What Breed is Bella?? **lots o pics**

    • Gold Top Dog

    What Breed is Bella?? **lots o pics**

    I've always wondered what breed bella is.  Anyone have any idea's?? 

    She was a rescue Big Smile 

    as a puppy......... 










    this is pretty current - playing with ice cube trays - her tail looks docked in this pic, but it's not


     this is her playing with the other two - to kinda give you an idea of how big she is. not a very good pic though


    • Gold Top Dog

    I may be prejudiced, but I think there may be a little bit of beagle in Bella.

    Deb W.

    • Gold Top Dog

    looks like a plott hound mix that we had a while back

    she's a cutie =] what's her personality like?

    • Gold Top Dog

     does brindle-ing occur in beagles??

    her attitude is pretty mellow, one of those dogs that just wants to get loved on & crawl in your lap.   

    • Gold Top Dog


    looks like a plott hound mix that we had a while back

    she's a cutie =] what's her personality like?



    wow!! ya you might be totally right!! here's a pic i googled of a plott houd


    • Gold Top Dog

    haha!! then i found this on them -

    Plotts have been described as "the ninja warriors of dogdom."[1]


    hehe, bella has VERY LOW self confidence - although when trying to 'protect' the property she comes out of her shell a little bit.  but she's very lovey & is right at home just lounging around in bed all day with you.  teaching her new stuff or getting her to do things can be frustrating becuase her low self esteem, she's getting better slowly though. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    brindle is a hound color, not nes. beagle, but most other houndy dogs

    • Gold Top Dog

    She might be part Plott hound, but not pure.  The ones I've seen were more like redbones or even black and tans in size and body type.

    And there's something not at all houndy about the face and head.  Can't place it though.

    She's cute and looks like fun!


    • Gold Top Dog

    My guess is that she is a mix of mixes.  I see where she resembles the hounds, and something about her resembles some of the lighter built bullmastiffs, too.  But, of course, sometimes we are fooled!  You could have her DNA tested if you really wanted to know.  

    • Gold Top Dog

     she is such a sweet puppy, I instantly liked her from the first time i saw her. She is probably just one big ole mix.  It was really cool to see the plott hound though!! an how much she resembles them.  First time I saw her I was thinking 'pit/shepard mix' but then she didn't get as big as I thought she would. I love her & I have a hard time thinking that she almost literally was a 'throw away' dog. My friend's neighbor found her hiding underneath a car covered in grease - skinny & dehydrated.