Dobe Breeder suggestions

    • Gold Top Dog

    Dobe Breeder suggestions

    Hi all! : )

    For quite some time now I've known what I'd like my next dog to be...a doberman pinscher to do conformation with, as well as obedience. I don't plan on getting one (IF I get one) until the beginning of 2010, at the earliest. I've considered adoption, as I there is a local dobe rescue, but I know in my heart that I'm very interested in showing. I will only get a female, as although Riley usually gets along with every dog, he seems to like females better.

    My mom, sister and I drove 2 hours yesterday to attend a dog show and talked to a few dobe people there, just getting information about the breed from the people who know it best. I got a breeder suggestion from a very nice man, and am going to keep a list of breeders I will consider. That being said, I am wondering if any of you, specifically you dobe people, know of any reputable breeders? My number one criteria is that this breeder have dogs with proven sound temperaments, have a rep for healthy dogs, and also compete successfully in the show ring. Also, my search is essentially limited to Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, or West Virginia.

    Thanks so much!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't know of a lot of breeders in your area so I won't be lots of help but I'll try!

    I have met a few Shadeko dogs who are very nice, & have great temperaments. 

    Fitzmar doesn't breed frequently, but Mary Jo is a wealth of information, & she seems to be very willing to help out a newbie.  Even if she doesn't have a litter planned, she can probably help you find a breeder that's right for you. 

    If you haven't already, check out the Doberman Pincher Club of America's Breeder Referral page as well.

    I'm sure that Megan will come along & be able to make other recommendations.  Good luck in your search!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Good luck... showing is a lot of fun :) I'm sure you'll enjoy it quite a bit. My advice is to keep going to shows and asking questions (try to find people who aren't professional handlers, they are usually fairly easy to spot, they are the ones running around like chickens with their heads cut off :o) I'd preface a conversation with "Do you have a few minutes to talk about dobermans?"  Often times ringside they are about to go in the ring, they don't want to be rude, they just need to focus on their dogs. But, I'm sure that most people are more than happy to talk about their breed with you, when they have a few minutes.


    I suggest that we keep kennel names off the forum, there isn't a rule against this, but, maybe taking this to PM would be a better answer.  Many people are very passionate about lines/pedigrees and this could be a problem.  This forum is public, everyone will see what you are saying... including the breeders with a quick google of their kennel name. Thank you :)


    • Gold Top Dog

     There is a lady locally that has one of Saber's pups. I've decided if I get a dobe, I want to go to them for one.

    When we were looking to get a Miniature Pinscher, we went to numerous shows to look at the dogs and talk to the breeders. I also used Onofrio's and Infodog's websites to look at the results for the various shows. Gave me an idea of who the breeders/exhibitors in the area were. I also used the kennel name, breeder name, and location to do web searches to find their web pages. That was very helpful!

    Take your time, talk to people, do your research, and have fun! Good luck!


    • Gold Top Dog

    I know a wonderful breeder in Pennsylvania who just had puppies a few weeks ago. I was on the waiting list for the litter but got Josie instead.

    I actually think the puppies might have been whelped in Michigan with Gorrmae dobes. I would email or call Liz...she is extremely helpful! I'll PM you with a few other recommendations.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Megan, I love Rio.  He's absolutely gorgeous!

    Amy, most of the Kaliber dogs came from Rick & Linda George of Horizon Dobes.  The George's are in Houston.  They have very, VERY nice dogs, & I have found them both to be extremely willing to talk, & share their Dobe knowledge.  If I were looking for a show prospect, who would be able to compete in obedience, rally, & agility as well, I would definitely check them out.   

    • Gold Top Dog

     Aye Amanda, the boy I fell in love with is actually a Horizon dog, Saber's just his daddy. Saber's kennel goes back to Horizon for their foundation stock. This boy took BPIS at not even 8 months, and finished just a short time later. He's absolutely gorgeous, incredible personality and tempermanent. :) I just wanted to sit down on the floor and love all over him!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh, I gotcha! Wink 

    All of the Horizon dogs that I've met are very nicely put together, have wonderful temperaments, & just ooze charisma. 


    • Gold Top Dog

     I was trying to honor Lani's request about keeping kennel names out of the suggestions. LOL Kind of hard to do. But, yeah, the George's have some very nice dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for the suggestions and advice everyone! You all are the greatest! : ) Now I have a little list of possible breeders. :D The local doberman pinscher club is having a picnic on Wednesday, I'm going to e-mail and see if non-members who are interested in the breed are allowed to attend. Also, I found out the DPCA nationals this year are only 2 hours away!!! So in October I'll be heading anyone else going?

    Thanks again!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'll probably be there. It's about an hour away from me. Let me know if you're going, maybe we can meet up!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not 100% sure that I'm going but I have a hotel room reserved just in case.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I've been doing a little Min Pin research tonight, and I came across this guy from Dabney Dobermans. Can I say WOW! Agador Thought I would send you the link and let you drool :) I know I did. Enjoy!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I love Agador! He has such a personality too. The litter i posted earlier...Agador is Rio's sire!

    Amanda, you HAVE to come to the nationals!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Agador is a gorgeous boy!

    Megan, a breeder friend has a litter of futurity nominated pups.  She held a pup back, so she's planning to go to nationals.  We are planning to travel together, so as long as her plans hold up, Bev & I will be there.