The name game

    • Gold Top Dog

    The name game

    So we are looking at a dog to adopt. He is aprox 1 1/2 years old. He is mixed with golden retriever and possibly alaskin malamute.
    His name now is Willow, personally I think it's kinda feminin. We would like all the names to go togeather. Since we already have Sugar and Spice (Our cats) we were thinking of Sage.

     Dose anyone have any other suggestions that are kinds of spices or consumables starting with S?

    Basil is out, we recently had a foster kitty with that name.

    So if we go with consumables we are thinking of Whisky or,

    if they are all spices starting with S we like the name Sage. What do you think?

    Here is a picture of him:

    (Granted we haven't met him yet - we are just throwing around ideas)


    • Gold Top Dog

    I would have to take the word "Nice" and try it out in as many languages as possible  after all your home will be Sugar and Spice and everything Nice!!

    Very pretty boy !


    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree that Willow is kind of femimine.  Sage is, too, to me (I have a niece named Sage).  Going with the consumable names, I like Whiskey.  Or how about Barley or Hops?  Spice wise, how about Oregano, and call him Reggie?  Or Dill or Thyme?  Gosh, he looks like such a sweetie!

    • Gold Top Dog

    What about Cilantro? :P Or Savory? Or Sauce? :P (Which pulls in whiskey, too. As in 'Hittin' the sauce' *snicker*)

     Sage si a kinda feminine name but not overly so. Will see what other s-spicess I can think of when I'm not out the door to work.

    • Gold Top Dog

    i like the name sage because it has more than one meaning Big Smile


     1: having wisdom that comes with age and experience
    2: of the gray-green color of sage leaves [syn: sage-green]
    n 1: a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics who is
    renowned for profound wisdom
    2: aromatic fresh or dried gray-green leaves used widely as
    seasoning for meats and fowl and game etc
    3: any of various plants of the genus Salvia; cosmopolitan
    [syn: salvia]

     if you are thinking of Whiskey then what about Scotch or maybe Guinness since he is black and tan?


    he reminds me a little of the dog my grandmother had. his name was Sue (as in A Boy named Sue from the Johnny Cash song) only difference was Sue wasnt as fluffy and had a more burly appearance because he was part rotti.


    • Gold Top Dog


    ...he reminds me a little of the dog my grandmother had. his name was Sue (as in A Boy named Sue from the Johnny Cash song)...


    Great name, and reason!  Wink

    • Gold Top Dog

    Salt? Salty? Salty Dog? LOL He's cute. He looks like a "Logan" to me.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    I like Sage!  His colouring makes him look very distinguished and so "Sage" (also being wise) kind of fits.

    His colouring also makes me thing of Pepper.

    BRB - just going to look in our spice cupboard!


    back!  More suggestions: GINGER and CLOVE.  Smile

    • Gold Top Dog


    Salt? Salty? Salty Dog? LOL He's cute. He looks like a "Logan" to me.  

    Oh- Salty Dog is great! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    what about Barley?  or Hops? Malt? lol ok i'm grasping at stuff

    • Gold Top Dog


    what about Barley?  or Hops? Malt? lol ok i'm grasping at stuff


    Not really- I suggested Barley and Hops, too.  Big Smile  What else would you expect from someon who had dogs named Heineken and Michelob?  LOL


    Oh- another name just came to me- Moonshine.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Big Smile my dad and mom used to have a horse named Moonshine lol and another named Sunshine hehe


    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for all the suggestions!
    I really like Clove, Baily, Barly, and Svory

    We might also go with

    Pepper, Sage, Whisky or Starbuck.

    Please keep suggesting! i love to hear them and i will let you know what we choose.


    • Gold Top Dog

    We got to meet Willow today! He is as beautiful in person as he is in the picures! And, he gets along GREAT with Max! I am soooooo excited!

    Another throught came to mind. Sugar and Spice (our cats) are both girls. What if we kepts our male dogs with 'M' names. Since Max came with his and we kept it.

    Dose anyone have any 'M' name suggestions?

    • Gold Top Dog




    Merle - which means black bird i think..


    ok thats all i got lol