Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Anyone have a Bassett Hound
If you do would you mind sharing your experience. I have always wanted a Bassett. Thanks
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HI All.. I just joined and was wondering if anyone has any information about the breed Havanese? I would appreciate any info... good or bad. thanks Bob
Why are designer breeds so expensive?
Hi guys, Just want to ask why are the "so-called" designer breeds so expensive? I came across the net ranging to 1,000-5,000 dollars! how come they charge outrageous prices? puggles, labradoodles, shihpoo, etc.. the list goes on.I even saw a "pom-poo"(pomeranian x poodle) for sale...
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Breed advice please
I'm looking in to getting an Aussie but I'm not to sure yet. Granted it won't be for a while but you can never have to much research! Lol. I'm looking for a dog who's Velcro to a point and loves to work and easy to train (ei: picks up tricks and commands pretty quick). I want an active...
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Do you see Great Dane in this dog?
My latest foster that I picked up last night. I need to change the boat scene in my sig. My rescue org wants to list this guy named Sampson as a Lab Great Dane mix. To me, he is pure black lab. He weighs 82 pounds but is very boney to the touch so I guess his normal weight will be 100 pounds. He stands...
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German shepherds moving away from breed standard?
Out of curiosity/still thinking about Roscoe's breeds (I do more thinking about that than I should, lol) I measured him to the shoulder and he stands 25 inches. I wasn't surprised to read Belgian Malinois standard is 24-26 inches, but I was surpised to read German Shepherd standard is the same...
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Breed suggestions (herding/working)
Now that I am back home, I am starting to look seriously into adding a new puppy to my household. My only dog now is a near two-year-old male rough coated border collie (cowdog lines). He has grown up around other dogs and gets along great. Over the last 15 weeks while I have been in Army training, he...
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Tzu or Havanese, what is this?
Is this a Tzu or a Havanese? [img][/img]
A Picture Timeline - dumdog
(the link to the pic so you can see the whole thing - incase it chops it off like my screen did) fun fact - the wrinkles are NOT to channel blood away from the eyes of the bulldog while its working.... a real dog just blinks.....
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Common Breeds Seen in Service Dogs
Just a topic that came up in conversation the other day... What breeds have you seen used as service dogs in the past? Most of what I've heard/seen are golden retrievers or GSDs. I'm sure there are individuals in any breed that would be suitable as a service dog with the right training, but of...
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Pain Relief Dogs
Interesting information I got in my FM Aware newsletter. Just wondering if anyone is familiar with this breed or this program? My Mom, myself and my daughter have been diagnosed w/Fibromyalgia. I used heat alot, although I find that my pain threshold is much more tolerant than my Mom's Grants...
Mini bulldogs?
My cousin is obsessed with wanting a mini bulldog. Not right now, but in the future when she's living with/married to her boyfriend. My first search of them yielded a site saying they were pug/bulldog crosses, so I told her about designer dogs, why they're bad, etc. Then I found out that really...
Pyrenean Shepherd
I've been researching them and love the way they sound. So much variety and they sound like such spunky and athletic guys! Does anyone have any personal experience with them or any info? They're not too common so harder to research. I've only fund the websites of a few breeders stateside...
Aussies vs. Border Collies
If anyone read my last post in General Chat, I wrote there that I was considering getting a GSP puppy to show. I've changed my mind, however, partly due to the size of the dog, and have decided to either get an Australian Shepherd or Border Collie. I am wondering if anyone can help me decide which...
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If you don't know what your dog is, maybe someone can help you...
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Guess Frankies breeds
This is Frankie, we found him wandering around our street and fell inlove. We suspect someone dumped him here, thinking 'Oh its a farm, these people cant have enough dogs!' Grr Anyways. Hes really friendly, never has met a person he didnt like. He licked the vet on the nose when we took him...
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are you kidding me?!
I was looking around online at chihuahuas for sale, and came across someone who had a little blue merel long hair female that they sold for $5000! It is sooooo darn cute!! But are you kidding me?! Why would someone pay that much for a "rare" colored chi....? Here's what they say about...
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German Shorthair People
I didn't want to hijack the other thread about GSPs, but I was wondering how you all manage your dogs. Since I seem to be the only one who has TONS of trouble with this breed, how do you do it? What type of exercise do you use? My monster lives w/ my fiance, and he is in school/works and really doesn't...
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Leonbergers, this was a nice/fun article
Done after the Leo Specialty rolled thru Colorado a couple days What a fun read...and actually very well balanced for a change! ARTICLE
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chinese crested...
I think they are cool looking dogs and would love to own one after doing all my research but wanted to hear from the owners or anyone who has any expierence with this breed. What are the pros and cons of the breed? Are they the cuddley type lap dog or are they hyper dogs that need to be walked all the...
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