Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
staffordshire bull terrier
Are staffordshire bull terriers considered pit bulls? [IMG][/IMG] I'm going to be getting another dog during the summer, most likely a Chihuahua, but with some convincing I could probably convice my parents into...
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Any guesses on Cruiser's breeds?
So, we've had Cruiser since Saturday, six days now! The rescue had him listed as Corgi/Border Collie. Hmmm, not quite sure about that. I think his sturdy body has a Corgi shape, but his coloring his throwing me off. We've been playing "guess the breed" here since he came home, just...
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My New Dog - First Post - What breed?
Hey guys, new here, hope to be a long time member :) I just got my first, dog his pictures are in my profile. Does anyone have any idea what breed he is?
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My Lily Pad
Meet Lily She's our 3 and a half month old puppy. We were told she is a boxer/lab/and some kind of terrier mix. I know for certain she has boxer in her, I met her HUGE, beautiful mama. I've been told that it may be APBT, but I'm not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ETA: more pictures...
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My Turn!! Breed Guess!
On Maze! All the people that know her like to make guesses on what she is.. The newest guess is she has Dobie in her.. (I don't see it. Lol) So I figured I'd ask the all knowing people! What is she!! All I know for sure is her sire is a pure black lab.. Side view: Laying Down View: Face on View...
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I couldn't help but post this..
I've been browsing because I'm trying to sell my wedding dress, and occasionally I browse the pet section. Well here is what I found... " Shiranians - true life teddybears of the dog world back again by elite demand! We have a tiny Chocolate Sable male and a Shade of White female...
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The name game
So we are looking at a dog to adopt. He is aprox 1 1/2 years old. He is mixed with golden retriever and possibly alaskin malamute. His name now is Willow, personally I think it's kinda feminin. We would like all the names to go togeather. Since we already have Sugar and Spice (Our cats) we were thinking...
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Comparisons of working, conformation, & pets in your breed
I got this idea from samshine's post about comparing the breeds from past and present. I thought this would be a pretty cool topic, as well, because it seems that many breeds are divided into working, conformation, and pet quality, and all three are generally different dogs in look and temperment...
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from Showing to Working?
ok spawned from the comparing working dogs to pets to show dogs thread.... i always found it sad how many dogs in the working group are just a shadow of their original stock... and few people, it seems, work AND show their dogs.. and dont even consider their breed's working ability. now... its easy...
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The german spitz
I want to talk about my favourite breed, the german spitz. I had ever read a lot of thing about it and when I did want to have a small breed, I decided to take one. And then is Attila came in my family. He's a dwarf spitz. And he's really a wonderfull dog. This breed exist in five size. (what...
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New dog.... breed guessing game anyone?
Let's see if I can get these pics to download and then I'll let you guys test your guessing ability and see if you can figure out what she is... you'll probably never guess! I really hope this works! She is a year and a half old. About 40 pounds. Very smart. Great with kids. And is...
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Pomeranian 101
HISTORY: Did you know this toy pup was once a thirty pound dog? Still we get what we call 'throwbacks'; when a Pomeranian comes out bigger than the accepted size today. Some go from eight to twenty-five pounds. It's because of their history as a larger dog. The Pomeranian is a descendent...
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Pitbulls are wonderfull dogs despite there rep and i exspect Rottweilers to be to are they?
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okay so im getting a
Chihuahua this summer or fall. My dad said thats the only breed of dog he'll allow me to get since it'll be small...I dont mind though, I LOVE chihuahuas! :] I have met quite a few mean, yappy ones and I really dont want mine to turn out like that. Are there any tips on training and socializing...
is this a real color?
Do chihuahuas really come in red and blue merle or is it some stupid thing puppy mills and BYB are doing to make more money? http://www.chihuahuamama.itgo...
Guess the breed
Here is a picture of my sister's dog Miley could you guess the breed?She's almost 2 years old
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plz plz tell me which breed is this
hi guys i live in pakistan i have three male dogs but i don't know there breed name plzzzz guys tell me which breed is this hey guys first tell me how to pic add
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Interested to see what you guys think...
So, not sure if this is the right place for this post, but it could be breed-related, so here goes. Ever since we got Harry, I've been very curious about his tail (which I think is cute, BTW). He's a shelter rescue, so we don't know his history; he was 3 months old when we got him, and he...
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Rescue dog breed identification help.
We are rescuing a puppy from a shelter in an area of our state (Missouri) that is known to have a bazillion back-yard-breeders. They get lots of breeder dump puppies. So sad. Anyway, we're adopting a puppy who was listed on petfinder as a Giant Schnauzer/Standard Poodle mix. I have serious animal...
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Your breed, then and now
I thought it would be fun to have a thread with pictures comparing dogs of long ago and dogs from today. You can chose pictures to emphasize how much the breed has changed, or how little. So of course I get to start. Samoyeds then and now. And how about a side game? We can try to guess what era the...
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