Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow Bridge

The Rainbow Bridge is the theme of a work of poetic prose written some time between 1980 and 1992, whose original creator is unknown. The theme is of an other-worldly place to which a pet goes upon its death, eventually to be reunited with its owner.
Mon, Sep 26 2016 4:54 PM
test adding new tread
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Mon, Sep 26 2016 4:54 PM
I was unable to add a new thread last week therefore the test, Mods you can delete if needed.
Tue, Sep 20 2016 3:19 PM
NOTE to Newcomers : Welcome to the Rainbow Bridge Welcoming Committee! I started this a while back, as my way of helping forum members to heal their broken hearts after a loss. All the pets (with the exception of a running horse ) are beloved pets that had a close relationship with a member on this forum. Every pet you see in these pictures represents a small hole in someone's heart.. and the hope that we may once again see our furry friends in another life. If you have experienced a loss and... more
105.9K views 191 replies 3 likes


Thu, May 26 2016 2:10 PM
I am so sorry (((hugs))). Sierra, your family misses you so much. I imagine you are at the Bridge and you can run free without pain, sweet one.
Sun, May 29 2016 4:21 PM
I am so very sorry , run free Sierra . Your family will have some precious memories of you in their heart forever. ((Hugs))
Tue, Sep 20 2016 3:19 PM
Here I am again, we are mourning the loss of our beautiful Hot Shot. Run free sweet boy, you are always in our hearts.
Wed, Jun 17 2015 11:53 AM
Dogs add so much to our lives, I can honestly say that my life is full of wonderful people and they are people I met because of my dogs. They fill our lives with joy and love us no matter what. It's so sad when they have to go. I alway found comfort in knowing that they had a great life and they always made me smile. Please honor your dogs of the past today. I would love our members to post pics and stories of dogs that are gone but by no means forgotten.
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Wed, Jun 17 2015 11:53 AM
Hey everyone, don't forget to share your stories about your dogs of the past. They all deserve to be honored. This is my story of Bailey. She was just amazing, these are pics of her doing what she loved the most making children smile. Bailey was a therapy dog and loved to work with the elderly... more
Tue, Apr 21 2015 11:37 AM
We saw the cutest little puppy on PetFinder a few days after helping Shadow cross the bridge on a cold and snowy January day. His name was guy, found in a snowstorm all alone on a lady's porch. He was found the same night Shadow crossed over the bridge. I just knew Shadow had sent him for some reason to help us. Although we thought he might have been a Newf mix, he was definatly more lab :) We named this sweet boy Rocky and he has given us 7 years of love and devotion, Today we helped our sweet... more
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Tue, Apr 7 2015 9:52 PM
Thanks all, today was difficult thought I was ready for talking about him to my coworkers but "not". I appreciate all your support. I have this guilt about expressing my grief at work. I have a few coworkers that have experienced the loss of fathers and friends this month. All know how I feel... more
Mon, Apr 20 2015 12:43 PM
I picked up Rocky's remains on Friday. They did such a nice job. Beautiful box had a brass plate with his name and birth year. It made me sad and miss him but it gave me a sense of comfort and I felt so much better this weekend having him home. I miss my little garden buddy but as we sat on the patio... more
Tue, Apr 21 2015 11:37 AM
Ginger, I'm glad Rocky is back home with you again. I remember having the same mix of emotions when we got Tonka's remains. Although they're a sad reminder that he's no longer with us, they're in a beautiful box that our talented woodworking friend made for us, and they have a prominent... more
Tue, Feb 24 2015 7:21 PM
I can't believe I'm writing this, and I'm going to keep it short. We lost Rupert yesterday. It was very unexpected. We're not sure exactly what caused it, but the vet thinks that some birdseed that he had eaten from on the ground under the feeders was rancid or had something toxic/poisonous on it. Or possibly something in bird droppings. I don't know. It doesn't matter now anyway. Words cannot describe how horribly painful this has been for me. He was the most amazing... more
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Thu, Jan 22 2015 2:33 PM
Sorry for your loss.
