Guess this cutie's breed...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Guess this cutie's breed...

    This is Ruby - we call her a Black and Tan Squirrel Terrier... but really we have no idea - she was found dumped in a yard and we adopted her from the Animal Protective League in Springfield, Illinois. She currently weighs about 23 pounds and we guess her age is currently about 6 months old (I just took the two bottom photos today). She just finished puppy classes and is very smart (we've already signed up for the next classes). I'd love to hear what breed everyone thinks she really is... thanks!




    • Gold Top Dog
    She looks like a Mini Schanuzer mixed with Chihuahua, to me.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I almost want to say Schnauzer mixed with Shiba Inu, but I have NO idea how that mixture would ever come about.  lol  I saw a Shiba with that exact coloring at an agility trial this past weekend -- and the tail is mostly definitely contributed by a spitz breed.  The wire coat and the face say Schnauzer to me.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am terrible at breed guesses but some sort of terrier mix seems safe. LOL  She is absolutely adorable and I hope we get to see more picutures!

    • Gold Top Dog

     she reminds me of a black and tan version of our JRT mix, Amber. Tail and all lol

    (we call her a coon killin terrier though....  ) Embarrassed

    Amber came from friends of my stepmom's. she was an "accidentally on purpose" littler... her father was a pet shop jack russell, and her mother was a shaggy golden coloured dog about the size of a cocker spaniel. so i'm assuming she was a cockapoo or some variation of that. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Lets see...I'm usually pretty good at this.

    I see some wire hair terrior in the face. And that profile SCREAMS husky.

    This is just one girls opinion.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Golden Tails

    ... And that profile SCREAMS husky.


    So I'm not losing my mind.  I thought she looked a little Huskyish, too.  But I think she's kind of small to be a Husky mix.  Could be a Shiba mix, tho, like someone else guessed.  Her ears remind me of a Cardigan Welsh Corgi.  They appear to me more rounded then pointed.  I'm thinking there might be some Schnauzer someplace, too.  Come to think of it, years ago my mother had a Schnauzer/Poodle/Terrier mix who was built somewhat like that, just smaller and with tipped ears.  Right down to the tail.  Alright, let's see.  My guess is Shiba/Schnauzer/Cardigan. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow, Amber is adorable! Ruby is my third dog (although I grew up with dogs) - but my second dog was named Amber... she sadly died of PLN in September 2008. She was just shy of her 8th birthday. I still have my first dog, Taxi who is 10 years old... that's one reason why we got Ruby... he seemed lonely after we lost Amber. I posted a video in the video section of them playing... it's titled Taxi playing with his new sister, Ruby. They don't play quite that much anymore since Ruby's grown bigger.

    • Gold Top Dog

     lol you're lucky she's settled down. Amber, when she plays with the big dogs, hasnt got a clue she's little... we've had her crash into lamps, move furniture, and if they happen to be outside, forget it she suddenly goes deaf and cant hear you calling her to settle down.. and STAND BACK! prepare to protect your kneecaps!


    • Silver

    I think she is a Rat Terrier/Standard Schnauzer mix. That would make up the colors and the way her hair is. She is TO CUTE!Big Smile