microchip - most shelters and vets will scan a dog for free.

    Craigslist might be another good place to check for lost dog ads.

    • Puppy

      Thank you both very much.. everything is closed today because its sunday but i will check tomorrow.. and i will make a craigslist posting as well right now with the breeds you both suggested.  :)

    • Gold Top Dog

     Husky or malamute - I'd lean towards husky, they're more common- and possibly mixed, but quite possibly NOT.