Sat, Jan 31 2015 11:34 PM
I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye for now.
Tue, Feb 24 2015 7:21 PM
Jan..I don't come here anymore...its hard for me to get in here..but I am coming to tell you how sorry I am about Rupert. I hope you can find peace in knowing he didn't have to suffer for a long time like so many of our fur babies do. Love and hugs...Dyan
Mon, Nov 3 2014 3:25 AM
sometimes these types of decisions are hard to make, but they are made wisely.....GINGERD most likely had the best three months with you.
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Mon, Nov 3 2014 3:25 AM
It HAS been an eventful time to say the least. I'm so sorry for all of your losses, I love you all, and you have my blessings.
Sat, Jul 26 2014 12:32 PM
With a heavy heart and very much saddness I had to put down one of the most loyal dogs I've ever known. Hurley was my rock and a huge part of my heart is missing. He was just an amazing dog, I have comfort in knowing that so many loved him and that he had a great life, he would go to work with me, he was on so many fun dog walks and was spoiled beyond belief. Hurley helped me with so many of my foster dogs and dogs with fear issues. Hurley will be missed. He is at the Bridge with Bailey and many... more
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Thu, Jul 24 2014 3:10 PM
Thanks everyone for all your kind words and prayers. This helps me so much.
Thu, Jul 24 2014 4:04 PM
It is amazing how long a memory can stay in your heart. Its' been years, but I can still feel Rags head on my knee once in a while. As long as you remember, they are still with you.
Sat, Jul 26 2014 12:32 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. We had to put our beloved Bichon down a little over a year ago after being with us for about 13 years. I will miss Hurley walking through the office.
Tue, Jul 8 2014 8:24 AM
Gunner, Gunther, Guns, Lugnut, Spawn of Satan, at the age of 9 months. We were going for a run, stopped in the side yard and he broke from me to visit the neighbor. He ran into a car at full speed, went under a tire. I carried him in a blanket in the neighbors truck to the vet. Too much damage. Probably be gone for a while. This hurts way too much for words. Doug
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Mon, Jul 7 2014 10:13 AM
Doug -- oh gosh I am so very sorry.
Mon, Jul 7 2014 11:54 AM
Doug I just don't have the words, the tears came to my eyes such a shock to see this. You are in my thoughts.
Tue, Jul 8 2014 8:24 AM
Doug, I haven't been on in a bit and just read your post. My heart broke. I am so, so sorry. I so enjoyed reading your posts as you reported on his antics and progress. Many, many hugs for you and Mrs. Doug. ((((hugs))))
Mon, Jun 16 2014 12:12 PM
I made the very difficult decision to euthanize GingerD today. I haven't posted much about anything other than her health problems. She was a good girl until either food was involved or she had pain - then she would bite. It started from the first day she came home, but I did not recognize the behavior for what it was. It was progressively becoming worse and I was not sure the snapping and attempts to bite would resolve if other problems were addressed. At age 14, there was no guarantee that... more
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Fri, Jun 6 2014 9:23 AM
Bummer, Tina. Sorry to hear this :(
Mon, Jun 16 2014 10:02 AM
I have been unable to get here for a few weeks, Tina I am just seeing the news about Ginger D. I am so sorry. You did show her love in her senior years which is so important. Run Free GingerD.
Mon, Jun 16 2014 12:12 PM
I saw you had mentioned this the other day, but didn't see the thread till now. ((((hugs))))) Run free GingerD, you had lots of love for those 3 months, and I'm sure you are now feeling great at the bridge w/ no pain.
