Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Any guesses?? Boxer and ????
Hello everyone! Here is a photo of the dog we are adopting! We know his mom was a Boxer . . . what do you all think about the other part? I am going to put a close up of his face on another post after this because I cannot get two photos on here at one time for some reason!! Thanks for any guesses!!...
  • 14 REPLIES
Basenjis and Shibas (and similar breeds)
It has suddenly become apparent that Penny will probably not be with us to see her 14th birthday at Christmas time. Strangely, despite seeing it coming for years, I guess it is a bit of a surprise for me. I don't think that Kivi will cope all that well as an only dog, and I don't think I will...
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Dachshunds (aDork)
So I'm intrigued by dachshunds, because where I'm staying at the moment, I have my own little dachshund buddy. His name is Roto and both his parents are AKC registered. He weighs 12-13 lbs -- between the two classifications-- and will be 2 in September, he is a dilute red (as far as I can figure...
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Need Dobe Advice
I'd like to know what you guys think of this litter... And the breeder. All I've found is good things about him, so I'm pretty excited. I've been thinking about a working Doberman for a long time, and just happened to come accross this litter...
Need advice from dog handlers/showers (Aussie)
I'm looking to get into showmanship by getting a new puppy I currently have 2 aussies that wouldnt do well in conformation, so they are going into agility. Here's some pics from the breeder i'm going to look at, the female(first pic) is the pick of the litter and my favorite, though I love...
What's his other breed?
Well I know Copper Is half corgi I have always wondered what his other breed could be and I just found some old picture's of him when my brother found him in the street. Maybe seeing him younger could help. Sorry about the picture's, picture's came from a camjam it wasn't good lol
Guessing Bandit's Breeds again!!!
Hello everyone. We have been gone for a while but are back again. About 6-8 months ago I asked everyone what you thought Bandit was. Well now he is 1 year and 6 months old and has taken on a whole new look. He is 23in at his withers and weighs 65 lbs. His hair is all black with some white on his chest...
  • 11 REPLIES
Looking for a new dog. Need help deciding which breed is the best...
I realize I just popped up again out the wood work, and just as an update, Diesel and I are doing fantastic. His recall is now 110%. I can call him off of dogs and people (not squirrels yet). And the training is better now, thanks to everyone here ♥ But I have a question and am looking for the...
What breed is my puppy???
Guess this cutie's breed...
This is Ruby - we call her a Black and Tan Squirrel Terrier... but really we have no idea - she was found dumped in a yard and we adopted her from the Animal Protective League in Springfield, Illinois. She currently weighs about 23 pounds and we guess her age is currently about 6 months old (I just took...
Miniature Doxie
Can anyone tell me about Miniature Doxies - what are their personalites like, etc? My daughter is thinking of getting one. Thanks!
  • 10 REPLIES
Breed Suggestion for a Friend (mrstjohnson)
My girlfriend and her husband would like to get a family dog. She is committed to doing research and is still not 100% that their lifestyle would be suited for dog...she doesn't want to make a mistake. I did convince her to either adopt from a rescue/humane society or go through a breeder so she...
rwbeagles-GSD from "I Am Legend"
Anyone got an inside track on the dog? Who is she/he and where from? Looks to have a pretty big role in the flick...featured on a lot of the trailers and posters, etc? COOL! Wonder if the dog gets to kick some mutant bootie? Is the GSD community prepared for the onslaught? Beagle folks just had Underdog...
  • 38 REPLIES
Stephen's Cur Dog - Anyone Heard of Them?
It seems I have one here, as a foster dog. It took me a long time to figure out where I'd seen her shape, mannerisms, etc, before but her color was throwing me off. I'd seen many pictures of dogs just like her in photo albums of Mountain Cur Dogs. I went back to the page and figured out that...
  • 21 REPLIES
Transylvanian hound
Anyone know anything about them? Joker's breeder has a female and she had an "oops" litter thanks to her son. The pups sire is Joker's sire though. I've been reading up on them since they were born 5 weeks ago. JJ's wanting to get a dog of his own and we're considering one...
Husky, Malamute, GSD, Border collie...questions
These are the breeds we were told were in Kira. Based on the photo of the daddy, I'm more inclined to say rough coated collie and not border collie. He was mixed with malamute and basically looked like a tri color collie on steroids....very long and full coat but a mal-like face. The mom to me, looked...
  • 12 REPLIES
Getting into a new breed.
Ok so I have loved Irish Setters since I was 10 and read the book "Red" and then a couple weeks later actually seeing an Irish Setter in real life. I was determined to have an Irish Setter one day and have been lucky to have had 4 of them in my life. But since getting Joker I really dont see...
  • 23 REPLIES
Treeing Walker Coonhound?
I may be fostering a dog taken out of a nasty pound in OH. Right now, she's with a private rescue that can't keep her much longer, so somehow, she ended up with no place else to go but here. Should have her by next weekend, and was just wondering what breed or mix she is ... the pound classified...
I had to put my shepherd down recently and will be getting my new pup Friday. I certainly am not ready for another shepherd yet, but I used to live and work on a ranch with two rough collies. They were great dogs and I always knew I would have one of my own someday. I cannot wait to go pick the new pup...
Is he all Lab? (BlackLabbie)
A few people in the Labrador Retriever Club suggested I get Apollo his AKC, PAL/ILP so he can compete (someday) in AKC events they hold. I'm a little worried about applying because I'm not sure he looks Lab enough. The worst that can happen they said "no" and me being out $35.