Looking for a new dog. Need help deciding which breed is the best for me.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Looking for a new dog. Need help deciding which breed is the best for me.

    I realize I just popped up again out the wood work, and just as an update, Diesel and I are doing fantastic. His recall is now 110%. I can call him off of dogs and people (not squirrels yet). And the training is better now, thanks to everyone here ♥ But I have a question and am looking for the help of the wiser.

    So I'm torn between three different dog breeds. All very different in every which way possible; 2 working breeds (with different tasks) and a sighthound.

    I will be looking for this dog in the beginning of next year for however long it takes, and I've already found two breeders for two of the dog breeds (and possibly a third for the third dog). The three breeds are the Cane Corso, the Newfie, and the Ibizan Hound.

    Every dog has one trait or another that I like and adore:
    Corso has the looks, coat type, loyality, willing to please, protection, versatility, height, weight.
    Newf has the willing to please, love for water, height, weight, fur (I like fluffly dogs too), gentle demeanor
    Beezer has the short hair, looks, exercise requirement, couch potato-ness

    But they all have their faults too:
    Corsos are very dominate, hyper, possible discrimination against a cropped/docked large looking Pit
    Newfies shed a lot, drool
    Ibizans are hard to recall train, more independent, can fly over 6ft fencing

    I do not know what to do. All very different, and all three have some things I like and don't. And I've found out Newfs cost the same as a Lab to feed once full grown, so that solves the feeding problem and I feel that the easiest dog for me would be a Newf, but I still love my Corsos and am very fond of Ibizans.

    I also know that Beezers can't be trained in the traditional way, and Corsos don't do best that way either (I don't know about Newfs). And I'm pretty sure the school I'll go to does Traditional (I still gotta check). Also for the watching trainers, I signed up to volunteer at my SPCA and after getting 6 hours with them, they offer 4 free courses for dog training and behavior, so that can give me a head start on training. But I think that's irrelevant?

    Also, I feel I could do more with a Newf. I love water and having a water dog would be wonderful. But I don't want to get a Newf and still feel empty. I'm leaning towards a Beezer, but the recall sets me off. Then again a Corso is beautiful, and my true heart breed.

    I'd like to figure out now, and spend the rest of the time researching (if a Newf or Beezer). I know Corsos inside and out (as much as I can know from books and a few emails to breeders) and spent 5/6? years researching them.

    Can the pros and cons be listed of each?

    Thank you so much!
    • Gold Top Dog

     Of the three, I would choose the Newf.  The Cane Corso may give you insurance problems, dog aggression problems, and if that happens, will be extremely hard to place in a good home (i.e. not a thug home).  The Ibizan is usually an easy breed to intro to a new pack and as long as they are well socialized they do ok with people, too.  My fave, the Newf, is a biddable dog, gentle with adults and kids alike, and also easy to add to a group most of the time.  The disadvantage is the sheer size and the slobber - most Newf owners have a wardrobe of hand towels that they carry everywhere LOL.  In general, choose a pup of opposite gender from the nearest aged dog in your household, unless you have a dog already that is same gender aggressive.  Puppies under 3 months of age are generally not a problem. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I think the Newfie would be the easiest addition for you, but I think it really depends on what you want.  If you're wanting more of a challenge, go with one of the other two breeds!

     For the Cane Corso, I'd definitely think about the future a LOT before you decide to get one.  As spiritdogs said, insurance issue will really get you with a dog like that.  You'll also have to be prepaired for the negativity that you'll get from a lot of people.  Any breed can be aggressive, but when you have a dog like this you have a responsibility to make sure that he/she does not create bad press for that breed.  Other people do enough of that already, so be prepared to do lots of training.  I'd try to go for a CGC or something, just so you can say, hey, my dog is a good dog, no matter what breed he/she is!

    With the Ibizan, I think it would be a little in between the other two breeds as far as difficulty.  I've never met one in real life, but I have heard, like you, that it takes a little different state of mind to train them.  

     You really just have to decide how much you want to put into the dog to decide which breed is really best for you.  If you're wanting something challenging and are willing to put all you have into it, then I'd go for the Cane Corso if that's what you really want.  :)

     Good luck!



    • Gold Top Dog

     I really like Newfs. But you know, I got a Finnish Lapphund, and he's basically like a smaller, slightly more athletic Newf. Smile He's the cuddliest cuddle bear of a dog ever, and you could put him with any dog on the planet and he'd be their best friend by the end of the day if it were a really hard nut to crack. Usually it only takes 2 minutes, though. He's known at daycare as the one that buddies the newcomers and makes their first day a great day.

    Ibizans I don't know much about, but they are pretty cool as well. I've been quite interested in the Cane Corsos, but turned off by the sheer power in them. Not sure if I'm ready for that kind of thing. 

    So although I think Newfs are awesome, I'd go the Ibizan because of size. I adore giant fluffies, but they take a loooong time to grow up and giant puppies are daunting. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Interesting three breeds to choose from - all so very different.

     For me this would be an easy choice since I love sighthounds but am not into having a giant breed or any kind of mastiff. But it depends on what you're looking for.

     Of the three none are exactly "easy to train" breeds. Newfies are extremely laid back and usually gentle though - just not always easy to motivate. Sighthounds don't take well to correction based training, tend to be pretty independent and clam around the house but will chase and kill animals outside if given the chance. Cane Corsos tend more towards the "strong willed" side of things and have serious guard dog type tendencies.

     Health wise I think of the three Newfies are the worse off as they tend to have short life spans and are prone to a lot of problems. Temperament wise, you're most likely to have an issue with the Corso as far as human/dog aggression or being overly territorial. If you have small furry pets, a sighthound isn't impossible but it makes it harder especially if you have outside cats or toy breed dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Of the three, I would choose the Newf...

    Me, too.  Besides the fact that I really like Newfs, to be honest, neither of the other breeds appeal to me anyway.  We'd probably have a Newf, except for the drool factor (the hair doesn't bother us).  One of the pluses listed for the Corso was being protective- an big plus with a Newf is their size is enough to make people think twice. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    For the three breeds, they will be worked, regardless. I'm not worried about insurance or breedism either. That's the least of my worries with the Corso. I know them inside and out since I've been researching them for 6 years now, but going from a Poodle to a Corso kinda scares me. I'm afriad to mess up and have this extremely powerful dog..

    I know if I got a Corso I'd be doing Tracking, Obedience, Agility and maybe French Ring.
    Newfie- Tracking, Obedience,Water Rescue
    Ibizan- Agility, Obedience and Lure.

    Although they are very different, the each have something I want. And size doesn't bother me at all either...

    I'm leaning towards the Newfie right now, but after my dog training school (where I'll be working with Malinios), I may drift back to the Corso. The Corso will always be my heart breed, and I will own one, I just don't know if that'd be the best choice for the 1st time dog owner...

    Thank you for the responses too!! Gave me a lot to think about.

    • Gold Top Dog
    So although I think Newfs are awesome, I'd go the Ibizan because of size. I adore giant fluffies, but they take a loooong time to grow up and giant puppies are daunting. 
    I never thought of that. Giant puppies. Oh man. I forgot that it takes them up to 36months to be fully mature. And have a 2 year old, HUGE puppy is kind of scarey in it's own way..