rwbeagles-GSD from "I Am Legend"

    • Gold Top Dog

    rwbeagles-GSD from "I Am Legend"

    Anyone got an inside track on the dog? Who is she/he and where from? Looks to have a pretty big role in the flick...featured on a lot of the trailers and posters, etc? COOL! Wonder if the dog gets to kick some mutant bootie?

    Is the GSD community prepared for the onslaught? Beagle folks just had Underdog but did anyone even SEE that? This movie will be HUMUNGOUS so....I'd be worried were I a GSD breeder trying to do the right thing.

    Pic of the dog

    • Gold Top Dog

    Somebody posted this on my GSD board:

    In the dog-eat-dog world of Hollywood, some aspiring starlets will do whatever it takes to get to the top. Then there's Abbey. The 3-year-old German shepherd, who plays Will Smith's best friend in the sci-fi epic I Am Legend, took an old-fashioned road to fame: She got discovered. Plucked from a California kennel by Steve Berens, a trainer with 28 years of industry experience, Abbey was exactly the kind of light-colored shepherd that Legend director Francis Lawrence had been looking for. The film, set five years in the future, tells the story of a scientist (Smith) who struggles to survive in a postapocalyptic New York City with only his four-legged pal, Sam (Abbey), for company. It was a demanding part, and Berens knew it would take more than a few Method classes to get his new protégé ready for the camera. ''We were pretty much starting from scratch,'' he recalls. ''She didn't even know her own name.''

    Three weeks of intensive coaching followed before Abbey was ready to meet her costar. Sparks flew instantly: ''Will came walking up, and Abbey barked at him,'' recalls Berens. But Smith patiently earned Abbey's respect, and the two headed to New York City for a grueling six-month shoot for the film, which is based on a 1954 vampire novel of the same name.

    A consummate professional on set (she declined fur and makeup and ate a strict diet of kibble and chicken), Abbey balked only when asked to perform a particularly degrading act for one scene. ''For whatever reason, she just had no interest in playing fetch,'' says Lawrence (Constantine). ''We had to use a backup dog.'' But even the occasional diva moment couldn't diminish the cast and crew's love for their leading lady. ''When we finished her last shot, it was like the whole crew had been dying for six months to pet her,'' recalls Lawrence. ''Everybody swarmed. She loved it.''

    There's been quite a bit of discussion about the problems this could create for the breed.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Never mind, I read it wrong. Just never mind... Cake
    • Gold Top Dog

    They should have picked a sable.  Then maybe people would stop asking me what Kenya is a mix of. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Seriously Liesje? People actually ask you that and can't identify Kenya as a pure GSD?  That just blows my mind!

    • Gold Top Dog


    Seriously Liesje? People actually ask you that and can't identify Kenya as a pure GSD?  That just blows my mind!


    Seriously.  EVERY TIME we start a new class or go somewhere in public I get asked.  It happened again last night.  Then I feel like I sound bratty for saying that she's not a mix.  Luckily, my instructors have my back.  Last night when someone asked in front of the whole group, both instructors went "no it's not only a pure GSD it is a correct GSD" (they both despise over-angulated American dogs and over-sized, roached west German dogs).  I don't really care either way about Kenya's showing, but if people press the issue I will say she is a show champion, nearly a grand champion, to prove the point that she is "correct".  It's her size, her lack of extreme angulation, and her sable color that throw them off.  West German working line GSDs are the last type of GSD that comes to mind for most people.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thank you CMom....very interesting!

    the Akita folks are up in arms right now about the Hachi-ko movie. I think the parent club got in on that to hopefully do some damage control.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have to admit that I'm not sure if I'll see this movie because of the strong role the dog takes in it.  Main characters that are human being hurt or killed in a movie don't bother me as much as seeing a fictional dog hurt.

    I'm going to wait for someone to see it and ask them outright if the dog makes it to the end.  Let me know if you see it!

    • Gold Top Dog


    People actually ask you that and can't identify Kenya as a pure GSD?  That just blows my mind!

    It blows my mind, too. I was asked today if Jaia and B'asia were purebred.  And they're not even sable! LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    I was asked today if Jaia and B'asia were purebred.  And they're not even sable


    Maybe it's a sad sign of the times. So many people are cross-breeding that many just don't know anymore. Or fear they will seem unknowledgable if they assume your dog is pure bred. Many people thought Shadow was a female even when he still had his spark plugs, which were quite evident. Of course, he can't help it, being pretty. But I've had a range of different comments on him, too. Like what a pretty Chocolate Lab, when there is no Chocolate line that has four colors. Some have thought he was a wolf or wolf hybrid, which is an honest mistake. He can look like a timberwolf at times.


    • Gold Top Dog

    It's funny, living where I do, there's a slew of Shilohs in the area (due to a semi-local "breeder.";)  I've struck up a conversation saying "hey where'd you get your Shiloh?" And people look offended that I know what they've got.  Or even the opposite..."It's not a Shiloh, it's a Shiloh Shepherd!"   These are the same people that ask me where I got my "Blond miniature Doberman."Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    People, don't feel bad .....Ronin was a white GSD according to my neighbor....hello, his tail is curled over his back, not to mention his nordic looking eyes....but, whatever....

    • Gold Top Dog


    People, don't feel bad .....Ronin was a white GSD according to my neighbor....hello, his tail is curled over his back, not to mention his nordic looking eyes....but, whatever....



    Hehe.  I've run into the opposite problem - people don't know WGSDs are a breed/variety and called them Husky mixes.  There are obvious differences between a Husky and a WGSD. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've had people ask me what Strauss was mixed with because of his busted ear...

    I've also had people call him a wolf (What?!).  I forgave the one person that mistook him for a Malinois (again, WHAT?!) because they knew what a Malinois was.

    They couldn't properly identify one...but the fact that they knew "Malinois" made it more easily forgivable :-p

    Ranger has been mistaken for a Shiloh, because his coat is so thick.

    Of course, the vet has also called him fat because he's got so much fur (he's not fat, he's plushy...seriously).


    • Gold Top Dog

    he's plushy...seriously).


    That description tickles me. It is also appropos, going by the pic in your sig.