• Gold Top Dog


    My parents said I can get my own dog, and I've been in love with the pbgv for a couple years now and its my dream dog. I've met a few at dog shows I've gone to and they are such little clowns and seem like they would fit into our life style perfectly. The only problem is I cant find a breeder. The people I've talked to at shows live no where near here, almost all I've talked to live in Canada. I've been looking for a couple days and I cant find a good breeder. Can someone help me? and if anyone here has one I'd love to see pictures!


    • Gold Top Dog

     PBGV PUPPIES????? Oh, my! I have no help, just wishing you luck, and looking forward to baby pictures. If I were going for a dog from the hound group, a PBGV would be it. They're fabulous!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd start here:

    http://www.pbgv.org/FAQs/FAQ.html - halfway down is the 'how to find a breeder' section. :)