What kind of dog is my puppy made out of?!

    • Silver

    What kind of dog is my puppy made out of?!

    Here's the story! I adopted this puppy two weeks ago today, May 28th. It's really your typical story... I work at a veterinary clinic and I received a call from someone who wanted to get this puppy vaccinated but it wasn't her puppy. Being curious I asked her how she came about this puppy, what kind it was and yadda. She told me she had heard about this puppy being in an unhappy situation, and she went over to this dingy place downtown in an apartment (you can only imagine what was going on there) and so she went over to beg the owners to buy this dog off of them. She actually managed to pay the people for this puppy they had, that they were mistreating. I'm not too clear on the story, and he wasn't in horrible shape or anything.. but he wasn't being fed and they were cutting off his whiskers, tying him up and leaving him. I guess they had planned on docking his tail (at 11 weeks...) and just had overall bad plans for him.

     So, I had no intention on getting this puppy, but as soon as this young woman brought the puppy in I just told her, almost without thinking, that I just had to have this pup!! Things are going great, couldn't be better. He has the whole veterinary team I work with for a family! It's really going well! I'm only 18 years old.. and working at the vet for so long and being with animals all of my life I feel like I have a grasp of this puppy thing, but I am doing classes and researching and just doing everthing I can for this dog! Smile ... Ergo, you will see me around here with lots of questions for the next while.

     To the point! I was TOLD he was a bullmastiff and labrador retriever cross, a beaut if you ask me. But when people look at him they tell me he looks like a mix with maybe some rottweiler, hound, ridgeback, american staffordshire terrier, jeepers you name it! He's a pretty husky boy... two weeks ago, on the Wednesay (May 27th) before I got him he weighed in at 26 lbs. Couple days ago I weighed him and he was at 32.6 lbs. We will have to see what he is at today!!

     I guess I am just looking for opinions. How does a bullmastiff/lab cross sound to you guys... look pretty accurate? He's a stubborn little buddy, smart and protective. I take him everywhere I go and he improves greatly everyday.

    Now for some pictures... give me your opinions!!! The pictures go in order of their age, from oldest (top) to newest (bottom). Thanks!!

     The first day!!

    Later that evening.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh my !!!!!  I am certainly no breed expert but your dog is a super cutie !!!  What's his name?

    Deb W.

    • Silver

    Oh! Pff, I forgot to give you his name!!!

    We named this guy Tanner. Name comes from our WSS dog's father.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Tanner is a great name and it suits him perfectly !  I'm sure others will pop in soon to give you their breed opinions.  Good luck with Tanner and keep those pictures coming.

    Deb W.

    • Silver

    Thanks so much! We love him, he has a good temperament for a mutt Smile Hopefully he'll grow up to be a great dog... over 100lbs but here's hoping! The name seemed to suit him.. he came to us with the name "Scooby" and decided that was the first thing we needed to fix about him!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not good at breed guesses but I see Lab in there but that's the easy one. Wink  He is certainly a cutie pie and I can see why you couldn't resist him. :) 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I actually see Golden rather than Lab - it's hard to describe, kind of a mellow look around the face and the way his frame is put together. As for the rest, probably Heinz 57.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree with Brookcove -- I also saw Golden Retriever right away in there.

    The other part?  Elephant?  Moose?  Something big!!  Big Smile  He's very cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Eeek!   Tanner is more than adorable!  I must have him.  Ok, I'll just settle for many many pictures.  I don't care what he is, he's a keeper.  You lucky girl you!

    Congratulations and many happy years with this boy!

    I love him!

    btw...Welcome to the board!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I definitely see retriever in there.  Does he have some brindling in his face?  He is very cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

    What a sweeeetie!  He is so cuuuute!  Don't know what he is other than adorable!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh my goodness, is he adorable or what?  I can see why you wanted him.  As for his mix, I definitely see Lab.  His coat looks a little thick for a Lab (or Bullmastiff) in this picture, tho.  He could have some Rottweiler in him.  I was surprised at how thick my friend's Rotts' coats were.  It could just be his color, and what appears to be a mask coming in on his face, but I think I do see some Bullmastiff there, too.  So my guess, besides heart stealer, is Lab/Bullmastiff/Rottweiler.



    • Gold Top Dog

    He's sooooo handsome! I'm not sure, but something keeps coming to mind like a boerbel, tosa, or bullmastiff.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'll just be vague and say retriever x molosser breed.  That has to be one of the cutest puppies I've ever seen.

    • Gold Top Dog
    That ther' is whacha call a BBD -- Big Brown Dawg! (well, one day, LOL)

    I hope you stick around - the under-25 club is a little limited around here!