Sprocker spaniels!

    • Bronze

    Sprocker spaniels!

    anyone got a sprocker spaniel? recently got a cross springer/cocker spaniel ? any1 got 1 and wants 2 exchange details n pics xx[:)]

    this is mine:) hes called louie:)
    would love 2 see other ppls sprockers or spaniels in general
    • Gold Top Dog
    my brother and i had a springer when we were kids. he was a cool dog. he was an ace guard dog as long as his family was around to guard. he couldnt care less about people breaking into the house lol
    at the time we owned him we also had a doberman... one of my moms friends came over (scared of dogs) she saw the dobie and wouldnt get out of her car until someone put a leash on him... but my mom told her that wasnt the dog to worry about. the one under the doorsteps, growling and barking, was the dangerous one lol
    i never knew springers had a guarding ability [8|]
    • Puppy
    This is Zoey.  she's got such a sweet disposition. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Louie is absolutely adorable! What a great pose!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi! Louie is a doll. I have three English Springer Spaniels that are the sweetist dogs I ever met.

    • Puppy
    Hi there I have recently well 4 days ago.. she is black and white exactly like louie......she was born on the 28/11/08..
    • Puppy
    hi there as i said in my preious letter i have just purchased a sprocker spaniel exactly like louie except smaller and not so curly but i can see that she will become more curlier as she grows... I can't as of yet get a pic of her as she becomes a right diva when i try...... my husband bought her for me for my birthday (xmas eve).... i didnt know what he was upto and i was angry at him for not getting me anything he never let on what his plan was until 3 days ago he came in
    • Gold Top Dog


    well dont be too angry, the poor puppy may not understand.

    • Puppy

    We have a sprocker called Lily. She's as lively as a springer if not more so. She's about the size of a working cocker though.