Miniature Doxie

    • Gold Top Dog

    Miniature Doxie

    Can anyone tell me about Miniature Doxies - what are their personalites like, etc?  My daughter is thinking of getting one.


    • Gold Top Dog

     They're feisty, sweet, and hardheaded as all heck. I know they're in the hound group, but what kind of dog was bred to hunt underground? Mine always reminded me more of a terrier. High prey drive, loved to dig  and burrow, dog aggressive (she wasn't raised right), very terrier-like.


    They can be really cool, fun dogs, or holy terrors. They require plenty of training and exersize. Of course, very sensitive  necks and backs, and mine had luxating patellas (not sure how common that is?). They're prone to nasty mouths, so dental care from day one. Ramps to furniture, rather than stairs, and training to teach them that is the ONLY way up, is best for the backs. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    They are very fun little dogs.  They are stubborn, sweet, & if not socialized & trained, little monsters. 

    We have two doxies, who are complete opposites.  One is a very confident, in your face kind of dog, while the other one is reserved & shy around new people.  They are both quite stubborn, but they are very food motivated, so training has been much easier than I expected.  They are both very active.  They can & will keep up with my Dobe.

    They are challenging to house train, but with consistency from the beginning, it is doable.  Like Jennie said, they are prone to disc problems, so jumping on & off of things should be discouraged.  They really do have very foul mouths, so planning on yearly dentals is something to consider. 

    If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    We have a 10 month old and he is as sweet as can be. Hes a favorite at the groomers and where ever we go he is trying to find his way into someones lap or arms and a face to lick. They are barkers and will let you know if someone is at the door or if they see people outside. They suprised me how easy he was to train as ours learned VERY fast, although he can be stubborn and wont do anything until he feels like it, unless there is food involved. You need to watch how much and what you feed them as if they become over weight it puts alot of stress on their back.

    There are a couple other doxies in the neighborhood, two of which are little monsters and chase you down the street biting your ankles and are as fat as can be. The other is just a barker and is a shy little thing who is a fear biter because she was never socialized.

    Here are a few pics of our little boy Russell


    • Gold Top Dog

    Haven't been on the forum for a while so just noticed this thread.   I have a 3 year old mini doxie and she is an absolute dream.  One thing I will say is that they are absolutely FULL OF PERSONALITY and VERY smart.  This is not a dog that will be blindly obedient, they have their own minds and they have no problem communicating with you their opinion on any subject.  As already mentioned, they can be stubborn but my little girl is actually quite easy to train and learns quickly because she is so  food motivated.  I've done agility and obedience classes with her and she was great at both.  She loves to please and is also very loving and affectionate.  She will sit on your lap all day if you're feeling lazy, or go on a long hike if you're in the mood.  It did take her a while to catch on to housebreaking but she is now 100% reliable.  Major drawbacks, as mentioned, are back and dental problems.  My Zoe needs her teeth brushed nightly, and even with that she still needs an annual dental cleaning.  One thing I can say is that no matter where I take her, she brings a smile to people's faces when they see her.  She brings so much joy to my house and to our family and friends.  I recommend them to any house excect for one with young children because of the back issues, and also because doxies often don't take kindly to rough handling and I don't blame them for that.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I don't get the whole miniature doxie thing dachshunds are already small dogs lol just my opinion.

    • Gold Top Dog


     They're feisty, sweet, and hardheaded as all heck. I know they're in the hound group, but what kind of dog was bred to hunt underground? Mine always reminded me more of a terrier. High prey drive, loved to dig  and burrow, dog aggressive (she wasn't raised right), very terrier-like.


     I'm pretty sure they are in the Hound group by mistake - people mistook the hund in their name to mean hound when really is just means dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

    No, doxies were origionally bred to hunt badgers and other smaller animals like that - which is why some of them have that high prey drive.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Yes, they were. Why is that "no"? Badgers live in the ground, and are actually quite large, in comparison to a Dachshund. Minis were bred to hunt rabbits, and in the FCI, they're actually called "Rabbit Dachshunds".

    • Gold Top Dog

    that was a 'no' they were not listed as hounds by 'mistake'

    • Gold Top Dog

     They were bred to hunt underground. "Hund" means "dog" in German


    Living with mine was like living with a terrier. In the FCI, they're listed in their own group, LOL. I used to have some links about it, but I've lost them. They have more terrier characteristics than hound characteristics, and the question of whether to move them has been raised, many times.