Breed decisions are imminent! (corvus)

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    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm posting this on behalf of shelter dogs everywhere and for the lurkers who might not have adopted from a shelter or might assume that all shelter dogs are damaged beyond repair.  I respect your desire for a purebred and am not directing any criticism toward you. 

    Great post Jackie.

    I too understand completely why one might want to stick with a purebred dog from known breeding lines.  But not all shelter dogs are 

    other people's problems in dog form.
    . I cannot say anything about the situation in NZ but certainly here in the states amazing dogs are in shelters and with the economic downturn, people's very loved very well trained pets are now up for adoption.  Also like to say that as you know getting a dog of a certain breed doesn't guarantee temperament or personality.


    • Gold Top Dog

     I am absolutely confident that there are some amazing dogs in shelters. I've just been once bitten and am twice shy, so to speak. There is NOTHING worse than seeing your beloved dog dangling from the jaws of your other beloved dog. It broke my heart when the only thing we could do for everyone's safety was put our shelter dog down. She was amazing. She was beautiful. I adored her. And that's why it hurt so much when we couldn't keep her and couldn't risk finding her another home. I find it hard to consider shelter dogs even though I know intellectually that the perfect dog for me is probably right there in the shelter system. I can't shake that horror and fear that what went so wrong could happen again. It took 2 years for that shelter dog to explode like a time bomb. No one would have known it was coming when we took the dear home.

    Anyway, just so folks know, I'm not against shelter dogs. We're going to check the shelters this weekend and if the right dog was there we would take it home. I just can't convince myself that it isn't a pretty risky move. 

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    I just can't convince myself that it isn't a pretty risky move. 


    Completely understandable - I was seconding Jackie's post in that if there are people lurking that all shelter dogs don't get painted with a broad brush.

    I wish you, personally, the best of luck in finding exactly what it is you are looking for.  

    BTW your signature is super sweet.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Anyway, just so folks know, I'm not against shelter dogs. We're going to check the shelters this weekend and if the right dog was there we would take it home. I just can't convince myself that it isn't a pretty risky move. 

     I would think with the rabbits you pretty much have to get a puppy?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Corvus, I don't think anyone can fault you after your experiences - I can't imagine how awful that must've been!

    Paws crossed that you guys find a perfect match, be it from a great shelter or from a great breeder. :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Just wanted to repeat that my post wasn't directed at you, corvus.  It's very hard to overcome the emotional trauma you went through with your shelter dog. What a terrible experience.  I wish you the best of luck in finding the right puppy or dog.  :)