Thu, Mar 20 2014 5:53 PM
I am sure most of you have heard me talk about Sephie, the community guard Donkey that lives in my pasture. It is with great sadness that we wont have Sephie to keep watch anymore. I just received a call from his human that he suffered some kind of seizure and he is gone. I just knew Sephie would outlive us all as he was only a youngster. His human rescued him off the mountain when he was born and his Mom's humans were not home. They were grateful and gave him Sephie. He was a bottle fed baby... more
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Thu, Mar 20 2014 1:15 PM
Aw run free sweet Sephe
Thu, Mar 20 2014 2:22 PM
So sorry to hear. Rest in peace. <3
Thu, Mar 20 2014 5:53 PM
I'm so sorry for those who loved him; run free sweet boy.
Thu, Mar 13 2014 9:40 PM
We had to help her over the Bridge yesterday morning. It was too painful to post yesterday and it's very hard still. Many of you had been praying for her. She had been making a little progress since she came home from the hospital Tuesday but still not eating much. Then Thursday her appetite was better and she ate about a cup of food, a fourth cup at a time. Friday morning she acted like she wanted DH to take her for a walk , so we were very encouraged. Later that morning we went back to Purdue... more
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Sun, Mar 9 2014 12:41 AM
Janice I'm just seeing this. Oh my heart hurts for you. It was 3 years ago tonight I lost Billy -- the common bond (me helping people b/c of what Billy went thru and you helping people b/c of what Jessie went thru) -- my heart just plain stopped when I read this, There just aren't words. *hugs...
Thu, Mar 13 2014 3:16 AM
I have not been here for a while and like to hae never found my way around tonight. so I did not know you baby girl was at the Bridge. I am so very, very sorry. I know you have a huge hole in your heart right now. Send "thought ear scratches" to your sweet girl, and hugs to you.
Thu, Mar 13 2014 9:40 PM
OMG Janice. My heart fell to my gut when I read the post. :( LOTS of hugs to you. I takes such a long time to get over a loss like this and for some it holds for a lifetime. I still tear up at times when I think of Tessy and Sadie and how my life has changed since they've been gone. They certainly... more
Mon, Feb 24 2014 10:39 AM
My girl Bailey was a true ambassador for her breed and she is missed by so many, even today after her being gone for almost 4 years I still have trouble looking at pictures of her. Bailey was a therapy dog and truly love people and children so much. She was a huge part of my life and added so much to it. I don't think I would be who I am today without having her in my life. I love her so much and miss her terribly. A small piece of my heart is always with her and I know she watches over me. I... more
8.5K views 3 replies 1 likes


Sun, Feb 23 2014 5:58 PM
You never really stop missing them. She was a beauty, inside and out. Sending you comforting thoughts.
Sun, Feb 23 2014 11:28 PM
Bailey was a beautiful girl . . . I love those photos. The grief may soften over time, but it never goes away entirely. We lost our beloved Bullmastiff 8 years ago (even typing that number seems impossible), and yet I still have pangs of grief that catch me off guard. On a happier note, the photo of... more
Mon, Feb 24 2014 10:39 AM
((Michelle)) It is hard for me to believe that Shadow has been gone 6 years. He was much like your Bailey...so eager to please, loved by all that met him. It is so wonderful that she was able to show that it is not the breed, that this breed is so sweet and loving. We would take him with us everywhere... more
Sun, Feb 16 2014 4:19 PM
I lost my 4 year old baby Perseus within two and a half days. My malitpoo, who was a jumper, got into a container of gum that I didn't know was on the table and ingested all of it. I wasn't aware that the ingredient Xylitol was in it and is highly toxic to dogs. My baby threw up all of the gum by Sunday, but his level of energy dropped and he refused to eat because of the vomiting. By the time we took him to the vet, had xrays done, blood work, and he was injected with fluids, he perked up... more
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Fri, Feb 14 2014 7:09 PM
Please don't blame yourself, which I feel is happening from your post. Perseus was loved and probably enjoyed more quality of life than most dogs would have during even 15 years here on earth. Brittany and Perseus will keep each other excellent company and share funny stories about you and your family... more
Sat, Feb 15 2014 9:13 PM
Thank you to all of you for your kind words. Because of the support I have received from you and my friends and family, I know I'm not alone. Perseus my puppy love will always have a place in my heart, as will Brittany. For now I will take it day by day, while holding onto my baby's favorite... more
Sun, Feb 16 2014 4:19 PM
Just reading this and my heart is just breaking for you. I am so sorry for the loss of your little guy. RIP Perseus puppy.
