Boerboels and Bullmastiffs

    • Gold Top Dog

    Boerboels and Bullmastiffs

    We had set on getting another rottweiler a while back and I had been searching for a breeder. I stopped at a vet's office the other day to pick up an article on something he does there and met a dog called a boerboel, the breed from S Africa originally, owned by the vet. I researched them some and in my search started reading some about Bulllmastiffs also.

    it would be my husband's preference to not get another rottie because of having to change ins co's. he likes them as a breed. I just have what i want in a dog, and the breed is not so important if it would be the "type" of dog I want. I have been talking to breeders of both kinds, but would sure like to get input from owners other than breeders. Well, there's the vet too.

    If anyone has one or first hand knowledge of them as a breed, I have a list of questions i would like to ask. Julie

    • Gold Top Dog

     I don't really know a whole lot about them- but i really like both. Did you check insurance companies to make sure they weren't on the bad list too?

    • Gold Top Dog

    As of now, The list is pitbull, rottie, chow and akita. Of course any breed can be added at any time at the discretion of the ins co, but for what we can go on now, that is the list. I am hoping that the boerboel is rare enough to fly under the radar. They ought to fly, for how much both of them cost. :-) J

    • Gold Top Dog

     I had a boerboel in a puppy class I taught and she seemed like a supersized Boxer in a lot of her mannerisms and behaviors lol.  She was timid at first, but by the end of the class was running about like she owned the place.  Her owners are great people and very dillegent, so I'm sure that helps.

    • Gold Top Dog


    We are We are great lovers of the South African dogs, there are more than just our Ridgies and the basenji. Both are powerful dogs with great attitude.

     But I do want to caution you. As great as a Boerboel is they are not the dog for everyone. They are reactive and often a tad aggressive compared to most dogs you may be familiar with.  The Boerboel is on the dangerous breed lists all over Europe, they are also on it in several states here.  Insurance compaines are just looking for reasons to cancel policies so good breeders go out of their way to carefully breed and then select owners for their pups.

    Bullies are a lot easier in temperament , again IF you get them from a good breeder. Both breeds have genetic issues that you need to be aware of. Go to the National club sites and look up the cautions.  It is getting scary when BSLs raise their ugly heads.  The most important thing we can do ( aside from VOTE) is to have our dogs certified with the ATTS ( American Temperament Test) , At the very least get them the CGC title. Train, Train. Train if not don't bother to complain as your dog will be on the list of dangerous dogs that will make getting insurance a nightmare no one wants!

    Bonita of Bwana


    • Gold Top Dog

    I suspect the Boerboel is not on the list simply because it is rare here.  Like Bonita said, the few I have seen have been very hard, dominant, dog aggressive, and even human aggressive.  I'm not sure how they compare to Rotts though, maybe they are similar which isn't a problem if you already have experience with Rotts.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thank you for the boerboel info. At this point we are researching, and haven't set our heads on any breed yet. I hope there is some input also on the bullmastiff. J

    • Gold Top Dog

     I've known two Bullmastiffs on a hands on basis. The first was a year and a half old regular at a boarding kennel where I worked. She lived with a Cairn, and they got along fantastically! The big girl was sooo sweet, and silly, and playful. A lot of fun to be around, but not always the gentlest (never intentionally, but that's a LOT of tail, and a LOT of bounce!).

    The second is an older gentleman, that I groom. He was trained at a facility in Maryland, in personal protection, agility, and utility. He is an incredibly balanced, wonderful, sweet dog. I'd bring him home in a heartbeat! He's old enough (and trained enough) that he isn't going to knock stuff over with his tail, squash your feet, or knock the door down in excitement. I can point at the ramp to the tub, and he goes up it (even though he pouts!). 

    Honestly? I wouldn't raise one, myself. They're very large, and very rambunctious youngsters. I'm not into that. Rambunctious, yes. Weighs more than me puppy bounce, NO.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thank you jenni, and sorry I missed the bullie info in the post by bonita. I had a brain tuff there! That has been my thought too, that the bull will be easier in temperment, but we are checking into both at this point. I have actually se t on a boerboel breeder IF, and that is a big IF we decide we want one. The thing there is that I DON'T know if they are the same as a rottie.

    I am looking for some particular traits in a dog, and having them necessarily bite someone who opnes the gate when they shouldn't isn't one of them. If someone breaks in my house, I hope any dog would take a really big bite out of them, before I shoot them. the bullm. seems like it has the right temperment, I just haven't don as much researching on them as the boerboel so I know less about them. The neighbor has an english mastiff, but that is a whole other ball game.

    As for the size, I have a somewhat sparse house, although Kota had a docked tail, and so a tailed dog is going to be a new experience. Bear has a tail, but it is soft and fluffy and she doesn't knock stuff over with it.

    it seems that every breed has traits that you don't like, and you just have to decide which traits you don't like that you can live with, and go with that breed. I think if the bullm's worse trait was it was big and bouncy when it was young, I would get a helmet and go for it. :-)

    Thanks again everyone for all the good info. I am going to really get into looking at the bullmastiff's next. There is a breeder who in a preliminary conversation sounded good right here in my area, but she is hurt and not breeding right now. Although, if it wasn't too long of a wait, I would wait. J

    • Gold Top Dog

     A Boerbell, IME, is NOT the same as a Rottie. Much harder in temperament, and more aloof.

    • Gold Top Dog


    If someone breaks in my house, I hope any dog would take a really big bite out of them, before I shoot them.


    *mental note: never break into spiritsmom's house*

    Stick out tongue 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am leaning more towards the bullmastiff too, but am leaving it open until i learn more. I am in no rush.

    Very cute janobonano. :-)