Breed Suggestion for a Friend (mrstjohnson)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breed Suggestion for a Friend (mrstjohnson)

    My girlfriend and her husband would like to get a family dog.  She is committed to doing research and is still not 100% that their lifestyle would be suited for dog...she doesn't want to make a mistake.  I did convince her to either adopt from a rescue/humane society or go through a breeder so she is well informed in that area.

    Here are the characteristics they are looking for/criteria:

    - On the smaller side, they have a very small house and three growing boys

    - They have three very rambuctious boys (13, 4, and 2) so they want a dog that the boys can play with

    - They both work, so they are looking for a dog that is ok alone during the day - typical 9 hour day (this is the one factor she is concerned about).  However, on the weekends and evenings they rarely go out.

    - She runs on the weekends so she would like a dog that would run with her.

    - Lower maintenance in terms of grooming. 

    - Not too high high energy since they will probably be days when she won't be able to get him out for his exercise.

    My original thought was an older dog, not a puppy because of the home alone situation, but I told her I would defer to more suggestions/recommendations from here.  Her boys are IN LOVE with Charlie and want to get a beagle.  I wasn't sure since they are gone so long during the day if that would work.

    They are definitely thinking this through since both her and her husband would be first time dog owners.

    Any suggestions?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think an older Beagle would be a fine choice actually. They can keep up for a jog (esp the larger Harrier sized ones that seem to be everywhere LOL.) and absolutely love kids providing they have positive experienced early on.

    No dog is great left alone and all would prefer to be with people...but surely they can find a dog thru rescue that doesn't require being stared at every second of the day...folks have lives and so long as the needs are met staying at home in a crate or secure home/yard isn't out of the question for a hound or many other breeds/mixes. They could also consider adding a second dog later on so they wouldn't be "alone" necessarily. But that'd be down the road apiece.

    They could also consider a Whippet or similar...some of the Lab x's are quite small...something like a Schip could be great althought perhaps smaller than they were looking for...or a nice Pit X if they are not looking to have a pack. Or a Spaniel of some type could also work tho there'd be more grooming. A standard schnauzer might also be a choice to consider, but again...more grooming there.

    In short there are a ton of choices. Ideal would be a rescue that's spent time in someone's home as a foster...or a dog from a breeder where the history is known. That being if they are not dead set on a pup.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Yeah, I was thinking an older, laid back beagle! Especially if they went through rescue, they could find one that's OK with kids and crate trained. If she's really worried about the long days she could always use a dog-walker a few times a week.
    • Gold Top Dog

     A Beagle was my first thought when I read what they wanted!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks everyone.  I've been on petfinder looking for a beagle for her and I think I found a couple of beagle possibilities.  The only thing I was worried about was the home alone thing, but I think I am projecting Charlie's SA and it's influencing me. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    The only thing I was worried about was the home alone thing


    Lisa:  Since my daughter went to college - Jamison is home alone all day long with no problems whatsoever.  He is pretty laid back though.

    Deb W.

    • Gold Top Dog

    A rescue dog would have been with a foster family most likely and the SA or barking issues would be known.  Agree that an older dog would probably be best and they are usually waiting for homes since most people want the pups or young dogs.  Having all the young dog stuff out of the way is nice for busy families and older doesn't mean they can't be active and fit.  Good luck to her and it's great that she asked for some advice from a dog person rather than asking for your help after the fact as so often happens. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    They need a Jetta!

    I'm kinda kidding because I'd prefer to place her locally. I adore this foster dog, seriously.

    But it's a good opportunity to make a point about rescue. If you have a fairly extensive set of requirements, you really want to work with a rescue where the dogs are in foster homes, particularly where they are more or less part of the household.

    If you had met Jetta right after she got out of the shelter, you'd either be put off by her tendency to be rather cautious around strangers, or else if you saw her bouncing wildly around - literally off the walls and furniture - you'd probably be scared thinking she was super high energy.

    In fact Jetta's not terribly needy in terms of structured activity, at all. Her biggest need is to be a part of the family when people are home. She needs to run off a head of steam a couple times a week but nothing horrible happens if she doesn't.

    She has such a love of children that being able to play with them once or twice a day would satisfy her. She loves to learn tricks and is so ridiculously easy to train that one can do it while watching TV or washing dishes or cooking. Or the kids can - mine and the neighbor's kids do. She can roughhouse with the boys, but be as gentle as a lamb with the neighbors' one year old baby who is just learning to walk. Jetta adores him and goes over there and lays down so he can more easily beat on her, pull her ears, etc. In a few years I'd be willing to bet good money she will be a "nanny dog."

    She does love to run and will do it on or off leash (unlike a hound). Someone suggested to me that she might be a whippet/BC or even a BC/iggy with how light framed she is. That's possible I suppose - if so, she really hit the genetic jackpot with having the eagerness to please of the BC, and the low maintenance energy level of the sighthound. 

    My point, besides shameless promotion of my foster dog Wink , is don't discount the mixed breeds! And check around with your local all-breed rescues. Many times they have dogs that aren't listed on Petfinder yet. Jetta isn't because I'm just me - Petfinder doesn't let you list unless you are an organization (which is fine). But if you get directly in contact with the locals, they might know of people like me, who have great dogs, who aren't directly in the group or whatever.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Thanks everyone.  I've been on petfinder looking for a beagle for her and I think I found a couple of beagle possibilities.  The only thing I was worried about was the home alone thing, but I think I am projecting Charlie's SA and it's influencing me. 



    Sadie is great at being left alone. She is alone (well alone with Timmy, but she was fine before we got him too) Monday - Friday from 8:30 - 5:00. The most we've ever left her is 13 hours and she was fine! (it was not intentional to leave her for that long, it was a long set of crazy circumstances). The only issue with hounds obviously would be the "arroooing" in a neighbourhood. 

    • Bronze

    We adopted our beagle when she was two (she's seven now).  She's probably exceptional for a beagle, but she's by far (far!) the easiest dog I've ever had.  We're at home most of the day, but she would've been absolutely fine with being left alone.  She's a couch potato and not a barker, so she would've happily spent her days snoozing in her favorite armchair.  Except for that darn tempting kitchen trash can, she's never been destructive at all.  We were failed fosters, and I felt more than a little guilty adopting her when she would've been such a perfect first dog for someone.

    The running is what she'd have issues with!  She could (and would) do it, but probably not too willingly.  A long, leisurely, sniffy walk--sure.  But mostly she just doesn't seem to see the point of running.  LOL.