Thu, Feb 13 2014 9:09 PM
I haven't been on here in years probably, but it was the first place I thought of when I had to share our news. I knew everyone here would understand. We got Cooper when he was 8 weeks old, right after we bought our first home. He was my first baby. I trained him and he enjoyed learning more than most of the dogs in his classes. He was so smart and just a wonderful dog all around. When he was 3 he ruptured his CCL and so we had extensive surgery to repair. When he was 6 he started having seizures... more
9.1K views 9 replies 0 likes


Wed, Jan 1 2014 4:10 PM
OH gosh , I am so sorry. Loss is never easy but near the Holidays always seems so much harder. So glad you thought of us!
Thu, Jan 2 2014 12:23 PM
{{Hugs}} to the whole family. I am so sorry for your loss. The emptiness and the break in normal routine is so difficult. The quiet was the worse for me. I am so glad you came here to share your loss. Run free Cooper
Thu, Feb 13 2014 9:09 PM
I know what you are going through - dealing with the grief now after losing my Perseus. I relive the look on my baby's face right before he took his last breath. RIP Cooper.
Thu, Jan 2 2014 12:28 PM
For those of you that are friends on FB know that last Sunday Nov. 24th that Chilli gave up the fight and went to the rainbow bridge at 12 years old I got Chilli when he was 4 years old and he was a ornery booger . Tigger showed him the ropes and those 2 where inseparable always getting into trouble until Tigger passed away. Chilli hasn't really been the same since Tigger passed away and went through a horrible depression where he didn't want to bath himself and was fuss butt. With much... more
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Sat, Dec 7 2013 9:53 AM
I'm really sorry to hear about Chilly :( I also loved seeing his pics around here.
Sat, Dec 7 2013 7:30 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Chilly, though I can imagine the welcome he received from Tigger at the Bridge. (((hugs)))
Thu, Jan 2 2014 12:28 PM
I am so sorry I missed this. I imagine Chlli and Tigger are both being mischevious "together".
Wed, Oct 30 2013 11:52 AM
I don't know what happened to BabyCat she's been healthy never had any health problems other than a broken tooth, and this morning at 5 I found her dead. Only thing I can guess is maybe she got bit by a spider. I feel bad because she was laying like that since Sunday night. I thought she was sleeping and I remember telling her I hate how you hang off the box like that your gonna fall and she usually looks at me and turns but she didn't I said fine ignore me. BabyCat was only 11 years... more
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Tue, Oct 29 2013 6:28 PM
((( hugs ))) I'm so sorry. It sounds like dies in her sleep and didn't suffer. Run free sweet girl...
Wed, Oct 30 2013 8:19 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss! But truly ... going in your sleep? Peaceful.
Wed, Oct 30 2013 11:52 AM
I'm sorry to hear about Baby Cat. I can imagine that it's awful to lose a beloved pet when you didn't have a chance to prepare, say goodbye, etc. But like Callie said, to die peacefully in her sleep was definitely easier on her, even though it's harder for you. Run free, Baby Cat .... more
Fri, Oct 18 2013 8:59 AM
It is so hard to be believe but it was 10 years ago today, Oct. 16, 2003 that my precious Hunter was lost to AIHA and liver damage caused by his ProHeart6 injection. He was only 4 years, 2 months old. He fought hard for 8 days in ICU, but couldn't beat them both. When the biopsy report came back on his liver, "drug induced necrosis of the liver" He was such a gentle sweet boy. He love the grandkids. I would put Beki on a blanket on the floor and he would bring his toys and put them... more
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Wed, Oct 16 2013 12:24 PM
Sandra, I can only imagine how it feels to lose a dog that way -- when we put our trust in professionally prescribed and produced medications, we expect them to keep our dogs healthy. I know you speak often of Hunter and even though it's been 10 years, I'm sure it feels like yesterday to you... more
Wed, Oct 16 2013 8:00 PM
MY Gosh, It doesn't seem like it was almost 8 years ago y ou lost y our Tonka. I remember that sad event. I guess when we get older time does go by faster. And yes, they are always in the thoughts, even at the back for a few hours or even days. But something always bring the memories out.
