My New Dog - First Post - What breed?

    • Bronze

    My New Dog - First Post - What breed?

    Hey guys, new here, hope to be a long time member :)

     I just got my first, dog his pictures are in my profile.  Does anyone have any idea what breed he is?

    • Gold Top Dog

     he's cute :D looks like a bit of lab/pit/shepherd. but at this stage its hard to tell. have to wait till he's grown to know for sure.. and even then its still guessing lol

    • Gold Top Dog

    moving this over the Breeds Wink

    Welcome to the forum..I'll guess in a sec...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hmmm....perspective in the pics seems off. In one the muzzle is reaaaally long and in the other it's very short....Pit/GSD will be my guess for now pending more pics!

    • Bronze

    He's a stray I have been keeping since last week while looking for the owner, and I just can't let him go.  I've never had a dog so I'm really excited.  By the way, on the pictures, choose other pictures sizes and choose LARGE so they dont come off all distorted

    • Puppy
     Welcome  - At first glance I thought Shepard but something about his squared muzzle &  long lanky look reminds me of a Great Dane mix
    • Gold Top Dog

    I think you got yourself a itty bitty black bear!  He/she's a cutie!  It looks like a chihuahua w/ lots and lots of fur. Wink


    • Gold Top Dog

    ooops!  I guess I looked at the wrong pic.  LOL  I better go back.  Otherwise, everybody else is being a wise *** too.  Embarrassed

    • Gold Top Dog

    Don't even read my post from before, I wasn't even in the right profile!   Duuuhhhh!!!  Yeah, the pictures are hard to tell.  Kind of reminds me of a German Shepherd, with the markings around his muzzle area.  But in one pic his nose is longer and in the other it's shorter.  I know, it's hard to get a decent picture sometimes, especially when their pups.  I don't know how many of Misty's pics, she's half out of the picture or it's blurred because she moved.  See if you can get another one.  It would be easier to tell.  He's a cutie though! 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Lab/pit?  Don't see any shepherd, nothing's the right shape.  Lotsa other dogs have black on their face.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He is obviously a rare and marvelous Sasha dog. Party!!!

     I posted pics of her, and someone (brookcove?) suggested boxer and shepherd. Some thing about the white on the nose suggested boxer. 

     I had always thought lab/pit, but as we've thought about it boxer/shepherd/random flavor is believable too.

    Congratulations!  Sasha dogs make great family pets.


    • Puppy

    he looks like a german shepard to me. I am still trying to figure out what mine is...any ideas his pic in on my profile...

    • Bronze

    The Answer:


    Black Mouth Cur :)

    • Gold Top Dog
    Hmm does kinda look like a BMC, that or a Pitt/Boxer.
    • Bronze


    He looks like if someone had dipped my Lilys' face in black paint! Big Smile