Guessing Bandit's Breeds again!!!

    • Silver

    Guessing Bandit's Breeds again!!!

    Hello everyone. We have been gone for a while but are back again. About 6-8 months ago I asked everyone what you thought Bandit was. Well now he is 1 year and 6 months old and has taken on a whole new look. He is 23in at his withers and weighs 65 lbs. His hair is all black with some white on his chest and bottom. The white hair is just white hairs mixed in with black hairs. I forget what that kind coloration that is called. His fur is very very course and thick with no undercoat. Only the fur on his face, ears, and front of his legs is smooth and soft. He has an underbite. He also has a lot of extra skin around his shoulders and chest. Not a big barker either. He is wary of strangers and not a dog that is going to run up and say hi. He will stay back and watch you for a while. He has gotten along with everydog he has encountered but one. His pictures on his profile that you can look at. Thank you in advance. I would love to hear what everyone thinks now.Smile

    • Silver

    Oh yea, the is longer then he is tall.

    • Gold Top Dog

    he's a handsome devil, i can say that much! lol


    he looks, to me, like a blue heeler(or Australian Cattle Dog) mixed with some kind of bulldog. either pit or American(i'm gonna say pit) the ACD could account for being aloof as well as the salt and pepper chest hairs. and the underbite would more than likely come from a bulldog parent. ALL of my bullies have underbites - even the mixes i've fostered had underbites to varying degrees.



    This pic right here makes me think of German Shepherd though. i'm not sure if its the eyes or ears or a combo of both. 

    but the pic with him sitting, facing the camera i see nothing but bulldog. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    In that pic I see pit.  Eyes, face, head, muzzle, expression...not really GSD.  I have seen pits with uncropped ears that almost stand or sometimes do stand.

    • Gold Top Dog

     yeah i've seen a lot of pits with upright ears, ginormous upright ears. these dogs are usually from hunting lines though, so you probably couldnt really call them "pits" so much as "curs with pit influence"

    • Silver

    My neighbor has two pits or staffies I don't know which ones they are but one of them has ears that stand up. There ears seem to be thinner and flimsy I guess would be a good way to describe them. They aren't like a GSD or a heelers ears that are thick and strong when they stand up. I don't kow if that makes sence but that is the best way I can describe it. Anyone know what I mean.Wink Bandit's ears are strong and thick.

      The hair that goes across his shoulders is about 3 inches long then it goes down to about an inch long by his bottom. The hair onhis hind quarters is wavy.

    • Gold Top Dog

     yeah i know what you mean about the thickness of the ears but dont know enough about breeding and bloodlines and outcrosses to say if it has any signigicance. Ben, my oldest male bulldog, has THICK ears. they are floppy, but they arent thin... they arent typical rose ears you see on a lot of American bulldogs, which are usually very thin skinned, and delicate to a point - which makes me wonder if he has hound somewhere in his ancestry.

    I would still be willing to bet Bandit has some kind of Shepherd or Heeler in him, along with bulldog. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     To me, he looks like Pit or AmStaff mixed with Cattle Dog or Kelpie - his ears seem too widely set for a Shepherd, but it could be that big skull;-)  Kelpies generally have longer ears and Aussies have smaller more triangular.  But, as some have said, there are bullies with funny ears, too.

    Both Cattle Dogs and Kelpies are double coated, but that might not express, depending upon the hidden genetic makeup of the parent dogs.

    • Silver

    When I adopted Bandit his brother was there. He had the same body but had GSD markings. I really believe there were probably more then one dad.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Tha's quite possible, and the way genes match up sometimes confounds the best guessers:-))

    • Silver

    I can't believe I forgot to add, he has webbed feet.Smile I know only certain breeds have webbed feet.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I can't believe I forgot to add, he has webbed feet.Smile I know only certain breeds have webbed feet.


    Pitt x lab? I still see no GSD.  Ear set is way off, shape of the head, coat....