Tue, Sep 24 2013 10:20 AM
On Thursday, August 22nd, Shadow joined Thor, Sheba and Tyler at the Rainbow Bridge. Shadow acted like his normal, goofy self. He was eating well, eliminating just fine, and always up for a jaunt. That morning he declined breakfast which is totally not Shadow. When I stopped home around 12:30 I bumped him with the door coming into the house. I apologized, we had a brief conversation and he headed for Ryan's room. Ryan found him, around 3:30, dead in his crate. Apparently he went in there, laid... more
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Sat, Sep 21 2013 7:00 PM
Glenda, I'm so sorry to hear of Shadow's passing. Hugs to all of you. Run free, Shadow. You will have many familiar faces to greet you at the Bridge.
Sat, Sep 21 2013 11:43 PM
Oh Glenda -- I am SO sorry. *hugs*
Tue, Sep 24 2013 10:20 AM
Glenda I dont know how I missed this I am so sorry to hear about your Shadow. Run Free Shadow
Sat, Aug 24 2013 4:36 PM
I met this lady on a Newf mix rescue group. She was very active in rescue. She was noted to be a incredibly good person in general. I dont know much about her passing but I do know she will be over the bridge running thru the meadows with all our furr babies. http://carboncountynews.com/content/susan-dewitt RIP Sue, I know your heart dog Adam and all the other furrbabies were so happy to see you cross the bridge.
4.4K views 1 replies 2 likes


Sat, Aug 24 2013 4:36 PM
She sounds like a wonderful person who is gone too soon. She will surely be missed by those who knew and loved her.
Fri, Aug 9 2013 1:55 PM
We helped Dipstick across yesterday after a week of his owner not sure, she finally realised that this was best. His last day with us was filled with all the pasta he could eat, trip to the beach for rock fishing (which he wasn't allowed to do for many years due to him shattering his front teeth as a puppy). Many pictures were taken that day. After he passed, his owner looked at me and said "This feels right" so I know we did the right thing. He lived to be 20, was loyal to the... more
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Thu, Aug 8 2013 4:40 PM
Oh Dipstick!! Run free and far and rock hunt all you want sweet boy!!
Fri, Aug 9 2013 8:54 AM
Run free, Dipstick! Show all those others waiting what rock hunting is all about.
Fri, Aug 9 2013 1:55 PM
Run Free you sweet old man. It's going to be very hard for the owner to adjust to life without him, especially after having him for 20 years. It sounds like she's been taking it well though.
Thu, Jun 20 2013 6:41 PM
Sweet Pea was a mix that was adopted by a co-worker, a cat person, :) . This little girl wormed her way into their hearts and all the girls at the main office. Sweet Pea was a regular visitor. She had pancreatitus, in this last year and this last month started having seizures. Tuesday morning she woke up very early kissed her humans and fell into forever sleep. They are heart broken, as we all know that feeling, but they are also feeling blessed that she was with them for 3 years. Run Free Sweet... more
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Thu, Jun 20 2013 2:54 PM
tacran I'm sure it's not a comfort to them now, but they may be grateful that she said goodbye on her own like that and seemed to go peacefully. That seems like it would be easier than taking that dreaded final drive to the vet. Ditto. Sending condolences to Sweet Pea's family.
