The name game

    • Gold Top Dog

    I want to thank everyone for suggesting such great names!  After meeting Willow I think we have decided on his new name. We are going to go with

    "Whiskey" Some how the name and his color just seem to fit togeather. We hope to have him by friday!


    • Gold Top Dog

    I like Merlin, becuase he looks like he's got a sort of beard. 

    I'm also thinking "Mace" (because of Pepper, for some reason! Maybe it sounds too much like Max though...OK I am stupid it is official)

    What about...









    Edit - Dang, too late!!! Smile 


    • Gold Top Dog

    I love playing the Name Game!!  Since your boy is part Godlen Retriever (origin Scotland); and Malamute (origin Alaskan), here are some M possibilities:

    Scottish name and their meaning:

    Malcolm - Royal Blood

    Murdock - Victorious at Sea

    Alaskan name and their meaning:

    Madhav - Sweet like honey

    Madan - Cupid, God of Love

    Mandar - Flower

    Mitali - Friend.

    My favorites out of this list is Malcolm and Madhav (Maddie for short)  Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    UGH! I'm so frusturated and upset!

    I just got an e-mail from the rescue that has Willow and they said we can't have him because Max is not neautered. They said that they feel we could give him a good home. I have already been over the fact that he was stolen, and when we bought him back it was in the contract that we don't get him fixed. Max and Willow get along great! They have already met.

    It's not my choice that he stays unaltered. Realy tho I wouldn't want to chance changing his temperment at all. But I do NOT plan on breeding him. It just makes me so frusturated to thik about!            

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh no!  How disappointing for you! Sad  

    I wish rescues wouldn't have blanket rules and would consider each home on its own merits.