Scottish Deerhound

    • Gold Top Dog

    Scottish Deerhound

     Dh and I have been discussing adding another dog to our family in a few years. We both are wanting to research for a while. We have really narrowed it down to an Airedale pr a Scottish deerhound  - leaning more towards the deerhound. I have been to the brred website and looked at a few breeder websites. This breed seems to be very scarce. I was just wondering if anyone has any first hand experiance with them. Is a puppy going to be very hard to find? I saw alot of breeders in Canada. Thanks for any replys, we are both very curious about this breed.

    • Gold Top Dog

     i noticed the scarcity as well. i've always liked them AND the Irish Wolfhound but have been turned off by the health problems.

    but i dont think the SDH has the same amount of problems as the IWH. i could be wrong though. i know the Deerhound is very popular as a mix for people who use them to hunt rabbits in the UK and coyotes in the midwest.

    i want to have one of my own some day as well but doubt it will happen unless i inherit a butt load of fenced in pasture. i cant see keeping  a dog like that cooped up on three wooded acres. half the reason why i'm attracted to them is the joy i get in watching them run Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

     They are very beautiful creatures. From what I understand they have fewer health problems than the IW, but I could be wrong.

    • Gold Top Dog

     "Fewer" is a relative term.

    I knew a lady who was a fancier and she said every one of her dogs died before they were eight. I just can't imagine that. I met one of her dogs, only five years old and apparently in glowing health. The next year she mentioned that her dog had died that year of cancer.

    She adopted a BC from me that was about 18 mos old. It's been eight years and he's still performing at a high level in agility. She's delighted. It's hard to imagine, coming from long lived breeds (including a mastiff/giant breed with an average life span into the teens), to accept the idea that I'd only have maybe six to eight years with my pup.