Thu, Jun 20 2013 3:59 PM
Run free, Sweet Pea. Sinbad and the others are at the Bridge to meet you. Hugs for the family and all who loved her.
Thu, Jun 20 2013 6:41 PM
Run free, Sweet Pea.
Mon, Jun 17 2013 9:31 PM
Kate will give more details in the next few days, for now, it is with great sadness that I report that she had Sinbad at the vet today for is acupuncture appointment and because one of his legs had swelled. At first they found nothing ominous but after leaving there and running some errands with him, he declined very swiftly. They went back to the vet for an ultrasound and they found a mass on his spleen that had metastasized to his liver. There were other complications and it was time. So our... more
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Sun, Jun 16 2013 1:46 PM
Awww. Run free, Sinbad. Tell Brown I miss him!
Sun, Jun 16 2013 6:21 PM
((((((Kate)))))) I've been keeping you and your family in my prayers. Run free sweet Sinbad.
Mon, Jun 17 2013 9:31 PM
Kate, I'm so so sorry. It's just heart wrenching to have that happen so suddenly and with no warning, but good in a way that Sinbad didn't have to endure months of pain. Run free, sweet boy. Joyce
Thu, Jun 13 2013 8:22 PM
My hubby's cousin was killed tragically last week due to a senseless domestic situation. I wanted to post this at the Bridge because I know this is where she is. Cousin D was only 49 years old, not married, no children of her own but helped raise and take care of many 4 legged friends in her small town in Oklahoma. For more than 20 years she dedicated her love for animals by serving the Small animal hospital and in recent years split her time between the love of furr babies and the love... more
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Thu, Jun 6 2013 11:20 AM
Just seeing this........how very sad! Loads of hugs Gin and cakana it gives me comfort to know that she is now looking over all of fur kids. Rest easy cousin D.
Thu, Jun 6 2013 3:47 PM
Thanks all for your kind words. Cousin D was my hubby's cousin but I have know her for 27 years. She was a person that had such a large presence to anyone around her. She was fondly referred to as the "Hot Line" in her small town and was also said to be the prelude to social networking... more
Thu, Jun 13 2013 8:22 PM
(((Ginger))) sorry for the loss of your cousin!
Thu, May 30 2013 9:20 PM
I'm so, so sad to say this, but this morning, we had to bring Brown to the vet to have him euthanized. Yesterday, any time we tried helping him up, he lost control of his bladder. It happened so fast. I watched him throughout the night, and he never let us get him out of his bed. He started to pant heavily. I prayed that he would go in his sleep, but when I checked on him early this morning, he popped his head up immediately. He still wouldn't move, but he never lost his appetite and never... more
15.4K views 18 replies 0 likes


Thu, May 23 2013 6:11 PM
HUGS Run free, Brown!
Thu, May 30 2013 9:23 AM
Just seeing this!! I am so sorry!
Thu, May 30 2013 9:20 PM
I'm just seeing this too, and I'm so sorry. We all understand what you've been going through, but I'm glad that Junior showed up to help lift your spirits. I think Sandie is right ... he's a final gift from Brown. Joyce
Mon, Mar 18 2013 6:33 PM
Thursday night I had to put Daisy down. I don't know what happened she was fine all day and around 8 pm had her outside brought her in and she went in the living room and just laid there I went over to her and she was breathing heavy and looked bloated. I picked her up and sat in the recliner for a second in hopes she would start feeling better. I took her into the kitchen to see if she would drink water but she couldn't get up so I called the vets office and no one picked up so I called... more
15.9K views 16 replies 0 likes


Mon, Mar 18 2013 11:39 AM
I am so sorry for your loss (((hugs))) Daisy run free and fast at the Bridge! I bet you are enjoying yourself already
Mon, Mar 18 2013 12:34 PM
Run free, Daisy. Deb W.
Mon, Mar 18 2013 6:33 PM
(((hugs))) I'm so very sorry for your loss. Run free sweet girl.
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