My Turn!! Breed Guess!

    • Gold Top Dog

    My Turn!! Breed Guess!

    On Maze! All the people that know her like to make guesses on what she is.. The newest guess is she has Dobie in her.. (I don't see it. Lol)

    So I figured I'd ask the all knowing people! What is she!! All I know for sure is her sire is a pure black lab..

    Side view: 


    Laying Down View:


    Face on View:


    Her Mom (Only picture I have):


    Her Uncle:



     Sadly I don't have any pictures of her standing up from the side yet.. She keeps moving to fast..Lol.

    I'll try and get some better side shots tomorrow and load them up. Smile 

    So guess away!! And have fun! Lol... 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh, my, she looks almost identical to the Britt/Lab mix across the street.  But, looking at her mother and uncle, I would say she isn't a Britt mix.  Something about her uncle reminds me of a Beagle in the first pic, and, believe it or not, Siberian Husky in the second one.

    • Gold Top Dog

     i see the doberman possibility. i had several dobie mixes in my life with at least one purebred parent.. - i grew up in places where people thought they had a right to breed their dog simply because the loved their dog and didnt care what they bred to, so i got to bring home one of the extra puppies a lot of times .. dobies are one of my top two faves so of course i didnt refuse one, even if it was a mix! -


    i dont have any pictures of them online yet but owned two different dogs that looked like they could be related to yours. none of them were solid black though. both had pure bred dads but their moms were mixed. the first one, Darby, had a mom that looked like a shepherd/beagle mix with a Doberman Dad. Darby grew up with sable shepherd markings but had a long, tall, and lean body with a beautifully elegant head the sweetest expression. could have melted butter in his mouth lol his brother from the same litter had silver and black dobie markings.

    the next dog, Frank, had an aussie/pit for a mother and a pure doberman father. all of the pups from that litter(owned by my boss and landlord) were a variety of colours and shapes and sizes... none of them were tall and lean like Darby though. in fact they all took after their short mother...Frank was black and tan as a pup but grew into a saddled, Harrier, look.... his siblings were much the same... except some were marked like dobermans but with brindle in the tan areas... one of them was even solid white.. and some were born without tails, or had half tails... none of them looked related and if their parents hadnt been caught in the act you'd almost wonder if he was really their dad!!  

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not going to be any help, but I just wanted to say she looks a whole lot like my Harry, especially in the first pic.  Harry's ears are a little different, but other than that, they look a lot alike.  But, seeing as how I don't know Harry's mix, I guess I'm not much of a help here.  Confused

    • Gold Top Dog

    I kind of think Dobe, too.  Her mom seems like she could easily be a Dobe/lab mix, and the way the markings are on the "uncle," too, I'd say a Dobe/lab possibility.  I've seen some Dobe mixes with his markings (with the other parent being a solid color).  But who knows!  She's just such a cutie!  :D

    • Gold Top Dog

    I saw the resemblance between her and Harry when I first saw his picture. He sure is cute! Smile

    For my own curiosity,  how can you tell if she may have Dobe in her?

    According to Wolf's "owner" (Maze's uncle), the mother to Wolf's litter was a white shepard..  Now whether I believe that or not (which I don't), it could explain Wolf's shepard markings..

    Sib husky? really! Neat!! Could be true.. He does escape pretty easily. Lol!

    Thanks for the replies! It's really interesting!! 

    • Gold Top Dog


    I saw the resemblance between her and Harry when I first saw his picture. He sure is cute! Smile

    Really?  Cool!  Thanks, yes, I think he is adorable, too, but I am biased.  Hee hee.  Maze is a cutie, too.  I giggle every time I see the picture in your avatar of her under the blanket.  It's just too cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

    She does that when she's not feeling well or it's REALLY cold in the room... 9 times outta 10 I wake up either on the floor or hugging the wall because she's stolen my blankets.. Lol.. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not sure I see any doberman in there....mama looks like a Heinz 57 variety to me with some shepherd thrown in...Uncle looks to have some lab and some shepherd. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    The whole family is a Heinz 57. Lol. The guy who owns her mom says there might be some rotti in there some where as well..  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Her mom is a "multi-generation mix" with out a doubt and it can be very hard to guess breeds on such dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know. I was just curious of the other guesses people had..

    I've been given: GreyHound, Dobie, Border Collie, Shepard, Hounds of any sort, Whippet. ect....

    This was just for fun Smile